Ji Lingyun reached out and took the small box in his hand, and then smiled: "Threat is useless to me, you should know."


Vergo clenched his fists and made a crisp sound. His whole body's momentum reached its peak. The value of Snow-snow Fruit is not just a fruit, it can create a strong for the Donquixote Family, so Doflamingo Only then will he cost a huge price to buy this fruit. If Ji Lingyun snatches it, their Donquixote Family will lose a great deal. He absolutely cannot let Ji Lingyun snatch Snow-snow Fruit.

Ji Lingyun looked at the angry Vergo, but didn't take it seriously. His goal was Snow-snow Fruit, not a fight against Vergo. Now that Snow-snow Fruit is in hand, he doesn't want to entangle Vergo anymore. , After all, this guy is a tank type existence, unless it is a great price, otherwise he can't kill this guy, so it is better to leave directly.

"13 I'm not interested in wasting time with you here anymore!"

With that said, Ji Lingyun didn’t care about Vergo’s angry expression, and quickly retreated. Vergo did not expect that Ji Lingyun was so decisive. After grabbing Snow-snow Fruit, he immediately retreated, so he was caught by Ji Lingyun in the blink of an eye. Escaped some distance.

Vergo let out an angry roar, and then swiftly chased Ji Lingyun, but because he wanted to clean up Ji Lingyun in a remote place before, he walked all the way all the way, Ji Lingyun went first. He scurried to find hard-to-go places. After the disturbance, he ran towards the crowded places, and soon Vergo could no longer find his shadow.

After being escaped by Ji Lingyun, the angry Vergo could only grit his teeth and swallow this breath. After returning to his stronghold in the Chambord Islands, he took out a phone bug and dialed the phone.

After a few seconds, the phone worm was connected, and a low voice came from the phone worm.

"Vergo, did Snow-snow Fruit get it? I have sent someone to the place you said, and he will bring the fruit back to me."

Upon hearing this, Vergo's expression became even more ugly. After a long time, he said: "Dover, don't send someone here, Snow-snow Fruit didn't get it."


There was a cry of surprise from the other side. The person who was talking to Vergo was Doflamingo of Donquixote Family. He was in the North Sea at this time. He sat up abruptly and his expression became very serious.

"Wilgo, what are you talking about? Snow-snow Fruit didn't get it. What is going on?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Vergo said in a deep voice: "I originally bought Snow-snow Fruit at the auction, but there was an accident after the auction, and it was snatched away by someone halfway through."

When Doflamingo heard this, he didn't believe it at first, but he also knew that Virgo would not lie, so he asked in a deep voice, "What the hell is going on, tell me in detail."

Vergo said: "It's a boy who didn't know where he came from."

Doflamingo frowned and said: "A young man snatched Snow-snow Fruit from you?"

Vergo said: "It's not an ordinary teenager. He is very strong and has strange abilities, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that it was only the first time I met him, and he actually knew that I was A member of the family, Dover, what is going on? Is my identity leaked?"

"The other party knows that you are a member of the family, what's the matter?" Doflamingo was surprised and said: "The only people who know you are undercover in Marine are me and the top officials, not even my brother Knowing, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to leak the secret."

Vergo asked: "Then what is going on when he knows my identity? He not only knows me, but he also seems to know you from his tone. He said that he had met you in Logue town."

"Logue town?"

Doflamingo was shocked. If there are those unforgettable memories in his life, Logue Town is definitely one. It is not only the death of Roger, but also everything that happened afterwards, which made him still unable to let go, so he was listening. After Vergo's words, a figure appeared in his involuntary mind.

Doflamingo asked eagerly: "Vergo, is the boy who attacked you a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy with a strange sword that can change its shape?"

Wilgo was surprised: "Dover, how do you know?"

Doflamingo took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "I know who the attacker is. It turned out to be him, but how does this guy know that you are a member of the family? I only met with him once, how did this happen? thing?"

Naturally, Doflamingo will never be able to guess the truth.

Vergo asked, "Dover, do you know who that boy is? Who is he?"

Doflamingo said, "Remember what I told you about Logue Town back then? There was a teenager who snatched Roger's body and 347 was chased by Marine and still escaped?"

Vergo thought about it carefully, and suddenly remembered, he asked, "Could it be that the boy who fought with me today is the one you said?"

Doflamingo said: "It's him, Edward Ji Lingyun of the Whitebeard Pirates. I didn't expect him to appear in a few years. Now he actually appeared, and he did it to you. Back then, I saw that this boy would definitely become me The enemy from the future, it seems that it is so now. If he can snatch Snow-snow Fruit from your hand, it seems that he has become stronger again."

Knowing the identity of Ji Lingyun, Wilgo frowned and asked, "Dover, Snow-snow Fruit can't just be lost like this."

Doflamingo said: "Of course he can't be so cheap, but that kid is too slippery, and even Marine Admiral can't catch him. Our family is now at a critical moment. We really can't spare any manpower to hunt him down, and he is still Whitebeard. People of the Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates are not easy to mess with."

"That?" Vergo asked.

Doflamingo said: "Don't worry about him for now, but I am more worried about you now. He knows your identity. If you report on you, your situation will be dangerous."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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