Listening to Jeffrey White’s furious roar, Ji Lingyun’s expression was very flat, and he said faintly: “There are many different types of playing with fire. You think I’m trying to kill Marine Admiral, but how do you understand me? I’ve never seen Marine Admiral. If you want to kill me, you have to pay a price."

Ji Lingyun knows that Akainu and other Marine Admiral will definitely become stronger after a few years, but in the same way, his strength is definitely not comparable to that at the beginning. He may not be Admiral’s opponent, but they want to kill It was not so easy for him, and he did not attract Marine Admiral for desperation.

During the conversation between Ji Lingyun and Jeffrey White, a large group of Marine soldiers quickly surrounded the entire street. Only a Marine officer with the rank of Marine Colonel came out and pointed to Ji Lingyun and shouted: "Quickly let go of Celestial. Lord Dragons."

When the Celestial Dragons saw Marine arrived, they burst out with an angry roar: "You idiot Marines, don’t hurry up and grab this bastard who dares to insult me. I am the most noble Celestial Dragons in the world. God, come on me, you bunch of useless trash."

This group of Marines came to save Celestial Dragons, but they did not expect that they were scolded by 460 bloody heads as soon as they came. Knowing the dignity of Celestial Dragons, that Colonel Marine also trembled and felt extremely unhappy.

But no matter how uncomfortable he was, he couldn't stop Celestial Dragons' orders. In front of Celestial Dragons, even Lieutenant General Marine could only obey his orders, not to mention that he was a small Marine Colonel.

Colonel Marine shouted again: "I don't care who you are, I quickly let go of that adult. We have notified the Marine headquarters. If you close your hands immediately, you may be able to relax."

"Asshole, why take it lightly? I will send him to the slave yard, and let him suffer the most violent torture, so that he can't survive and die." Celestial Dragons roared again.

Ji Lingyun chuckled: "Have you heard, Colonel Marine, he wants me to survive, so I can't die? Do you think I should let him go?"


Colonel Marine scolded in his heart. He also felt that this Celestial Dragons was extremely stupid. He was already a prisoner, and he dared to be so unscrupulous. He really didn't know how to write the dead words, although he didn't think Ji Lingyun had the guts to kill Celestial. Dragons.

Colonel Marine glanced at the scarred mob next to Ji Lingyun and shouted, "You can't run away. The man next to you is a pirate'thug', right? You attacked the adult to save him, right? Then you He must also be a pirate, but there are thousands of Marines in the Chambord Islands, you can't escape."(Read more @

Ji Lingyun smiled and said, "I think you have misunderstood a little. I never thought about running away."

Hearing what Ji Lingyun said, Colonel Marine was shocked. He didn't understand what Ji Lingyun meant, but the current situation no longer allowed him to think about it. He shouted: "Let go of that lord, or we will have to do it. ."

Ji Lingyun snorted: "You don't need to do it anymore, because, let's fall down!"

Conqueror's Haki burst out of him in an instant, and a powerful aura swept the entire street. The hundreds of Marine who came with Colonel Marine did not react at all and all fell down.

This sudden scene made the Marine Colonel instantly stunned. He looked at the Marine soldier who fell behind him in amazement. The cold sweat on his forehead kept dripping. He didn't understand what was going on, why all the men behind him were All fall down.

But Jeffrey White, the mob holding his wound next to Ji Lingyun, has already said the answer.

"This is, Conqueror's Haki, you can't go wrong, it's Conqueror's Haki."

Geoffrey White was full of astonishment. He is also a big pirate. He has naturally heard of Conqueror's Haki, but he has never seen it before. He has only heard the rumors. Judging from the performance of Ji Lingyun twice, he is worthy. I can recognize it as Conqueror's Haki.

Because of this, Jeffrey White was shocked. Conqueror's Haki is a power that only people with the'Quality of the King' can have. There are very few people in the world who have Conqueror's Haki. The young pirate of the thief group actually has Haki of Conqueror's Haki.

After the Marine Colonel heard Jeffrey White’s exclamation, his face was full of horror. He murmured: "Conqueror's Haki, is it Conqueror's Haki the same as Marine hero, Lieutenant General Garp? How is it possible? How can a young pirate who doesn't have all the hairs possessed that kind of power?"

What makes him even more puzzled is why his men have fallen down, but he doesn't feel the least?

In fact, he didn’t know, Ji Lingyun’s Conqueror’s Haki deliberately avoided him and didn’t release him, so he would be fine. Otherwise, even if he didn’t fall down like those Marines, he would be extremely uncomfortable. After all, Conqueror’s Haki was Acting on the spirit.

"Hey, Colonel Marine."

When Colonel Marine was in a daze, he suddenly heard Ji Lingyun yell to him. His whole body was shocked and he couldn't help taking a step back. He looked at Ji Lingyun in horror and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Seeing his vigilant and scared face, Ji Lingyun's face suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. This guy was acting like he was going to do him.

Ji Lingyun said: "You can see that you can't catch me. I also know that there are many Marines in the Chambord Islands, but I can tell you that even if you transfer all of them, think It’s not that easy to catch me. Maybe I’m anxious, I’ll kill this guy.”

Colonel Marine was even more frightened when he heard this. From his point of view, Ji Lingyun was already a demon-level figure. He completely ignored Ji Lingyun’s age and only feared, but he also knew that what Ji Lingyun said was true. If Celestial Dragons is really killed, it is definitely not something they can afford, not just him, it is estimated that all Marines in the Chambord Islands are very difficult to afford, so he is frightened, there is only one choice, and that is stability Live in Ji Lingyun.

"What do you want to do?"

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