"Yes, what about the Whitebeard Pirates for our purposes?"

The dozen or so pirate captains were shocked all over, and their expressions turned sullen without knowing what they had thought of.

"Yes, kill them, kill them all."

Suddenly, all the remaining pirates rushed towards Ji Lingyun with a big drink, and the rest were some of the masters of the pirates. Although the number was much smaller than before, it was compared to the Whitebeard pirate group. The dozens of people are still a lot more.

However, Ji Lingyun and the others are not only dozens of people, but also countless murloc warriors.

"Joz, Saatchi, don't have to say anything to them, let's do it." Ji Lingyun said to Joz and them in a deep voice.


Ji Lingyun pulled out Zangetsu to deal with these pirate masters, but Zangetsu came to domineering and practical.

"Kill that boy first!"

'Thug' Jeffrey White and '12 Anger Roar' Irwin Simpson both came towards Ji Lingyun. They saw the potential of Ji Lingyun, so they felt that removing Ji Lingyun first would definitely make the Whitebeard pirates. The group is disrupted, and then they can easily defeat the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

"Boy, die!"

Irwin Simpson rushed to Ji Lingyun first, his whole person was like a tiger descending a mountain, and he slammed into Ji Lingyun with great momentum. His body should be two big as Ji Lingyun, and he seemed to know his power. very horrible.

"Crescent Moon Sky Chong!"

However, Ji Lingyun watched very calmly. When he rushed over, he slashed abruptly, and a huge crescent-shaped sword beam emerged from Zangetsu. It instantly grew bigger and hit Irvin Simpson. .(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Slash at the blade light."

Irwin Simpson, who was rushing at extreme speed, saw that Ji Lingyun just waved his sword, and a huge blade shot at him. He was taken aback and wanted to hide, but his body simply couldn’t react. I could watch Dao Mang slashing towards him.

"This fool!"

"Thug" Jeffrey White saw this scene and immediately yelled. He was angry that Irwin Simpson was too underestimated. Although Ji Lingyun was young, he could be rewarded with 100 million Baileys from Marine headquarters How could it be that simple? Without clarifying anything, he rushed forward, and this time he suffered a loss.

However, Irwin Simpson is also a pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions. Although he cannot avoid it, it does not mean that he has no other means. He roared, his voice was like a mountain beast, and his body has also changed. , As if suddenly swelled, and the hair emerged from his body, his body also turned into the appearance of a beast, and finally turned into a bear-like monster more than ten feet tall.

Zoan Devil Fruit, violent bear fruit!

Irwin Simpson, who turned into a violent bear, let out a howling bear. He put his hands in front of him, and the sword light directly hit his arms and pushed his body back a few steps.


Ji Lingyun looked over in amazement. This person actually received his crescent moon head-on. Although he left a deep wound on his arms, it did not cause any more scars, but Ji Lingyun He didn't care either. After all, the other party was the captain of the pirate who offered a reward of hundreds of millions of dollars. If he was slashed to death, wouldn't it be too watery.


Ji Lingyun didn’t care, but Irwin Simpson, who became a violent bear, uttered an angry roar. His nickname is “Angry Roar”. At this time, he happened to be irritated by Ji Lingyun.

"I'm going to tear you up!"

The anger made Irwin Simpson's eyes become blood red, and his hair was erected, his fists hammered the ground vigorously, and then he slammed the ground hard, and his huge body jumped high. Zi unexpectedly crossed a distance of more than ten meters and came to Ji Lingyun in the blink of an eye.

Raising the palm of his hand, his palm is bigger than Ji Lingyun's head, and he can slap Ji Lingyun's head. But Ji Lingyun naturally won't give him that chance, and his body dodges. His attack slashed with a backhand, but after Elvin Simpson transformed, he had a speed that was completely different from that of his huge body. He escaped Ji Lingyun's attack in a flash and turned faster. Slammed towards Ji Lingyun.


The huge body hit Ji Lingyun's Zangetsu, and Ji Lingyun was directly hit with a sword. The powerful force made Ji Lingyun unable to resist, and the whole person was thrown into the air.

The real danger has just arrived. When Ji Lingyun and Irwin Simpson were fighting, the "mob" Jeffrey White was always observing the opportunity. After seeing Ji Lingyun being hit and flying, he knew the opportunity was coming .

Pulling out the huge machete, Jeffrey White immediately attacked. After spotting where Ji Lingyun fell, he slashed it from the bottom up. The blade was fast and domineering, and the speed was extremely fast. The most important 720 was still grabbing. After Ji Lingyun fell, there was nowhere to take advantage of the opportunity.

It’s just that Ji Lingyun was so easy to get caught. Before he fell in the air, he already shouted, "Bankai!"

In an instant, the light masterpiece, Ji Lingyun was wrapped in a black and red death-tyrant costume, and the huge Zangetsu in his hand turned into a tiny Tensa Zangetsu. Tensa Zangetsu lightly touched Jeffrey White’s machete and sent a crisp Whistling.

Obviously it's just a small blade, much worse than Jeffrey White's huge machete, but he felt a huge force pressing on, causing his blade to instantly collapse and unable to slash upwards. , On the contrary, it was forced down and smashed onto the ground.


Jeffrey White saw his feet come to him in an instant, the speed was unimaginable, he directly hit his chin, making him stare, and then another kick kicked him away. Got out.


When Jeffrey White was kicked, there was still an incredible look in his eyes, because Ji Lingyun's movements were so fast that his feet were too fast for him to react.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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