Bista suddenly swung his sword at Saatchi, stabbing Saatchi with both sword, but passed directly through his body.

"Sure enough, it is Logia Devil Fruit, physical attacks have no effect at all."

Saatchi himself is also very happy. With Logia's fruit ability, his combat effectiveness will at least increase by 30%. Although the other Whitebeard pirates unfortunately did not get Devil Fruit, they are all really happy for Saatchi. After all, Saatchi gained power, and the Whitebeard Pirates also strengthened.

In the Chambord Islands, Ji Lingyun finally mastered the abilities of Hyōrinmaru Shikai after several days of research. He has studied Zanpakutō for many years, so although Hyōrinmaru was just Shikai, he still quickly mastered the skills.

On this day, Ji Lingyun talked to Xia Qi, then left the hotel and wandered around the Chambord Islands. The Chambord Islands combined were still very large. Ji Lingyun just wandered around casually and came unconsciously. Arrived on the 16th island.

The Chambordian Islands has never been a peaceful place. Although it is still under the control of Marine, not everything is controlled by Marine. At least a small half of the islands are illegal and very chaotic. After all, the Chambordian Islands lead to the New World. People from all walks of life will gather here, so it is naturally chaotic.

The 16th island that Ji Lingyun came to was an island in an unscrupulous zone. Along the way, he saw a lot of pirates, bounty hunters, and even saw a few fights.

But no matter what the illegal zone is, there are mostly civilians here, and there are basically seven to eighty percent of civilians on the road.

While Ji Lingyun was hanging out, suddenly there was a burst of exclamation in front of him, followed by a gunshot.


Obviously something big happened ahead. Ji Lingyun didn't want to join in the fun, but when he was about to turn around and leave, he stopped again and walked forward in a ghostly manner.

When Ji Lingyun walked to the place where the gun was just shot, his brows frowned, and all the people in front of him knelt down. There were people kneeling on both sides of the road, and there were only a few people in the whole place. Standing, it was a man with bubbles on his head, and a few bodyguards in suits behind him.(Read more @

Celestial Dragons, and this Celestial Dragons Ji Lingyun has also seen it, which is the Celestial Dragons that I met at the auction house not long ago.

However, Ji Lingyun's gaze was not on Celestial Dragons. Instead, he looked at the man who was stepped on by Celestial Dragons. This man was stepped on by Celestial Dragons. There was a wound on his body that kept bleeding, and Celestial Dragons. In his hand, he held a golden pistol and pointed it at the man at his feet. It was obvious that he had fired the gun just now.

The hands and feet of the man stepped on were shackled. The most important thing was that this man Ji Lingyun knew him, Jeffrey White, who was auctioned at the auction house not long ago.

The mob was very miserable at this time. He was stepped under the feet by Celestial Dragons and did not dare to move. Even if he was shot by Celestial Dragons, he still kept his head down and did not dare to look up at Celestial Dragons. Shrinked into a ball.

"Damn slave, dare to make me fall, I let you climb badly, I let you climb badly."

Celestial Dragons scolded and kicked the'thug' Jeffrey White with his feet. After kicking for a while, he spit on Jeffrey White again and shouted, "Get up and carry me quickly. I."

Jeffrey White, curled up on the ground, struggled to get up from the ground, and then turned over his body with a numb face, like an animal, his hands and feet lying on the ground, his body arched up, looking like a mount same.

Celestial Dragons snorted uncomfortably. Geoffrey White, who didn’t care about the bleeding, stepped on Jeffrey White’s body, sat on his back, and then pumped hard at Jeffrey White’s head After a while, he yelled: "Hurry up and throw me down again. I will send you to feed the dog."

Seeing this scene, Ji Lingyun only felt that a fire in the Hungarian accent suddenly rushed to his head, and that anger almost burned his whole person. Still, he took a step forward and then Unswervingly walked towards the place where Celestial Dragons is located...

The appearance of Ji Lingyun was naturally discovered by the kneeling civilians around him, because he was the only person who did not kneel down except Celestial Dragons and his bodyguards. There were also kind people who reminded Ji Lingyun to kneel down, but Ji Lingyun He was completely filled with anger and couldn't hear any sound at all.

When Ji Lingyun walked towards Celestial Dragons, everyone around was stunned, and they all felt that Ji Lingyun was finished.

Before Ji Lingyun took a few steps, they caught the attention of Celestial Dragons bodyguards. They looked at Ji Lingyun who was walking towards this side, and suddenly shouted: "Boy, stop, haven't you seen Lord Rolthas here? Quickly kneel down and beg for forgiveness."

However, Ji Lingyun didn't even look at him, and still walked in the direction of Celestial Dragons.

Hearing the voice of the bodyguard, Jeffrey White couldn’t help but glance back. He just saw Ji Lingyun’s gaze looking at him. He couldn’t describe that gaze, but the moment he came into contact with Ji Lingyun’s gaze, He trembled all over.

After just taking a look, Jeffrey White immediately lowered his head and shook his body more severely. Not long ago, he was a big pirate who fought Ji Lingyun, but 5.4 is now a slave, and still In front of Ji Lingyun, being so humiliated by Celestial Dragons, even if he is numb, he still feels ashamed to see people at this moment.

"Humble slave, who made you tremble."

Geoffrey White trembled, and the Celestial Dragons on his back became angry. He drew the whip and drew a few whips on Jeffrey White's body. The skin of Jeffrey White was spattered and blood was flying. .


Under everyone's shocked gaze, Ji Lingyun actually came to the side of Celestial Dragons. What's even more incredible was that he grabbed Celestial Dragons' wrists and physically prevented Celestial Dragons from continuing to swing the whip.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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