That Marine is naturally the undercover agent arranged by the Donquixote Family to Marine, that is, Vergo. He looked very ugly when he heard Ji Lingyun's words, and asked in a cold voice, "Who are you?"

He has been in Marine for many years, except for a few people in the Donquixote Family, no one else knows, but the boy who suddenly appeared in front of him knew he was a member of the Donquixote Family, which shocked him.

Ji Lingyun said, "You don't need to know who I am. You said, if I tell Marine about your identity, what will you end up with? What will end up with Donquixote Family?"

Wilgo's face was cold, and he said coldly: "You won't have that chance."

Before he could say anything, he rushed to Ji Lingyun suddenly, and when he rushed over, his fists had already turned black.


Ji Lingyun also pulled out the Shinigami blade instantly. He pulled out Senbonzakura, but he did not perform Shikai, but in the original form.


Virgo's fist was blocked by Ji Lingyun's Senbonzakura, and he still didn't take a step back, which surprised Virgo.

Ji Lingyun's eyes suddenly dazzled, Senbonzakura in his hand traversed an arc of charm and pierced Vergo's forehead.


The tip of Senbonzakura's sword indeed pierced Vergo, but there was a sound of gold and iron. The tip of the sword was on Vergo's forehead, but he couldn't penetrate because of Vergo's forehead. It turned into jet black, but he hardened his forehead with Armament Haki, so he couldn't get in.

Throughout the entire One Piece comics, Vergo’s use of armed Haki is absolutely top-notch. After all, few people can harden the whole body with armed color like him. It can be said that his master skill is Armament Haki, and later even Luo. , It just uses Op-Op Fruit's ability to decompose him, but there is no way to kill it directly.

"Ding Ding Ding!"(Read more @

The battle between Vergo and Ji Lingyun is completely undefended. No matter where Ji Lingyun's sword stabs him, he can harden his armor as quickly as possible, while he blindly attacks Ji Lingyun, but his attacks are always I was blocked by Ji Lingyun every time, and never hit.

After playing for a while, Vergo clearly discovered that whenever his attack was used, Ji Lingyun dodges as quickly as he could be induced. He immediately understood that Ji Lingyun should have used Observation Haki, his age Being able to control Observation Haki lightly is definitely a rare genius. He is even more puzzled as to who this young man is.

The battle between the two is indeed very special. Vergo has Armament Haki, Ji Lingyun’s attack is not effective at all, and Vergo’s Armament Haki is indeed very strong, but he can’t hit Ji Lingyun, who has Observation Haki, even occasionally. Several times Ji Lingyun didn't have time to dodge his attack, and would block it with a sword in time, so the two of them couldn't help each other.

But at this moment, Wilgo took a stab in his body, and then softly shouted: "Shave!"

Ji Lingyun only felt that the Vergo in front of him disappeared instantly. He quickly sensed the location of Vergo, and then slammed a sword behind him, but the Vergo who appeared behind him disappeared again, this time on top of his head. .


Vergo moved quickly in the air, and condescendingly hit Ji Lingyun with a punch. Because the speed was too fast, Ji Lingyun had no time to escape with a sword, so he could only put Senbonzakura in his hand on top of his head.


A huge force was transmitted from Senbonzakura to Ji Lingyun's body. His legs softened and he almost couldn't help kneeling down. His feet pressed firmly on the ground, leaving two deep footprints. .


Vergo disappeared again, as fast as a ghost, moving around Ji Lingyun constantly, and launching attacks from time to time, which made Ji Lingyun very embarrassed.

It’s the first time Ji Lingyun has encountered this kind of absolutely suppressed speed. Although he hasn’t used Tensa Zangetsu yet, even if Tensa Zangetsu doesn’t apply, he is a fast one, but in Virgo Under the Marine Six Styles, his speed is still completely exploded.

"Spatter it! Senbonzakura!"

Ji Lingyun did not hesitate. He is now at an absolute disadvantage under Vergo’s Marine Six Styles, so naturally he has to use a stronger attack. Senbonzakura suddenly turned into a thin blade in the sky, but this is not over yet. He continued to use Senbonzakura's Bankai...


Countless thin blades linger in front of Ji Lingyun. Under the perception of Ji Lingyun Observation Haki, no matter where Vergo attacks from there, he will be surrounded by the sky full of thin blades, let alone hit Ji Lingyun, now he Even the distance of three meters from Ji Lingyun's side can't be approached. Marine Six Styles' shave and Moonwalk are fast, but Ji Lingyun's thin blade controlled by consciousness is faster.

"What kind of weird ability is this."

He was continuously blocked and attacked by that sky full of blades. If it weren't for Armament Haki, he would have been stabbed into a hornet's nest. What made him depressed was that he couldn't get close to Ji Lingyun at all and was very passive.

Vergo stopped there, Ji Lingyun did not attack, but instead controlled the countless thin blades to return to his side. Because of the sunlight, the thin blades were like red Sakura flowers, which were extremely beautiful.

Ji Lingyun looked at Vergo and said with a smile: "You are very strong, and I can't beat you now, but my purpose is not to beat you, but."

As he spoke, the 1.2 thin blade in front of him suddenly separated, and a box was actually held in the middle of the thin blade.


Seeing this box, Vergo's face changed drastically. He touched his back, but found that there was nothing. He immediately understood what was going on. Ji Lingyun must have used it while fighting him just now. Cut open the package on his body with a thin blade, and took away the box. After all, his body could be Armament Haki, but he couldn't take into account the box containing Snow-snow Fruit.

Vergo's face was extremely gloomy. This was the Devil Fruit he bought with 800 million Baileys. It was the fruit that Doflamingo needed, so he must not lose it.

"Boy, return it to me, otherwise you will die miserably!"

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