"What does he want to do?"

All the people around raised their heads and looked at the young man who appeared suddenly. This young man actually grabbed Celestial Dragons' hand and prevented his movement. In everyone's eyes, it was simply an unruly thing.

The bodyguards of Celestial Dragons did not expect that this young man would suddenly disappear from them, and in the blink of an eye he arrived at Celestial Dragons and also offended Celestial Dragons. As the bodyguards, they were all shocked. If their master lost one. They were all going to die if they had hair, so they rushed towards Ji Lingyun in amazement.

But when they just rushed behind Ji Lingyun, suddenly all of them rolled their eyes and fell down.

After Celestial Dragons was grabbed by Ji Lingyun's wrist, the whole person was a little stunned. Even if the bodyguard fell to the ground, it did not attract his attention. Instead, he shouted at Ji Lingyun with an angry face: "You 13 damn bitch , Dare to touch the most noble god in the world, damn untouchable, and still not let go of your scumbag?"

It’s just that Ji Lingyun just glanced at him coldly, then looked at Jeffrey White who was lying on the ground as a mount, and asked coldly: “Thug, you and I have met once, even though it is. Enemy, but I also consider you a respectable opponent, but look at what you look like now? Where is your dignity?"

Listening to Ji Lingyun's words, Jeffrey White's body was shaking more severely. He didn't dare to look at Ji Lingyun, he just didn't want to be recognized by Ji Lingyun, and he didn't want his former opponents to see him in such an embarrassing appearance.

"Damn untouchables, the great god is talking to you, you dare to ignore me, I'm going to kill you."

Celestial Dragons saw Ji Lingyun ignore him, and his expression suddenly became savage. He angrily used the other hand that had been holding a gun and pointed his muzzle directly at Ji Lingyun.


A shot was fired, but Ji Lingyun only dodged his head and escaped the bullet, but the next moment, he suddenly looked at Celestial Dragons with a cold look, showing his murderous aura.

Celestial Dragons looked at Ji Lingyun's gaze and became even more angry. He yelled: "The look in your untouchable eyes makes me very upset. I will buckle your eyeballs and I will tear you to pieces."

"Celestial Dragons? Haha."

Ji Lingyun looked at Celestial Dragons and suddenly laughed. The laughter was full of disdain and coldness.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Jeffrey White, who didn't dare to lift his head, trembled even more when he heard Ji Lingyun's laughter, and then quickly raised his head, just to see Ji Lingyun's murderous gaze, he hurriedly shouted: Edward Ji Lingyun, don't mess around. He is the Celestial Dragons of the world's nobles. Don't mess around. If you dare to mess around, even the Whitebeard Pirates may not be able to keep you."

Although he and Ji Lingyun were once enemies, but now he has fallen to this point, he naturally knows the misery of becoming a slave to Celestial Dragons, and Ji Lingyun only appeared for him, so he does not want Ji Lingyun to do anything wrong.

Ji Lingyun looked at Jeffrey White and said solemnly: "Confident people never need protection from others. They need to protect themselves."

Afterwards, Ji Lingyun looked at Celestial Dragons and said coldly: "World Nobles? Celestial Dragons? So what? In my eyes, there are only two kinds of people in the world, one is a friend, the other is an enemy ."

Celestial Dragons roared: "You untouchable, don't let go, and then kneel down as I prayed."

Seeing the Celestial Dragons have reached the point where they can’t figure out the form, Ji Lingyun even more disdain, shrugging, and saying to Jeffrey White, “See you, this is what you call a nobleman in the world? It’s nothing more than the trash raised in captivity. They don’t know that the world is not just revolving around them, and they don’t know what he is to me?

"Edward Ji Lingyun, don't mess around. You will cause a disaster for the Whitebeard Pirates. Don't mess around."

Geoffrey White trembled all over. He could feel the terrifying murderous aura from Ji Lingyun's words and eyes. He had no doubt that Ji Lingyun would squeeze the head of Celestial Dragons in the next moment, if he really did. If he did that, not only him, but everyone here would suffer, and even the Whitebeard Pirates would definitely not be better off.

The kneeling civilians around were also looking at Ji Lingyun in disbelief. They were filled with fear. This young man actually wanted to do something with Celestial Dragons. They had been insulted by Celestial Dragons all the year, and they had a kind of pleasure while fearing However, more people are clear in their heads, and they know what it means once Celestial Dragons is attacked.

"What does he want to do?"

"Untouchable, don't let me go, then kneel down." Celestial Dragons still shouted angrily.

Ji Lingyun said coldly: "Do you like people to kneel so much? If that's the case, then you can kneel down and have a look and feel what it's like."

"Edward Ji Lingyun, don't." Jeffrey 833 White let out the biggest roar in his life.

But how could Ji Lingyun listen to him? I saw that the hand that he grabbed Celestial Dragons suddenly used force, Celestial Dragons was lifted directly by him like a chicken, and then he was hit hard On the ground, he kicked Celestial Dragons' knees.

Under the incredible gaze of everyone, the world's most noble Celestial Dragons just knelt in front of Ji Lingyun.

"It's over." Seeing this scene, Jeffrey White couldn't help closing his eyes. For the first time he realized how terrifying and bold the boy in front of him was, but it was too late.

The people around them are also stupid. They all looked at Ji Lingyun incredible. Someone hit Celestial Dragons. Not only that, it even made Celestial Dragons kneel before them. What a shame? This is simply humiliating the Celestial Dragons, a nobleman in the world.

"There is such a bold person in the world?"

"It's over, Celestial Dragons has been attacked, and we will suffer as well."

"It's a good fight. Although this young man is dead, he is really amazing. He is a sigh for everyone."


Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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