"Boy, you..."

When the people of the Pirate Alliance heard Ji Lingyun's arrogant and domineering words, they all became angry, and pointed at Ji Lingyun one by one, and the dozens of Pirate Captains were even more gloomy and murderous.

"What about the Whitebeard Pirates? Brothers, kill them for me."

A pirate captain suddenly burst into a loud roar, which immediately caused all the pirates of the Pirate Alliance to cheer, and then they all rushed towards Ji Lingyun and the others with grim faces, and didn’t care about the identity of the Whitebeard pirate group. Their captains are not afraid, what else is there to be afraid of.

In an instant, thousands of pirates once again rushed towards the direction where the Murloc Warrior and Ji Lingyun were. The Murloc Warrior who saw this scene was also ready to do it, but just when they were about to do it, Ji Lingyun Suddenly shouted.

"Don't move everyone!"

Then he took a step forward, and when the soles of his feet landed, an invisible vibration seemed to explode in everyone's hearts.

I saw Ji Lingyun's small body, which seemed to be elevated a lot in an instant, an astonishing aura exuded from his body, and it enveloped the entire battlefield in an instant.

All the pirates rushing towards Ji Lingyun were enveloped by Ji Lingyun’s aura. They stopped abruptly, and then fell to the ground quickly as if they were hit hard one by one, just blinking. In a short time, all the pirates almost fell more than 80%.

The dozen or so pirate captains, especially the pirate captains such as the'thug' and the'bloodhand', who offered a bounty of more than 100 million yuan, opened their eyes wide, looking at Ji Lingyun in disbelief, and spit out a few words with difficulty. .

"Conqueror's Haki, Conqueror's Haki!"

They also felt Ji Lingyun's overbearing power, but their willpower was not comparable to that of ordinary pirates, so they were not stunned by Ji Lingyun, but they were still shocked to speak.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"It's hard to have a ‘king’s aptitude’ among millions of people. The owner of Conqueror's Haki, this boy actually owns Conqueror's Haki. No wonder Diamond Joz and Saatchi dominate him."

Neptune, the king of The fish men island in the distance, was also taken aback. Then he looked at Ji Lingyun incredulously. He looked down on Ji Lingyun a little before, but at this time, there was only a deep shock and disbelief left in his heart. .

Princess Otohime was also surprised: "This boy actually has Conqueror's Haki. No wonder Whitebeard will send him over, but he is still young after all. Even with Conqueror's Haki, it might not be easy to beat the pirates, right?"

Neptune said: "It's hard to say. Since Whitebeard sent him over, it shows that he has confidence in this boy, maybe this boy can surprise us."

The people watching the excitement around were also shocked by this sudden scene. They were far away, so they did not feel Ji Lingyun’s Conqueror's Haki. They only saw the pirates rushing towards Ji Lingyun, one after another. Falling down, but did not see anyone attacking, this inexplicable scene made everyone confused.

However, among these people who watch the excitement, there are many experts and people with unique vision. After they were confused at the beginning, they immediately thought of the reason, and then they all looked at Ji Lingyun in shock.

"Conqueror's Haki! That boy actually has Conqueror's Haki. The boy of the Whitebeard Pirates has Conqueror's Haki. That is Conqueror's Haki, which is owned by only a few people in the world. Everyone who owns Conqueror's Haki will stand at the top of the world. It turns out that this young man is not talking big, but he really has that kind of strength."

"When did such a person appear in the Whitebeard Pirates? The person who owns Conqueror's Haki shouldn't be anonymous, right?" Someone raised his own question.

The ‘thug’ Jeffrey White looked at Ji Lingyun with a gloomy face. At this moment, he no longer dared to treat Ji Lingyun as a mad boy who didn’t know the heights of the sky. On the contrary, he was more solemn than ever.

"Who on earth are you?"

Ji Lingyun looked at Jeffrey White and said coldly: "Edward Ji Lingyun, remember this name, he will be the nightmare of your life..."

"Edward Ji Lingyun!"

Hearing this name, Jeffrey White only frowned, but a person next to him was muttering: "Edward Ji Lingyun, why does this name feel familiar? I must have heard of this name. , Where did you hear it?"

Jeffrey White looked at the "Bloodhand" Orange next to him curiously. He was the one who was muttering. After a while, the "Bloodhand" Orange suddenly exclaimed: "It's him, yes, definitely it's him."

"Thug" Jeffrey White asked, "Olanfer, what do you think of?" The others also looked at him.

Orange said solemnly, "Do you still remember that a few years ago, during the execution ceremony of Roger'One Piece', there was a shinigami riot on the execution ground. Marine did not catch him. Do you still remember this incident?"

It was such a big deal back then. Several of them were pirates who had been doing it for many years. Naturally they knew about it.'Hunter' Ed Hals exclaimed: "I remember, Marine once posted Reward, that boy is a pirate from the Whitebeard Pirates, whose name seems to be Edward Ji Lingyun."

"Yes, it's 2.5. Isn't this young man the same man who snatched Roger's body in the torture ground?"

When the pirates who were still standing heard this, their expressions changed. That incident caused a sensation in the world. The first time Edward Ji Lingyun offered a bounty was 80 million Baileys, and later it reached even more. It's hundreds of millions, but the most shocking thing is that he was only ten years old at that time.

However, some people were not worried. They only listened to the "Destroyer" Francis Sartre shouting: "Whoever he is? What if he is that person? It's just a little devil, how strong he can be What happened back then was nothing but shit luck. What qualifications does such a kid have to offer a reward of hundreds of millions of Baileys? Don't forget our purpose, how can a kid be ruined?"

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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