"You two stop me."

Just as Akainu and Kizaru were about to leave, Sengoku let out an angry roar. He pointed at them and shouted: "Look at what you two are doing? You are Marine Admiral, why are you arguing here like a gangster? ? Where did you put Marine's face?"

Listening to Sengoku's angry roar, Akainu and Kizaru suddenly stopped. Sengoku said they were both Marshal Marine, their immediate boss, so no matter how upset they were, they didn't dare to act recklessly.

Sengoku continued: "It's just for a small kid, you see what you are doing? Is there any responsibility that Marine Admiral should have? That kid said that, isn't it just for this effect? ​​Isn't it? Can't you see it?"

Akainu and Kizaru didn’t talk. How could they not know what Ji Lingyun thought, but this time what Ji Lingyun said was too ugly. Kizaru, who has always been lazy, couldn’t help it anymore. What's more, Akainu, you must know Ji Lingyun He had escaped many times in his hands, which he regarded as a great shame, so this time he had a chance, of course he was not willing to give up.


Sengoku suddenly shouted to Akainu: 893 "You are the fastest, this time you go, I hope you don’t let me down, and bring back that kid’s person. If you can’t bring back alive, just take his body. Bring it back, understand?"

Kizaru was shocked, and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Sengoku, I will definitely bring him back."

Akainu snorted unhappy, not only dissatisfied with Sengoku's decision, but also dissatisfied with the ridicule hidden in Kizaru's words.

Only Aokiji looked depressed. The last time Ji Lingyun escaped from his hands, he also wanted to catch Ji Lingyun, and Ji Lingyun called him to go, but Sengoku did not mention him from beginning to end , Which makes him very depressed.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

After receiving the order, Kizaru left the Marine headquarters without delay and headed towards the Chambord Islands.

In the Chambord Islands, Ji Lingyun was still sitting there, Celestial Dragons fell at his feet, and he was a little worried. Although he said that, he didn't know whether Sengoku would let Aokiji over.

Ji Lingyun knows very well that Marine Admiral, no matter which one it is, he will not be an opponent now. The reason why he stays here to attract Admiral is naturally only one purpose, that is Aokiji's Frozen Fruit ability, but Marine Admiral has three He didn't know who Sengoku would send over, so he said something like that.

It’s just that Ji Lingyun didn’t know. It was his words that led Sengoku to send Kizaru. If he wanted to know, he would definitely regret it.

Ji Lingyun counted the time. He was almost there when he arrived at the Chambord Islands from the Marine headquarters, so he immediately stood up, and the surrounding Marines saw Ji Lingyun stand up, and they immediately became energetic. They received the order. As long as Ji Lingyun did not intend to leave, they were not allowed to do it, so they endured it till now.

The Marine Colonel who had met Ji Lingyun before was also among the Marines surrounding Ji Lingyun, and he followed a Major General Marine.

"Is Admiral not here yet?" Major General Marine looked at Ji Lingyun through the binoculars and asked anxiously.

Colonel Marine said, "It should be coming soon."

Major General Marine nodded, and then said puzzledly: "Do you think this Edward Ji Lingyun has a brain problem? He really stayed in place waiting for Admiral? What is he thinking? Does he think he can beat Admiral? ?"

Colonel Marine also shook his head incomprehensibly, and said, "I don't understand what he is thinking, but according to the information we have collected, this young man is really not easy. It turned out to be the scene of the execution of One Piece Roger The child of, he snatched Roger's body under the heavy siege of our Marine, and also managed to escape. He had such courage when he was only ten years old. Now it is not too human to stay and wait for Admiral. It's hard to accept."

Major General Marine also said: "Yeah, at first I thought it was a stunned boy who dared to attack Celestial Dragons. Now it seems that it is by no means simple. This boy was able to do something like that back then, now he is attacking Celestial Dragons doesn't seem to be too shocking. After all, he is a member of the Whitebeard Pirates."

"But no matter how good he is, no matter how potential he is, when Admiral comes, he will only have a dead end."

Marine people have a blind admiration for Marine Admiral, because Marine Admiral represents the highest combat effectiveness of Marine, that is, relying on the power of Marine Admiral, so Marine headquarters can fight New World Four Emperors and suppress the first half of the Grand Line. , So in the eyes of Marine, Admiral is synonymous with undefeated.

When Major General Marine and Colonel Marine were talking, suddenly a Marine soldier hurried over and said: "Major General Nordman, I have received news that Admiral Kizaru came in person and has arrived in the Chambord Islands. ."

"Is it Kizaru Admiral, great, that kid is dead." Marine Major General Nordman suddenly exclaimed, "Where is Kizaru Admiral?"

The soldier who reported it suddenly said with embarrassment: "I don't know. The news is that after Kizaru Admiral arrived in the Chambord Islands, he was acting alone. No one knows where he went?"

"What, yellow..." Major General Marine was about to speak, but suddenly he saw a yellow light flashing on the surrounding buildings, his eyes stared, and he cried out incredible, "That's Kizaru Admiral?"

That's right, the yellow light that quickly approached here is naturally Kizaru. After he came to the Chambord Islands, he did not act with the other Marines at all, but quickly got rid of them, and then moved as fast as Ji Lingyun was The location is here.

As Admiral, Kizaru naturally has absolute confidence in himself. In his opinion, Ji Lingyun is just a teenage boy after all. No matter how talented he is, it takes time to grow. He alone is enough to deal with it.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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