"Whatever you want, it's not my thing anyway." Xia Qi saw Ji Lingyun's indifferent look, and didn't persuade him any more. As she said, it's not her thing. Ji Lingyun can handle it whatever she wants .

After receiving Ji Lingyun’s Snow-snow Fruit, Xia Qi said, “I need some tokens to deliver things to the Whitebeard Pirates. After all, the Whitebeard Pirates are not easy to fool. People accidentally injured."

"no problem."

Then Ji Lingyun wrote a letter to Xia Qi with a secret code unique to the Whitebeard Pirate Group, which only the core members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group could understand.

Xia Qi asked Ji Lingyun: "What are you going to do next? After leaving the Whitebeard Pirates, you should have your own plan?"

Ji Lingyun stretched her waist and said lazily: "I haven't thought about it yet, now you live here for a while."

Ji Lingyun really didn’t think about where to go next. He came out to find Devil Fruit, so he said to Xia Qi: "Aunt Xia, you can help me with the Devil Fruits I told you before. pay attention."

Xia Qi asked suspiciously: "I said little guy, you don't eat 670, what do you want them to do?"

"Improve the strength of our pirate group, can't it?" Ji Lingyun said directly.

Xia Qi waved her hand helplessly, and said, "Well, whatever you want, I'll help you pay attention."

"By the way, Aunt Xia, when will Uncle Rayleigh come back? I haven't seen him for a long time." Ji Lingyun asked Xia Qi.

As soon as Rayleigh was mentioned, Xia Qi suddenly felt resentful, and she coldly snorted: "Who cares about him? It's better to die outside. This old guy sometimes goes out for more than ten days, and he doesn't know where to hide went."

Ji Lingyun could only smile bitterly when he heard this. It seemed that the lord's grievance was really not normal, and he didn't know how Rayleigh surrendered this woman.

In this way, Ji Lingyun stayed in Xia Qi’s hotel. He did not go out for a few days, and he studied the newly liberated Hyōrinmaru in the hotel. The Zanpakutō of Hyōrinmaru can definitely be ranked among the many Zanpakutō. It is very capable Powerful and very practical, Ji Lingyun liked Zanpakutō very much when I watched Shinigami before.

Xia Qi's abilities are indeed extraordinary. During Ji Lingyun's time to study Hyōrinmaru, she has delivered Snow-snow Fruit to the New World Whitebeard Pirate Group.

Moby Dick, Whitebeard Pirates!(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Father, daddy, Lingyun sent someone back to deliver the letter."

Whitebeard was lying on the deck basking in the sun, when someone hurried over and shouted.

Whitebeard sat up with a ‘swish’, just about to speak, but stopped, hummed, and said dissatisfied: “That kid still knows to send someone back?

Marco and others on the side laughed secretly. Whitebeard was obviously worried and anxious, but pretended to be indifferent.

So Marco smiled and said, "No matter how bad Lingyun is, he can't forget your father. You see, he has only been out for a few days, so he wrote back.

Whitebeard snorted coldly: "If you really want to, why don't you contact me through the phone bug and write any letter?"

Joz said, "Father, Lingyun didn't bring a phone worm when he left."

Whitebeard waved his hand and said, "Okay, you don't need to explain for him. Bring the letter."

Marco immediately took the letter, and then handed it to Whitebeard. There was also a box sent with the letter. Marco was very strange. He didn't know what was in the box, but Whitebeard didn't speak, and he couldn't open it.

Looking at the letter, Whitebeard frowned first, then stretched it out again, but it didn’t take long for it to wrinkle again. The Marco and others on the side were all anxious, and they didn’t know what Ji Lingyun said to make Whitebeard The complexion is constantly changing.

After reading the letter, Whitebeard threw it into Joz's hand and hummed: "Laozi knew that the kid would not be at ease when going out. Look, it's only a few days, and it's causing trouble again."

When Marco and others heard this, Joz said anxiously: "Father, what happened to Lingyun? He sent someone to deliver the letter. Did he come to ask for help? Then let's save him."

Seeing Joz with an anxious face, Whitebeard was also taken aback. He didn't expect that he would make Joz so gaffe with his casual words. He immediately shook his head and said: "Okay, Joz, not as serious as you think, he Something happened, but he has settled it. Not only that, he also sent us a gift, Marco, open the box."

Anxious Joz heard that Ji Lingyun was okay, and he was relieved. Although Marco and others are not as exaggerated as Joz, they are still very worried, but they are all right now. They all laughed. Marco also followed Whitebeard's words and opened The box.


The box was in Marco's hand, so Marco naturally saw the contents of the box first, and when he saw the contents inside, he immediately let out an exclamation.

"What's wrong, Marco, what makes you so fussed about."

Saatchi and the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group were all curiously leaning towards Marco. When they saw the Snow-snow Fruit in the box, they all exclaimed again and again, with more exaggerated expressions than Marco.

"My God, isn't this Devil Fruit?"

"It's not just Devil Fruit. Looking at the patterns and textures, it should be Logia Devil Fruit."

"What did that kid Lingyun do? How did you bring back a Logia Devil Fruit? This is a treasure on the sea, but it's hard to find. He only went out for a few days, why did he get one?"


Seeing Snow-snow Fruit, all the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates were all dumbfounded, and the surrounding Whitebeard Pirates also came over curiously, and then pointed at the Snow- in Marko's Snow Fruit started talking.

"What kind of fruit is this? Logia Devil Fruit seems to be so few?"

"I haven't seen it, but Logia Devil Fruit can't be wrong."

At this time, Whitebeard said, "This is Snow-snow Fruit, which is also a type of Logia. It belongs to the ice and snow family and is similar to Aokiji's Frozen Fruit."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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