Ji Lingyun was indifferent to those discussions. He just stared at Celestial Dragons and asked coldly: "How does it feel to kneel on the ground, can you tell me?"

Celestial Dragons' face was ugly at this time. He was firmly pressed to the ground by Ji Lingyun. The simple long sword on his shoulder pressed him like a big mountain, and he didn't have the ability to move.

"You damn untouchable, you are dead, you are dead, I will definitely kill you..."

Celestial Dragons is just an ordinary person with no power, Ji Lingyun wants to control him is not a very simple thing, even killing him is no different from killing an ant.


A slap directly on the face of Celestial Dragons, Ji Lingyun's eyes are cold, but the people around are already scared and stupid. He has seen fierce ones, but has never seen such fierce ones, so he slaps Celestial directly if he makes a difference The slap of Dragons, it seems that only Ji Lingyun can do it in this world, right?

After slapped and slapped, Ji Lingyun suddenly apologized and said to the people around him: "I'm so sorry, everyone, I heard that this guy will attract Marine Admiral. Let's run away now."

Hearing Ji Lingyun’s words, the surrounding people suddenly reacted. Celestial Dragons are protected by Marine. If they are beaten, Marine Admiral will be attracted. As the Chambordian Islands closest to Marine headquarters, the people here are deep. Knowing the horror of Marine Admiral, after a period of silence, everyone shouted in horror.

The chaotic, lively neighborhood became extremely chaotic in an instant. Everyone screamed in horror, and then quickly fled from this place. At this time, they couldn't think of anything else in their hearts. As long as they thought that Marine Admiral might come, they The soul is about to fly away.

After about a few minutes, only Ji Lingyun, Celestial Dragons and Geoffrey White were left in the whole block, as well as a few bodyguards of Celestial Dragons who fell to the ground, all of whom were gone.

It's just that in a private house, a man watched this scene with excitement. He found a dilapidated camera from the house and ran to the window, staring at the direction Ji Lingyun and the others were. The camera instantly captured the scene where Ji Lingyun forced Celestial Dragons to kneel.

"Get rich, get rich, this photo can definitely sell for a sky-high price. I believe that many newspapers will spend sky-high prices to buy this photo. I didn't expect that I had been poor for my whole life, and in the end I still had such good luck. Celestial Dragons, this young man made such an astonishing act. It's really looking for death, but what does it have to do with me?"

The man was extremely excited. He was about to escape just now, but suddenly his mind flashed, thinking of using this opportunity to make money, the world noble Celestial Dragons kneeled down, this is probably the first time in history, it is absolutely priceless.

"Thug, what else do you want to say?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ji Lingyun didn't care about the yelling Celestial Dragons, and turned to look at Jeffrey White.

After experiencing shock and disbelief just now, Jeffrey White has slowly calmed down. He glanced at Celestial Dragons, who couldn’t get rid of no matter how hard he struggled, and smiled bitterly: "When things are up to now, what else can I say? Yes? You are in trouble."

"Big disaster?" Ji Lingyun chuckled and said: "Yeah, it was indeed a big disaster, but what about it? I was originally a pirate wanted by Marine, but now it's just a plus. , What's the point? What's more, Celestial Dragons is not a shit in my eyes."

"You are really a lunatic, I have never served anyone in my life, but you, I have taken it, and I am convinced."

Jeffrey White looked at Ji Lingyun with admiration. Although Ji Lingyun seemed to him to be very absurd, it is undeniable that he would not have the courage to attack Celestial Dragons.

"Thug, do you want freedom?" Ji Lingyun asked suddenly.

Geoffrey White trembled and looked at Ji Lingyun in surprise, only to see Ji Lingyun faintly saying: "Although we were once enemies, I don't want to see you fall to this point. As a pirate, don't You can have nothing, but you must have freedom. Do you still want freedom?"

"miss you."

Jeffrey White has never longed for happiness like he does now. Although he has only been a slave for a few days, but in these few days, he has endured a humiliation that he had never imagined in his entire life. He had committed suicide, but it was a pity that he didn't dare and couldn't do that.


Ji Lingyun laughed, and then saw Ji Lingyun suddenly drew out the sword, and then the sword body turned into a small blade. The blade penetrated along the seastone's key and quickly opened the seastone's shackles.

"Now you are free."

Jeffrey White stared blankly at the hands and feet that had recovered their freedom, his eyes still showed incredible color. He has been longing for freedom these few days, but he knew that in front of Celestial Dragons, he was totally unbelievable. There is no hope.

But just when he was desperate, Ji Lingyun suddenly appeared and did something he would never forget.

"You, you, why? Why do you want to do this? Just to save me?"

Ji Lingyun smiled and said: "Thug, you think too much. You are only a small part. I can't blame this guy for what he did."

Pointing to Celestial Dragons, Ji Lingyun looked grim and said, "There is more important point. I need this guy to help me accomplish an important thing."

"What did you say?" Jeffrey White asked.

Ji Lingyun smiled and said, "I heard that if you move this guy, Marine Admiral will be attracted."

Jeffrey White looked at Ji Lingyun in amazement and asked, "Your target is Marine Admiral?"

Ji Lingyun smiled and said, "You are right, my purpose is Marine Admiral."

Jeffrey White looked at Ji Lingyun like a madman, and said, "You are crazy, you want to attract Marine Admiral? Do you know what Marine Admiral means? You are playing with fire."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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