The bloody scenes of human beings with their hands and feet severed were exposed without hesitation by the light curtain, showing the world the cruel methods of the intelligence agency CP0.

Gladius's limbs were brutally severed by Lucci's hand knife. This Donquixote family leader exuded the same steam as the giant. He was slowly repairing the wound, but he still became a human stick that kept bleeding.

"If you let that lightning pop out again, I will cut your head into several pieces. Do you dare to bet?"

Those cold words made Gladius shudder. Regarding the physical master in front of him, he was not 100% sure that he would not be killed by Lucci before he created the giant body.

Ada fell from a high altitude to Lu Qi's side. The woman carefully observed the changes in Gladius's body. The steam emitted from the inside out could not only heal wounds, but also regenerate broken limbs.

"You can use the ability to become a giant when you self-mutilate, and you can even recover from severe injuries like this. Doflamingo is really hidden."

After saying that, she looked at another battlefield. Kaku, who was in the executioner state, had pulled Mahabais out of the human cab. He was even worse than his other companions and was enjoying the treatment of being eaten alive. , half of the body has entered the mouthparts of the parasite.

His head was not injured, but he endured both mental and physical torture. He was being eaten bit by bit by a black insect. Mahabaisi's heart was completely broken. Tears and snot kept pouring out. He wanted to plead for CP0 while wailing. Give him a good time.

It turns out that the prey can heal its wounds. The executioner Kaku began to enjoy this delicious human flesh meal one bite after another. When Mahabais grew a new limb, he tore it off and ate it alive. The unlucky Donquixote family cadre , is constantly providing fresh meat to CP0.

"Okay Kaku, please return to normal quickly." Ada pointed her fingers on her temples and communicated briefly with the dominant parasite through the queen parasite in her body. The lower parasite obeyed the queen's orders unconditionally.

Under the perspective screen of the light screen, the parasite that occupied the central nervous system of Kaku's brain crawled back along the human body and began to sleep in the man's heart, returning the authority to use the body to the CP0.

The dominance parasite stopped in Kaku's heart to provide insurance for the World Government. Another reason was to protect his heart and prevent him from being killed by a sudden attack and losing his ability to fight.

As long as the heart is still beating, the parasite can stimulate the host's cell activity factors, allowing cells to divide disorderly and cause massive proliferation like a malignant tumor, and finally build new human tissue. The executioner's black armored body is one of the masterpieces. .

The blood red in Kaku's eyes faded, and human emotions returned. Since there was no parasite control, the proliferated body was automatically peeled off from his body, allowing the CP0 to return to his human state after waking up.

Sensing something disgusting in his stomach, Kaku ignored the frightened Mahabaisi and put his hand on his throat. With a sound of retching, several undigested human fingers were He spat out his saliva and stomach juices on the ground.

"Ugh...I can't get used to eating all this human flesh again...yuck." This was not the first time Kaku had vomited like this, but each time it made him so nauseous that he couldn't eat for several days.

In the executioner state, he breaks through the genetic limitations of the human body and divides cells wildly. After that, he needs to replenish blood and flesh nutrients. In the eating state, even the stomach organs are specialized, which can quickly break down and absorb the food that comes in, and continuously deliver nutrients to the whole body.

This is the reason why Mahabaisi's missing limbs were not spit out by Kaku. With the supplement of additional energy sources, the overdrawn life span in the executioner state can be slightly replenished.

Pulling the Donquixote family cadre by the back of his neck, Kaku dragged Mahabaisi to his companion and had a fight with Gladius. The other party did not dare to turn into a giant in front of Lu Qi. He expressed his gratitude to his companion by the way, "Senior Ada You saved my life, but I was careless again."

This intelligence agent from East Blue has inherited the characteristics of East Blue's big heart. Some unimportant things will be quickly forgotten. For example, just now he was eating a fellow human alive, but when he turned around, everything seemed to have disappeared. If it happens, it will not cause any psychological burden at all on the mental level. Nausea for two or three days is just a minor problem.

Gladius endured the pain at the severed limbs. Seeing that his family member Mahabais was also defeated by CP0, the opponent fainted from fear and could smell the smell of urine in the air. He really embarrassed the Donquixote family. .

"I've dealt with CP0 agents before, and you three are so powerful that you don't look like humans. Is the gap between CP0 and CP0 so big?" Gladius was fooled by his past experience. He was completely different from the CP0 he had come into contact with before.

The compliments from the enemy did not make the three agents too happy. If it were not for the remarkable training results in the past five years, there is a high probability that they would have failed in the Dressrosa mission.

Ada was going to use parasites to torture the two cadres, wanting to know why they wanted to arrest her, and she always felt that she had seen the black-haired young man somewhere before. The memory fragments in her mind were slightly put together, and her whole head seemed to It felt like she was being torn apart, and it felt like the queen-shaped parasite in her body was suppressing her memory.

A defeated general always complains that he can't keep his mouth shut, "Condensing Armament Haki and changing his color is rumored to be an ability developed by Kaido of the Beasts. If that master knows that you secretly learned his moves, you will be wearing the skin of the World Government." , Can't stop that adult's anger."

"You talk a lot of nonsense. After a while, a bug will enter your mouth. I hope you can still stay the same." Lu Qi did not give a direct answer, and cut off Gladius' newly grown arm with a strike of his hand knife.

Gladius's provocation irritated him a little. The less people know about Armament Haki's secret, the better, because it involves CP0's latent mission.

"Why is that black-haired young man missing?"

The three CP0 members noticed that one person was missing on the battlefield. After these two cadres of the Donquixote family turned into giants, the opponent never showed up. Did he escape alone with his tail between his legs?

Lu Qi used his Observation Haki to the maximum extent and scanned the surrounding battlefield. The aura of a creature was included in the observation, about two kilometers away from them.

In the man's field of vision, the other man was gesturing with his ten fingers, as if making magic spells, which aroused Lu Qi's doubts: "What is he doing?"

The light curtain pushed the scene to Allen, and when he opened his eyes again, he offered CP0 the best gift, and the agents had no ability to refuse.

"The realm expands, the earth roars with mercy"

The figures of nine giants appeared one after another behind Allen

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