The last auction item was actually a mermaid locked in a huge fish tank, and it was a mermaid who was extremely beautiful, even if it was Ji Lingyun, who was used to seeing all kinds of natural and artificial beauties in his previous life, he saw this mermaid At the moment, there was a loss of consciousness.

"There is such a face in the world?"

After seeing this mermaid's face, Ji Lingyun's desire. Wang was also lifted up in an instant, because this mermaid is so beautiful, it is not like a product of the world, as if it came out of a fairy tale. .

Ji Lingyun clearly heard the sound of drooling from the surrounding area. The whole auction hall was silent. Everyone was indulged in the beauty of this mermaid. The only one who was still awake was the auctioneer on the stage.

"This is the last auction item in this auction and the final auction item. Are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied, satisfied, so satisfied."

"Beautiful, it's so beautiful."

"I must get this mermaid. I want to own her alone. She is mine."

"You must get it!"


Everyone is attracted by the mermaid on the auction stage. Ji Lingyun is no exception, but he wakes up earlier than the others because he knows that no matter how good a mermaid is, he can’t get it without money, and so are mermaids. It's not that you can grab it by grabbing, so his interest isn't that great.

Ji Lingyun turned his gaze to the box where Snow-snow Fruit had just been bought, but his face changed suddenly, because when he looked over, the door of that box was suddenly opened, and a black shadow quickly walked out towards Go to the back of the auction.

Seeing this scene, Ji Lingyun stood up without hesitation, and then quickly walked out of the auction scene, because now everyone is attracted by the beauty of the mermaid, so Ji Lingyun's departure halfway did not attract anyone's attention.

Ji Lingyun quickly walked out of the auction room, and then hid outside, waiting for the target to appear. He has already investigated. There is a back door in the auction room. Since the other party left early, he naturally didn't want people to know that he bought Snow Snow Fruit, so it is bound to not go through the front door, so Ji Lingyun hides in the back door of the auction house and waits.

He guessed it was right. After waiting for ten minutes, he finally saw a man wrapped in black coming out from the back door of the auction house. The reason he concluded that the opponent was a man was because of his walking posture. And figure.

After the man walked out of the back door of the auction house, he quickly walked into an alley. He seemed to be familiar with this place. Obviously he was not here for the first time.(Read more @

Ji Lingyun didn’t get too close. He just hung from behind. It’s still a crowded place. Even if it’s not convenient to do it, it’s just that the other party’s actions surprised him. , He walked into a dead end, and then tore off his black robe.

"This guy turned out to be Marine?"

After the opponent pulled off the black robe, the white Marine uniform was revealed. The person who bought Snow-snow Fruit turned out to be Marine. This surprised Ji Lingyun. Since the opponent was Marine, he was still so sneaky, obviously there was a problem , So Ji Lingyun became more vigilant, he instinctively felt that the other party was not easy.

After the other party took off his black robe, he turned over directly from the wall of the dead end, Ji Lingyun quickly followed. They passed through the bustling streets one after another, and then went more and more remote, and finally came to a place with no one Marine stopped.

"After so long, you can come out now."

Ji Lingyun, who was following, did not show any surprise when he heard this. Instead, he walked out calmly, then looked at each other, and said, "I knew I was following you and brought me here. It seems You are very confident in yourself."

The other party turned around. He was a very young man. He was about two meters tall, wearing sunglasses, a Marine uniform, a little beard on his face, and his body standing straight. What's more interesting was his left cheek There was a piece of French fries.

Just listen to the other person saying: "Although it's just a little mouse, but even if it's a little mouse, I have to pick a place to kill."

"Ha ha."

Ji Lingyun couldn't help laughing. He looked at each other and said with a smile: "Want to kill a mouse? But if you think about it, will you get a bite?"

The Marine sneered, "Then smash its teeth."

Ji Lingyun said: "It's really ruthless. Your look doesn't look like a Marine. Looking at what you do, I can also think that you should be a restless Marine, right?"

The Marine said solemnly: "Boy, you have been with me for so long, it should be because of the Devil Fruit in my hand."

Ji Lingyun nodded and said, "Yes, I have been staring at that Devil Fruit for a long time. As long as you lend it to me, I will return it to you soon, how about it?"


"Do you think it's possible?" the Marine said coldly.

Ji Lingyun said: "I know it's impossible by looking at you, then I have no choice but to grab it."


The Marine snorted coldly and said, "You don't have the qualification to grab something from me."

As he said, he tied the box with Snow-snow Fruit in his hand to his back, looked at Ji Lingyun coldly, and said coldly: "How many opportunities you have depends on how much you have. "

Ji Lingyun said faintly: "You will never know my ability. I am determined to get Devil Fruit. If you don't give it, I can only grab it; but before this time, I have a question that I want to ask you."

The Marine obviously didn't expect Ji Lingyun to talk like this. He asked with some confusion, "What do you want to ask?"

Ji Lingyun grinned and asked with a smile: "I want to ask, how is Doflamingo recently?"

When Ji Lingyun suddenly said such a sentence, that Marine's face changed in an instant. He shouted, "What did you say?"

Ji Lingyun smiled and said: "What I said, you should be very clear. I and your young master are also old acquaintances. Last time we parted in Logue town, I wonder if he has developed well in Beihai recently?

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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