Regarding the power of the Devil Fruit field, it was shown to the world for the first time. One second, CP0 was the winner, and the next second, the three elite agents were reduced to lambs to be slaughtered.

The irresistible darkness pulls nearby objects into a different space. The scene in the field is constantly changing, and the figures of various giants appear in it.

The black-haired young man was held up by the Ancestral Titan from behind with both hands. Kneeling on both sides were eight giants of different shapes, including Super Giant, Attack Titan, Female Titan, Armored Titan, Jaw Titan, Beast Titan, and Warhammer. Giants, giants of car power.

"Where is this place..." Before Kaku could finish his words, his body began to deform around his companions. No steam was produced or golden lightning was struck. The human who was fine just now transformed into a long-necked strange giant.

Kaku's original appearance and characteristics can still be seen in Kaku's giant transformation. The desire to prey on humans defeated CP0's reason. After roaring at his two companions, he shook his uncoordinated giant body and shouted to his admired senior Ada. Come.

"", faced with this sudden change, Ada couldn't accept it for a moment. Soon her sad eyes were covered with perseverance. The rationality that government agents have exercised over the years made her unable to accept it. Sit there and wait for death.

"Tempest Kick", the CP0 female agent of Grandmaster Marine Six Styles, kicked several slashes at her former companions.

The slash easily cut off the giant's arms. This flesh and blood body was unable to resist the Tempest Kick. Ada added another kick and kicked the long-necked Qixingzhong in half.

Kaku's giant body felt no pain. He fell on the spot and emitted white steam. With a half body, he was still crawling in the direction of Ada. The desire for human flesh and blood occupied the man's eyes. The man who was born in East Blue The happy boy turned into a monster.

Observation Haki noticed the attack from behind. After Ada dodged on the Moonwalk, the woman saw an even more devastating scene. CP0 leader Lu Qi's body transformed into a panther-like giant. He, like Kaku, lost his humanity. identity, also full of desire to hunt humans.

"Lucci, even you..." Ada dodged the giant's arm in the air. The giant beast that Lucci transformed into was obviously much stronger than Kaku. In addition to being unable to attach Armament Haki outside the body, he basically inherited This CP0's combat experience.

Ada, who kept dodging in the air, tried to awaken the dominant parasites in her two companions, but the calls of the mother worms came to nothing every time, and her first contact with the parasites tasted failure.

"Ada, don't waste your efforts. In my unfinished field, all intelligent creatures will be transformed into unsullied giants by me. After becoming giants, they will only obey my orders."

The black-haired young man stood in the hands of the ancestor giant and enjoyed the free transportation. The nine giants took heavy steps and moved toward the female CP0 position.

Character Notes: One of the Ancient Weapon King-Eren Yeager

The two defeated cadres of the Donquixote family have not been transformed into unsullied giants in the field. They are using their remaining physical strength to convert a large amount of steam to heal their own broken limbs and wounds.

"The field is unfolding, and even the young master has no power to control it."

"Why do you want to try it too? Even the awakening of Devil Fruit depends on Master Allen's ability. It can be used in a very short time. It's better not to dream about developing your own Devil Fruit field."

Gladius unceremoniously hit Mahabaisi's unintelligent head. The two mediocre people were destined to have no chance in the Devil Fruit field. They thought too much and only made themselves uncomfortable.

Two CP0 companions defected one after another, making Ada feel the feeling of betrayal and separation. She is not a genius in combat, and spying on intelligence is a woman's specialty. She quickly showed this in the fight with the beast transformed by Lu Qi. Decline, the dodge movements in the air are getting slower and slower, and the unnecessary pause movements are increasing little by little.

Without any surprise, Ada was pinched in the hand by the upright leopard-shaped beast. The giant did not choose to crush the prey in his hands. The giant-shaped Lu Qi opened his bloody mouth, revealing two canine teeth that shone with cold light. Put the woman's body into your mouth and prepare for today's meal.

"Stop, send Ada here."

After receiving the order from the human king, the leopard-shaped beast gave up the food in its mouth. Without making any move to harm Ada, it held the human woman in the palm of its hand and came to the master in two steps to present the female prey.

Ada originally thought she was going to die. She even ran around in a circle, with tears still flowing from the corners of her eyes. The ups and downs between life and death made this smart woman decide on Allen.

Since the other party doesn't want her to die, he must have something to ask for. Now the only bargaining chip that Ada can use seems to be her own life.

"I've never met you, who are you?"

Facing the woman's question, Allen's face showed neither joy nor sadness. He had figured it all out a long time ago, "Ada, it's really ironic. In the first half of your life, you worked for the enemy who destroyed the country. I will help you with the lost memories." Recovered”.

With the female CP0's expression full of doubts, the white hardening generated out of thin air around her wrapped her whole body in crystal. The woman lost consciousness inside the crystal and fell into a deep sleep. When Ada wakes up again, all the truth will be revealed to her. .

The black alien space gradually shattered from the inside, and sunlight penetrated in large amounts from the outside. The immature field expansion finally failed to hold up, and everyone was released into the real world after a few minutes.

The giant bodies of Lucci and Kaku lost the energy supply in the field. The two giant bodies vaporized on the spot, emitting a large amount of white steam in a short period of time. The human body of CP0 agent appeared in it, and they were all lost. The consciousness lay motionless on the ground.

Mahabaisi, who had recovered all his limbs, walked up to Kaku and kicked him hard in the chest several times. He was particularly unconvinced: "You got up and started beating. Let me see if you turn into that black monster." , I was so awesome just now." He was still upset and stepped on Kaku's face a few more times.

Gladius couldn't stand the villainous behavior of his companion and tried to dissuade him: "Don't wake him up. He will be in trouble later."

"Why are we still keeping them? Let's just kill them now." Mahabaisi said he wanted to eradicate the situation and looked in the direction of Allen. He did not dare to make any decisions without asking for the consent of this adult.

The black-haired young man looked at Ada, who was wrapped in crystal. She looked like a sleeping beauty, and the woman's tears fell from her face.

"I still have a use for keeping them alive."

As for the porter work as a coolie, Dressrosa has no shortage of porters. Later, Kaku and Luqi liked to bring two pairs of silver bracelets (made of seastone).

It's really unpredictable. In the blink of an eye, the three CP0s were defeated by the Donquixote family and became prisoners in their hands.

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