Ji Lingyun didn’t know what Joz and Saqi had talked with Neptune, but after a long time, they finally reached a consensus. The fish men island officially became the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates. Every year, the Whitebeard Pirates must be ordered The group paid a certain amount of resources. As for what it was, Ji Lingyun was not interested, let alone asking, because he was planning a major event now.

Having been in the Whitebeard Pirates, Ji Lingyun knew that it would be difficult for him to make breakthroughs and progress. Over the years, he has been letting the Whitebeard Pirates pay attention to the Devil Fruit he needs, but he hasn’t found any of them. He feels that he can’t. Keep going like this.

Traveling against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat!

Regarding the future pattern, Ji Lingyun is very clear that the future style is full of threats and opportunities. If it can’t become strong, it will inevitably be eliminated in the future era. Therefore, he desperately wants to be strong, so out of various considerations, He decided to embark on the journey alone.

This idea is not 13 Ji Lingyun's impulse, but has already considered it. In the Whitebeard Pirates, he grows very slowly because there is no pressure. Even with the guidance of Whitebeard, without actual combat and experience, it is futile.

So after staying in Dragon Palace for a day, when Joz and Saatchi were going to go back and looking for Ji Lingyun, they only saw the letter left by Ji Lingyun. The content of the letter was very simple, that is, let them talk to Whitebeard. Say, he will make a name in the sea alone, and then return to the pirate group.

After reading this letter, Saatchi said with a wry smile: "Daddy asked us to be with him just to look at him. I didn't expect him to run away. How can I explain to him when I go back?"

Joz said indifferently, "To tell the truth, he has run away anyway, and we can't tie him back."

Saatchi looked sideways at Joz and asked, "I said Joz, did you let him go on purpose?"

Joz said dissatisfiedly: "Saatchi, don't blame me."

It’s just that Saatchi still looks unbelievable. In fact, Joz did intentionally, but he didn’t intentionally let Ji Lingyun go, but didn’t care about it at all. Above the Whitebeard Pirates, Ji Lingyun and Marco are the best , But Joz is the one who takes care of him the most.

Because Qiaozi’s diamond fruit was given by Ji Lingyun, Qiaozi has always been grateful to Ji Lingyun. He has a much deeper relationship with Ji Lingyun than others. He can naturally see Ji Lingyun’s thoughts, so he didn’t stop him. The meaning of Ji Lingyun, otherwise, Ji Lingyun would not be so easy to escape from under their noses.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Saqi sighed: "If the kid wants to leave, it is really difficult to find him again. Forget it, let's go back. The big deal is to be scolded by the old man." He did not care too much, with Ji Lingyun's current strength , As long as you don’t encounter too strong opponents, even if you can’t beat them, there shouldn’t be much problem with running away.

"Well, let's go." Joz nodded, and the two left with the members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And where is Ji Lingyun at this time? He is setting off from The fish men island on a boat, but he is not going to New World, but the first half of the Grand Line. The boat he is on is from The fish men island. Ship, and Jinbei personally sent him.

"Lingyun, are you really going to go to the first half of the Grand Line alone?"

On the boat, Jinbei asked Ji Lingyun seriously. Ji Lingyun told him before that he wanted to ask him to help send himself to the Grand Line. Jinbei agreed without hesitation, but he didn’t expect Ji Lingyun to be one. People acted, but he still obeyed his decision and personally sent Ji Lingyun over.

Ji Lingyun said: "I have decided, and I have already acted."

Jinbei asked curiously, "Aren't you good to stay in the Whitebeard Pirates? Why do you want to go out alone?"

Ji Lingyun said: "It is precisely because of staying in the Whitebeard Pirates that everyone spoils me the most. I don’t let me do anything, and I don’t even let me fight. Do you think that in this environment, I can get Progress? I don’t want to be protected too well, so I have to come out alone."

Jinbei showed a look of relief. He nodded and said, "I understand."

Ji Lingyun smiled and said: "Sure enough, you still understand, Jinbei, you are very good. Really, The fish men island is too small and not suitable for you. You should go to a broader stage."

Jinbei smiled bitterly: "Lingyun, I am different from you. I have to guard The fish men island. I cannot act with my own temper like you. So although I envy you, the way you say is not suitable for me ."

Ji Lingyun smiled and said, "Jinbei, remember my words, sooner or later you will become a pirate, and you will become a great pirate. I will definitely not be wrong."

Jinbei is Shichibukai in the original book, and he is also considered to be a big figure among the pirates, so Ji Lingyun is so confident.

When the two were talking, the ship had reached the surface of the sea from the bottom of the sea, and rushed out of the sea directly after the power increased. At the same time, the coating on the ship was ‘bang’ all dissipated.

"830 Where is this place?"

After getting out of the sea, Ji Lingyun asked Jinbei.

Jinbei replied: "This is near the Chambordian Islands. Because we are the boat of The Fish Men Island, we cannot approach the ferry around the Chambordian Islands."

The Chambord Archipelago is formed by a large area of ​​islands, where murlocs are discriminated against, so Jinbei cannot drive the boat directly around the Chambord Archipelago to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Ji Lingyun said: "Okay, I see, you can give me a small boat, and I can go by myself."

He has already arrived around the Chambord Islands, so Ji Lingyun is not too worried, as long as he can get there with a small boat.

Jinbei put down a small boat and said to Ji Lingyun, "Lingyun, if you encounter something here, go to a place and mention my name directly. You will get help." Then he whispered. Ji Lingyun is a place.

After Ji Lingyun took a careful note, he turned and jumped into the boat, stood below, and said to Jinbei on the boat: "Jinbei, thank you very much, if you have anything in the future, please contact me directly, or go to the Whitebeard Pirates, they Will help you."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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