More than a year of fighting has also made the Whitebeard Pirates' power slowly stabilized. Today's New World Pirates' power is intricate, powerful and uneven, but there are only three who really stand at the top.

Whitebeard Pirates, Beasts Pirates, BIG·MOM Pirates!

These three pirate groups are the most powerful three pirate groups among the New World pirates. Each of their subordinates has dozens of large pirate groups and countless small pirate groups. Can pull up a pirate force of tens of thousands of people, they are now the overlord of New World, dominating the entire New World.

The power of the pirates is complicated, and the power of Marine has also changed. The former Marshal Marine abdicated and the new successor to the position of Marshal Marine is the former Marine Admiral Sengoku.

After Sengoku became Marine Marshal, he immediately reformed Marine's internals. He tried to use New World soldiers many times, but unfortunately he was unsuccessful. However, Sengoku's abilities are indeed very terrifying. In addition to New World, the first half of the Grand Line Duan and Sihai have been completely controlled by Marine. Although there are many pirate forces, few dared to oppose Marine.

I don’t know who suddenly put forward a sentence, under the king is the emperor! The pirate forces of New World exploded all at once, and they could not become the king of pirates, but they could become the king of pirates. This sentence spread more and more widely, and finally it was unanimously endorsed by all the pirates. The pattern of New World is also Happened again-change.

Four Emperors!

That’s right, the name Four Emperors seems to have emerged out of thin air, attracting countless pirates, and countless pirates have been eyeing the position of Four Emperors, but no one does not consider this position for any ambitious pirate force Tempted.

To become the King of Pirates, you must not only have a strong power, but also have a strong influence, so New World immediately launched a more tragic fight. Everyone has only one goal, Four Emperors!

The reason why you become a pirate is either for fame or for profit. Now as long as you become a pirate Four Emperors, you will gain both fame and fortune, so naturally the pirates will not give up this opportunity, one by one is like crazy. Fight everywhere.

The world is sometimes unfair. When others were vying to become the Four Emperors, Whitebeard was directly promoted to the position of Four Emperors because of the title of the strongest pirate. Although Kaido and Charlotte Linlin did not Like Whitebeard, they have directly become Four Emperors, but their subordinates also waved the flag and shouted with great momentum.

Originally, the Whitebeard Pirate Group was the existence that all the pirates wanted to surpass. Now that they have reached the position of the Four Emperors, it has attracted countless pirates' jealousy, and naturally caused even greater chaos. One after another, people came to the Whitebeard Sea. The thieves are provocative.(Read more @

"This group of useless rubbish, Dad became the Four Emperors, and they dare to provoke them. They really don't know how to live or die."

Marco and others have been really bored recently. Those who came to challenge Whitebeard naturally couldn't all be taken by Whitebeard, so they had to do it for them. If they were powerful pirates, they would also be a little interested in fighting. But the problem is that most of the pirates who came to challenge were stunned and dared to challenge with a little bit of strength. Therefore, after Marco and others dealt with it a few times, they felt very annoyed.

"It's the Lingyun kid who feels comfortable, and Dad won't let him do anything." Saqi said with envy.

Marco gave him a white look and said: "He is comfortable? You didn't see him, but he was tortured enough. You haven't seen the method of the old man. You can imagine what he is like when he is trained by the old man. Case."

After hearing Whitebeard’s words, the envy on Saatchi’s face disappeared without a trace, and he nodded quickly and said, “Yes, that’s right, Lingyun kid didn’t know if he was crazy, so he asked his father to train him himself. I really don't know how he got through it."

Although Whitebeard treats his sons very well, but they are also very strict. They are all people who have been mentored by Whitebeard. It is clear that once Whitebeard gets serious, it is really a denial of the six relatives and training to the death, so No one from the Whitebeard Pirates dared to ask Whitebeard for guidance and training. Ji Lingyun was the first one after so many years.

"Captain Marco, Captain Marco."

While Marco and the others were talking, someone suddenly ran in, shouting, with anxious faces.

Marco raised his brows and asked in a deep voice: "What's wrong? Panicked."

The people here are the new pirates who joined the Whitebeard pirate group. There are now hundreds of pirates on the Moby Dick, and every pirate is a pirate with a bounty of more than tens of millions, and the strength is not tolerated. Underestimate it, ordinary things can't make them panic at all, but now they panic, obviously something major has happened.

The pirate who came to report said loudly: "Captain Marco, someone, someone has come to challenge Dad, many brothers have been injured by them, just ahead."

0 …… ……

The number of the Whitebeard Pirates has increased. Naturally, it is impossible to be on one ship. Therefore, the pirate ships of the Whitebeard Pirates have become two. Generally, the one in front leads the way when sailing, Moby Dick. The number followed, and what the visitor said was the pirate ship in front of it.

"Oh? Someone came to challenge? These guys are really annoying."

Marco yelled impatiently. Today's Whitebeard Pirates has a large number of people, so in order to facilitate the management, Whitebeard divided the men into small teams, and Marco is the captain of the first team.

"Who is here? Even you can't handle it?"

The visitor replied: "Captain Marco, the opponent is very powerful. The leader is Logia Demon fruit power, which is the most famous pirate'Sand Crocodile', Crocodile."

"Crocodile? Logia? It's him!"

As soon as Marco heard the name, he immediately remembered. The name Crocodile has been well-known in the New World in the past two years. The Pirate Group under his command is also very powerful and is known as one of the strongest newcomers; and more importantly. Yes, Marco had met him once before, and that was in Logue town.

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