"Say." Sengoku said concisely.

The guards reported: "The person who attacked Celestial Dragons, named Edward Ji Lingyun, is..."


Suddenly a few exclamations interrupted the guard's report. Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru and others stood up in surprise, especially Akainu, who asked with a gloomy expression: "Edward Ji Lingyun, Was it the kid from the Whitebeard Pirates?"

The guard glanced at Sengoku. At Sengoku's signal, he replied, "It should be him."

Sengoku said in a deep voice: "The kid has never appeared since he returned to the Whitebeard Pirates. The latest information is that he defeated the Pirates Alliance that attacked The fish men island in The fish men island. He should have followed the people of the Whitebeard Pirates. Why did he appear in the Chambord Islands?"

Naturally, Marine’s intelligence capabilities needless to say. The fish men island also has their garrisons, so when Ji Lingyun appeared in The fish men island, they quickly learned about it, but they don’t have time to pay attention to it now; Unexpectedly, they didn't take care of Ji Lingyun. Ji Lingyun went to Chambord Islands by himself and did such a thing.

"What the hell is going on?" Sengoku asked.

The guard replied: "According to the information obtained by Marine in the Chambord Islands, it is said that the boy called himself ‘Shinigami’. It seems that Celestial Dragons was attacked by a slave next to Celestial Dragons."

"Shinigami? It's really arrogant, but the slave you are talking about? What's the matter? How could that kid have something to do with the slave of Celestial Dragons?" Sengoku asked again.

The guard said: "I don't know, but there is no doubt that he must have known the slave."

"Assault Celestial Dragons for a slave?"

Not only Sengoku was astonished, but everyone else looked at each other. They couldn’t believe that Celestial Dragons are the most noble race in the world, and slaves are the cheapest existence. They attacked the most noble Celestial Dragons for the cheapest slave. Isn't it a bit too contradictory? Rao, the senior members of Marine, also found it difficult to accept.

Sengoku frowned, but he suddenly saw the guards in front of him hesitating, as if he wanted to speak but didn't dare to speak, he was immediately angry, and he shouted, "What else is there, tell me everything."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The guards gritted their teeth and said, "That Edward Ji Lingyun also asked the person who passed the message to bring a word."

"What are you talking about?" Sengoku asked.

The guard said: "He said that he and the Marshal are old friends, so he wants to discuss with you. If he wants to send Marine Admiral to arrest him because of the Celestial Dragons, he hopes that the Marshal will send Kuzan Admiral to arrest him. "

"What do you mean?" Aokiji looked at the guards in amazement, and the rest of them were also puzzled.

Sengoku didn't care about Ji Lingyun saying that he was an old friend. He also asked, "Be more specific."

The guards glanced at Akainu and Kizaru, and then said, "He said that Sakazuki Admiral had a facial paralyzed face, so he didn't feel like fighting, so he didn't want to fight Sakazuki Admiral. He also said that Admiral had a wretched face. Disgusting, the fight was really tormenting, so I didn’t want to fight Admiral with Polusali; only Kuzan Admiral looked kind, so he said, if you want to send Admiral to catch him, send Kuzan Admiral to catch him. ."

"Wa hahaha……"

As soon as the personal guard had finished speaking, there was an unscrupulous laugh in the conference room. Garp was slapped on the table while laughing, and the snacks on the table were everywhere he took pictures.


Sengoku roared angrily, and Garp laughed a few more times before stopping, but his shoulders kept shaking, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

If Garp is laughing, then the faces of Akainu and Kizaru will become a lot ugly. Akainu has always had that expression. Even if he can see anger, it is not too obvious; but Kizaru is too obvious, Kizaru His Lian was a little wrinkled together, usually a lazy look, but after listening to Ji Lingyun's words at this time, his angry cheeks wrinkled even more, and the whole person looked really scary.

Aokiji was a little bit dumbfounded. The other Marine executives also laughed in their hearts. This kid is really courageous. After attacking Celestial Dragons, instead of running, he waited in place for Marine Admiral to catch him. Sengoku sent his designated Admiral to arrest him according to his ideas. Is there such an arrogant criminal?

Others laughed, but Sengoku, who was Marine Marshal, felt humiliated. Ji Lingyun's actions just treated Marine as a trifling matter, and didn't pay attention to it at all.

"Mr. Sengoku, let me bring that kid back." Kizaru stood up suddenly with a rare serious expression. Anyone who knows him knows that he is already angry. Ji Lingyun insults him so much. He must do something. Response.

As soon as Kizaru's voice fell, Akainu yelled, "Marshal Sengoku, I'll go. The kid escaped from me last time. This time I will definitely catch him back."

Kizaru snorted coldly, "Sakazuki, since you couldn't catch him last time, you may not be able to catch him this time. I am fast and I am sure to catch him."

Akainu was immediately angry, and he shouted to Kizaru: "Porusali, what do you mean?"

Kizaru said: "It's not interesting, I'll get this kid back."

Akainu didn't back down and said, "You don't understand that kid. I have fought with him many times. I understand him, so let me go. I have greater confidence."

"Huh, that's what you said last time. What happened?" Kizaru said sarcastically.

Akainu glared angrily and shouted at Kizaru: "Porusali, do you want to make gestures?"

Kizaru said, "Sakazuki, do you think I'm afraid of you? Okay, we Admiral haven't divided the levels yet. This time, we just took advantage of this opportunity. Whoever wins will catch the kid."

"Okay, remember what you said, let's go out." Akainu pushed aside the chair and got ready to go out and fight Kizaru.

Suddenly, Akainu and Kizaru broke out so fast that everyone did not react, and they both walked outside.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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