"what happened again?"

Sengoku has been exhausted by what happened continuously, so he now calmed down after seeing this person.

The Marine officer who rushed in reported: "Marshal Sengoku is a revolutionary army. Under the leadership of the dragon, the revolutionary army has overturned the power of a kingdom. Just got the news that Five Elders was furious and asked the Marshal to see them immediately."

"The eventful autumn, it's really an eventful autumn, and one wave of unrest has risen again."

Sengoku doesn’t have the violent anger he had before. Although the incident this time is much more serious than that of the Whitebeard Pirates, he is not so anxious because although the revolutionary army is terrifying, it is not directly under his jurisdiction. The main responsibilities are the pirates on the sea and the maintenance of public security. Like the revolutionary army, the world government is usually directly responsible for it.

"I just came back from Mary Geoise and I didn't expect to go again. I can't stop."

Sengoku sighed in his heart. He knew that Five Elders was more anxious than him now. The threat of the Revolutionary Army is much more serious than that of the Whitebeard Pirates. Perhaps the 15th Revolutionary Army is not as powerful as the Whitebeard Pirates, but the Revolutionary Army has faith. Their purpose is to subvert the World government. The regiment only dominates the New World and has no interest in the world. Five Elders can still tell which one is more important.

After Ji Lingyun attacked the Marine branch, he immediately moved away and found a place to hide.

After a while, Akainu and Kizaru both arrived at the Marine branch that was attacked by Ji Lingyun and were ready to look for Ji Lingyun's traces, but before he could search carefully, they suddenly went from another Marine branch not too far There was news of being attacked.

It turned out that Ji Lingyun attacked the Marine branch again, and the words left behind were exactly the same as the last time.

Akainu and Kizaru changed directions again angrily, but when they arrived, Ji Lingyun had long since disappeared.

"Damn it, bastard, cunning kid."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Akainu roared angrily, and the two of them Marine Admiral were juggled and run by Ji Lingyun.

Kizaru was also extremely angry. He said solemnly, "Looking at his actions, obviously there will be another action. Sakazuki, which Marine branch is closer to here?"

The two quickly gathered information on the Marine branch of the Grand Line and found that there were three Marine branches relatively close here. If Ji Lingyun acts again, it is likely to be one of them.

Kizaru said to Akainu: "Sakazuki, we chased him all the way, it is impossible to catch him, so I think we should take preemptive actions. You and I should act separately and hide in one of the Marine branches. That kid is definitely not fast Our warship is fast, we can arrange it first to catch turtles in an urn."

Naturally, none of the characters who can become Admiral are ordinary characters. Although Kizaru usually seems lazy, once he gets serious, it is extremely scary, otherwise he will not be able to move to the position of Marine Admiral.

Akainu only hesitated for a while, and then agreed to this plan.

Ji Lingyun didn't know the plans of Akainu and Kizaru, or even that Sengoku sent two Marine Admiral to arrest him. He still acted according to his plan and was ready to pick the next Marine branch to do it.

Speaking of which, Ji Lingyun still prefers this kind of action. He is a pirate, but so far, he has not done a burning, killing or looting. However, the attacks on the Marine branch these few times have allowed him to pass. Addiction, he took a lot of money from the Marine branch and hid all the money he robbed. Now he is considered a rich man.

When Ji Lingyun selected the target, he immediately moved towards the target Marine branch as quickly as possible. However, after the previous events, the Marine branch was much more tightly guarded. Similarly, Ji Lingyun became more cautious. After a lot, he even made up his mind. After attacking the Marine branch, he immediately stopped, because Aokiji has not appeared until now, and he feels that his plan is still not perfect.

But when Ji Lingyun happily ran to this Marine branch and was about to do something, a roar of extreme anger suddenly fell from the sky.

"Edward Ji Lingyun!"

Hearing this angry roar, Ji Lingyun trembled all over, even after a few years, he recognized the owner of the voice instantly, so he didn't hesitate to turn around and ran to maximize the speed .

Ji Lingyun ran at extreme speed, and a large group of red lava emerged from behind him, also attacking him at a rapid speed.

"Fuck, it's Akainu!"

Ji Lingyun dodges Akainu's magma, and continues to run without looking back. His heart is extremely depressed. He didn't recruit Aokiji, but let Akainu come out. 347. What Ji Lingyun wants most is to fight Akainu. This guy is completely crazy , It's not fatal to fight.

The furious Akainu speed is too fast. Seeing that Ji Lingyun is only a few tens of meters away, Ji Lingyun's face paled in shock. He is not the stunned green he was back then. He knows it very well. Then he will be tough with Akainu. In the end, it must be him who was unlucky, so he didn't even mean to fight, he just wanted to run.


After pulling out Zangetsu, Ji Lingyun immediately went to Bankai, and then the speed soared, opened the distance from Akainu, and ran to the beach quickly. His goal was simple, to rush to the fastest speed. Then use Minazuki's ability to fly by the sea. Akainu has no ships, and it is impossible to catch him. Even if Akainu makes a large-scale attack, he needs time to prepare. This time is enough for him to run a certain distance.

Akainu chased after Ji Lingyun wildly. He naturally understood Ji Lingyun's plan in his heart, but he was already on the shore for a long time, so he didn't worry that Ji Lingyun would run away from him.

When Ji Lingyun rushed to the beach at the fastest speed, he immediately took a breath when he saw the situation on the beach.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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