"Snow-snow Fruit."

The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirate Group are all looking at this Devil Fruit. Many people’s eyes are full of undisguised desire. This is Logia Devil Fruit. There is no Logia capable person in the entire Whitebeard Pirate Group, and this Devil Fruit is also somewhat similar to Frozen Fruit from Marine Admiral Aokiji, and it must be very powerful.

Everyone was amazed by Ji Lingyun's luck. He had only been out a few days before he got a Logia Devil Fruit that no one else would have dreamt of. Is there anything to say about this luck?

Among the crowd, Marshall · D · Teach also looked at the Snow-snow Fruit with peculiar eyes. Naturally, his eyes flashed with meaning and desire, but he quickly suppressed it because he entered the Whitebeard Pirate Group for Dark Fruit, only that fruit is the most suitable for him, this Snow-snow Fruit cannot be compared with Dark Fruit at all.

What really moved Whitebeard was Ji Lingyun’s luck. He hadn’t found Dark Fruit for so many years, but Ji Lingyun easily found Snow-snow Fruit. Doesn’t it mean that Ji Lingyun is really lucky for heaven-defying , Maybe he will be able to find Dark Fruit one day in the future.

What makes Teach even more heartwarming is that most people who get Logia Devil Fruit will definitely eat it without hesitation, but Ji Lingyun sent it back to the Whitebeard Pirates, which shows that he is not interested in the Devil Fruit ability , If in the future he is really lucky to be heaven-defying and get Dark Fruit, doesn't it mean he has great hope?

So now Teach is full of expectations for Ji Lingyun, looking forward to him finding Dark Fruit. If this is the case, he can do everything he can to grab it, and then his ambitions can be unfolded.

"Lingyun, don't let me down."

Human beings are such strange animals. If they have no hope of getting something, they will expect others to help them get it. Now Teach is like that.

Whitebeard said: "Lingyun said, he doesn't want this fruit, as it is a reward for the Pirates. Who of you wants it?"

Upon hearing Whitebeard’s words, almost 90% of the people showed desire, even the captains. The only ones with fruit abilities in the Whitebeard Pirate Group are Whitebeard, Marco and Joz. Undoubtedly, they are the strongest in the Pirate Group, especially Logia Devil Fruit now. The starting point is higher than the fruits of the other two lines, so everyone wants to get it.

It's just that no one spoke, because everyone knew that Ji Lingyun got this fruit. He wanted to give it to him. It was his own idea. They could think, but they couldn't speak.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Seeing no one speaks, Whitebeard also has a headache. He regards the members of the Pirate Group as relatives, but there is only one fruit, and the others will be unbalanced, so even if it is him, he is still uncertain On the contrary, I blamed Ji Lingyun in my heart, thinking that he had thrown such a big trouble to him.

Speaking of it, this is not the first time Ji Lingyun has given Devil Fruit. Joz’s diamond fruit was given by Ji Lingyun, but it was directly given to him that time, so naturally everyone would not have any opinions, but this time Ji Lingyun didn't say anything, so everyone naturally moved their minds.

But as the captain of the Whitebeard pirate group, this kind of thing still has to be decided by Whitebeard.

Marco hugged Snow-snow Fruit and looked at the surrounding eyes on him. He only felt uncomfortable. He couldn’t wait to throw the Snow-snow Fruit out, but Whitebeard hadn’t spoken yet, and he was not messed Come.

"Marko, give Snow-snow Fruit to Saatchi."

After thinking about it for a long time, Whitebeard finally spoke, but when he spoke, many people suddenly showed disappointment. Although everyone knows that Whitebeard's decision is not biased, it is after all a Logia Devil Fruit, just like this Loss, the loss of heart is also self-evident.

When Marco heard what Whitebeard said, he immediately threw it into Saatchi's arms like a hot potato, and said, "Well, this is yours now, here you are."

Saatchi looked at the Snow-snow Fruit that was forcibly stuffed into his hands with a dazed expression. He didn't recover at all. He asked Whitebeard in a daze, "Daddy, give this to me?"

Whitebeard said solemnly: "Of course it is for you. You are also the first to follow me. With your qualifications, you deserve this fruit, but if you want to, thank Lingyun. After all, he found this fruit."

"But." Saqi said anxiously.

Whitebeard waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't do it, Snow-snow Fruit is for you. As for whether you want to eat it, it is your own business. If you give it to someone else, I have no opinion."

If such a good Devil Fruit is given to others, Saatchi is naturally reluctant. He didn’t eat Devil Fruit before, not because he didn’t. The Whitebeard Pirates also got Zoan’s Devil Fruit, but he saw the power of those fruits. No, so I didn’t eat it, but Snow-snow Fruit is different. Although I don’t know how powerful it is, it is Logia after all. Logia Devil Fruit is not weak. This is common sense.


After Whitebeard finished speaking, he didn't care, and lay down on the chair again to bask in the sun.

Saqi frowned and looked at Snow-snow Fruit in his hand. He could feel countless fiery gazes around him. After watching Snow-snow Fruit for a long time, regardless of whether it was dirty or not, he put it directly into his mouth.


When Saatchi swallowed Snow-snow Fruit, he clearly heard sighs from around him, which made him very strange, but more of it was happy. He was one of the Whitebeard Pirates. The only person in the group who has Logia fruit ability.

Saqi himself is a master, so after eating Snow-snow Fruit, he immediately began to sense, and the people around him did not disperse. They all looked at Saqi curiously, Logia Devil Fruit's ability, Want to see it.

After a long time, Saatchi opened his eyes suddenly, and saw that his body began to change. His clothes, hair, and skin slowly turned into snowflakes, and floated in the air. He turned into snowflakes. The ability to float.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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