After bidding farewell to Jinbei, Ji Lingyun drove the boat towards the Chambord Islands. Driving a small boat was not a problem for him. Moreover, with only a small distance in total, he soon came to the Chambord Islands.

He sold the boat to the boatman at the ferry port. Ji Lingyun walked up to the Chambord Islands on foot. This is not the first time he has come to the Chambord Islands. It was just that he was in a hurry during the first two visits and he was not here at all. I've visited, but I don't understand the situation here.

Ji Lingyun entered the island 36 of the Chambord Archipelago. As soon as he entered the island, he saw soap bubble parks and other places to play. The bubbles in the Chambord Archipelago are indeed very strange and beautiful. Ji Lingyun While walking, enjoy it with interest.

Because he was originally going to go out and play alone, he had no purpose, so he wandered around the Chambord Islands. For two or three days, he wandered around the Chambord Islands.

When Ji Lingyun was playing in the Chambordian Islands, Joz and Saatchi also brought people back to the Whitebeard Pirates.

"You said Lingyun went out alone?" Whitebeard looked at Joz and Saatchi, without any expression.

Joz nodded and replied, "Yes, old man, he ran away alone while we were not paying attention."

Whitebeard smiled bitterly, and said, "This kid, I know he is not so peaceful. I thought that letting him out can help him get through his temper. I didn't expect him to leave me without saying goodbye."

Marco smiled and said: "This is his style too, daddy, do you need to send someone to catch him back?"

Whitebeard gave him a sideways glance and said, "Catch it back? How to catch it? Who will be sent to catch it? Just you guys, if you are sent, it may not be possible to catch him back. On the contrary, he will be fooled by him and follow him. Messing around."

Marco suddenly smiled awkwardly, because Whitebeard said that this possibility is extremely high. I am afraid that the only person in the Whitebeard Pirate Group who can hold Ji Lingyun is Whitebeard, and no matter how many other people go. It's no use, after all, you can't use force to bring him back.

Whitebeard said: "Don't worry about him, tell his people to pay attention whenever he has news. If he encounters any danger, immediately mobilize all the power he can use to help him, although this kid is not worrying. , But you can’t completely ignore him, otherwise you don’t know how big things he will cause."

Marco laughed and said: "If he wants to make trouble, let him do it, anyway, he will only harm others, and Lingyun is also measured in what he should do and what should not be done, he knows what he should do."

Whitebeard said: "He has a fart in his heart. Laozi has lived for so many years. This kid is definitely the boldest guy I have ever seen. I am afraid that there are few things in this world that he dare not do, unless he really Can't do it."(Read more @

Whitebeard has lived for so many years. He has never seen anyone. Ji Lingyun's character has already been well mastered. Ji Lingyun is indeed more mature than the average person, but he is definitely a crazy person in his bones, exactly the same as when he was young, even It's even more exaggerated than him, which is why he has been worried about Ji Lingyun.

Ji Lingyun is still wandering around in the Chambord Islands. To be honest, he didn't think about where he was going. Although he had a purpose and wanted to find the Devil Fruit that could unlock his Zanpakutō, the Whitebeard Pirates had been looking for so long. Time has not been found, if he finds it alone now, it will definitely be even more difficult.


Ji Lingyun, who was walking, suddenly stopped, and his eyes fell on the hotel next to him.

"Xia Qi's rip-off BAR."

Seeing this name, Ji Lingyun immediately knew where it was, "Xia Qi’s rip-off BAR? Isn’t this Rayleigh’s friend, the hotel opened by the female pirate Xia Qi? It turned out that I came to the 13th without knowing it. area."

Because he was just a person, Ji Lingyun had no purpose. Even if he came to area 13, he didn't pay attention.


Ji Lingyun suddenly thought that Xia Qi seemed to be still an informant, maybe she could still get information about Devil Fruit from her.

Thinking of this, Ji Lingyun no longer hesitated immediately, and went straight to Xia Qi's hold-up BAR.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

A gust of wind rang and Ji Lingyun opened the door and entered Xia Qi’s rip-off BAR hotel. After entering, Ji Lingyun looked at the hotel, but there was no guest, only a tall, short-haired woman, leisurely Smoking a cigarette, standing next to the bar.


When Ji Lingyun walked to the bar, the lady boss said, "What wine would the guest want to drink?"

Ji Lingyun shook his head and said, "I don't drink."

The lady boss changed her expression and said, "We are running a bar. Why do you come in if you don't drink?"

Ji Lingyun said: "Other people's bars naturally only sell alcohol, but shouldn't your bar just sell bars?"

The proprietress was naturally Xia Qi. She looked at the young man in front of her. She couldn't help but take it seriously. She asked, "Guest, what do you want if you don't drink?"

"Information!" Ji Lingyun spit out two words slowly.

Xia Qi suddenly laughed, and said with a smile: "I don't know where you heard the rumors, but we only sell wine here. There is no information you said, and how old are you? Can you drink? ?"

Ji Lingyun also smiled and said, "I'm going to be sixteen soon. I have been drinking wine since I was a child. Can I drink it?"

Then Ji Lingyun continued: "But I don't drink today, I just want to get some information from you, I know the rules, you tell me the information, I pay you, fair and just."

Xia Qi's face became serious. Her bar is indeed a secret sales point. This is the resources and channels she has accumulated over the years. However, most people don't know the situation here. Only some regular customers know about her. I don't know how a teenager like Ji Lingyun knew about this place.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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