In Logue town, there are not many people who impress Marcod, but Crocodile is definitely one of them. For nothing else, Crocodile helped them, no matter for any reason, and Crocodile is still a very rare Logia Demon fruit. power, so it’s hard for Marco to remember it.

But Marco did not expect that Crocodile would come back to challenge the Whitebeard Pirates, which made him a little unacceptable. In his opinion, Crocodile was just a fledgling pirate, and he even dared to come to New World. Is the trouble of the strong Whitebeard Pirates group really tired of living like everyone else?

"This Crocodile has also heard of his name. He has been one of the most powerful newcomers in New World recently. Why? Marco, do you know this Crocodile?" Saatchi asked Marco.

Marco nodded, and then told the others about Logue Town.

"It turns out that there is such a thing, so what should Crocodile do?"

After hearing Marko’s words, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates nodded in relief. The members of the Whitebeard Pirates were all kind of loyal and reciprocal people. Since Crocodile helped Ji Lingyun and Ji Lingyun in Logue town, Marco, let them kill them now, they really can't do it. As for whether they can kill Crocodile, everyone has the same opinion.

"Let's tell the old man, this Crocodile must be an interesting person, let the old man take care of it." Joz suggested.

Joz’s words were unanimously approved by everyone, and then Marco said to the pirate who came to report: “You go and tell Crocodile, don’t you want to see the old man? Let him wait quietly for a while, and soon let him He saw it."

Afterwards, Marco went to the bottom of the Moby Dick, where Whitebeard trained Ji Lingyun. When he arrived at the bottom where Whitebeard and Ji Lingyun were, he happened to see the scene that made him dumbfounded.

I saw Ji Lingyun fall in front of Whitebeard. As soon as he stood up, he was slapped in the slap by Whitebeard. As soon as he got up, he was photographed. This scene was training, it was all Ji Lingyun's unilateral abuse.

"Father, Lingyun, what are you guys playing?" Marco asked curiously.

Whitebeard heard Marko's words, stopped his hands, and asked, "Marco, why are you here?"(Read more @

Without Whitebeard's control, Ji Lingyun suddenly turned over and sat down, and saw his head full of sweat. The scene just now wasn't that Whitebeard was abusing him, but was exercising his strength and will. Although it looks funny, it It is Whitebeard's training method, even if Ji Lingyun resists it, it has no effect.

But the arrival of Marco really made Ji Lingyun strange, because since he trained with Whitebeard, Marco and the others have never interrupted their training, this is the first time.

Marco immediately replied: "Father, there is a very interesting challenger outside."

"Oh? Interesting challenger?"

Whitebeard was also slightly surprised. He knew that if it were an average person, Marco would not disturb him. Since even Marco said it was interesting, he must be a not easy guy, so he asked, "Who is it?"

Marco replied: "Sand Crocodile, Crocodile."

The eyes of Whitebeard and Ji Lingyun lit up at the same time, and Whitebeard asked, "Is that the new kid who has been more aggressive on the sea recently?"

Marco nodded and said: "Well, that's right, it's him, he's here to challenge you father, and his strength is pretty good."

Whitebeard said: "Even if the strength is good, but after all, it is just a rookie, you should be enough to deal with it."

Marco smiled: "We are naturally not afraid of him, but he has something to do with us, so I came to ask Dad."

"What does he have to do with us?" Whitebeard asked puzzledly.

Without waiting for Marco to answer this time, Ji Lingyun said: "Daddy, I know this Crocodile. I saw it in Logue Town. He also helped us block Marine, so it has something to do with us."

Whitebeard said: "It turned out to be so, what? Since he has something to do with you, how do you want to deal with it?"

Ji Lingyun said, "Father, he came to challenge you. This has nothing to do with us. It's just that I begged you for a favor. After defeating him, don't kill him. It can be regarded as returning the favor ."

Whitebeard thought for a while, and then said, "Alright, it's been a long time since I loosen my muscles and bones. It's a rare occasion for an interesting newcomer to try his strength. Don't worry, I won't hurt him."

Neither Marco nor Ji Lingyun doubted. Since Whitebeard said no, then it must not.

When the three of them walked out of the bottom, Ji Lingyun was still thinking that he remembered that Crocodile challenged Whitebeard in the original book, and Crocodile’s left hand seemed to be cut off by Whitebeard when he challenged Whitebeard, and his pirate group It was also destroyed by Whitebeard.

Now with this relationship, Ji Lingyun knows that Whitebeard will definitely not be cruel again, and Crocodile will definitely not be like in the original book, so Ji Lingyun is a little worried about whether it will change the plot.

The Moby Dick quickly approached the pirate ship ahead, and saw a 2.5 equally large pirate ship in front of another pirate ship in the Whitebeard pirate regiment with a pirate flag erected on it. , Is the very famous sand crocodile pirate group in New World.

"Where is that guy Whitebeard? Why didn't he come to see me? Did he hide in fear? If he is afraid, let him give me the position of Four Emperors.

An extremely arrogant cry reverberated in the sea, and the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group stared in that direction angrily. If it hadn't been for the order to come, they would have gone up to fight the other side desperately.

Just at this moment, the Mobile was approaching, and a group of the Whitebeard Pirates were standing on the deck under the leadership of Whitebeard. They just heard these words, and all of them showed interesting smiles on their faces.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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