At the very least, dozens of Marine warships are docked at the seaside. More importantly, the turrets of all warships are all pointed in his direction, as if they would fire immediately with an order.

"Oh, such a big movement!"

Ji Lingyun was full of surprise, stopped, so many artillery, I am afraid that he was hit by countless shells before he even flew, let alone escape, it will be a problem whether he can keep the whole body, after all. He hasn't been able to cover his whole body by Armament Haki.

Not long after Ji Lingyun stopped, Akainu chased after him. He stared at Ji Lingyun coldly and said, "Edward Ji Lingyun, this time even if you have great abilities, there is no chance to escape here. "

Ji Lingyun stretched out his hand and asked helplessly: "Is it worth using so many warships to catch me alone?"

"As long as you can catch you, everything is worth it." Akainu said coldly.

Ji Lingyun smiled and said, "I should feel honored to hear you say this, or should I feel painful?"

Akainu said coldly: "You don't need to feel anything, you have only one end."

"Oh? Is it dead?" Ji Lingyun asked.


Akainu snorted coldly, but didn't answer Ji Lingyun's question. Instead, he asked, "Boy, I don't want to have so much nonsense with you. You can't escape now, so hurry up and surrender."

The smile on Ji Lingyun's face slowly faded, her face became very serious, and she said solemnly: "In my world, there has never been a saying of surrender, so if you want to catch me or kill me, It’s up to you to see if you have that ability."

With that, Ji Lingyun's right hand is already placed on the hilt of Shinigami's Blade, and it may be out of the sheath at any time.

But at this moment, Akainu suddenly shouted, "Fire!"

In an instant, the muzzles of the dozen warships ejected fire at the same time, attacking the location of Ji Lingyun.

Ji Lingyun did not expect Akainu to be so decisive and directly ordered to attack him, but now he has no time to think about it, because of so many artillery attacks, he is in an absolutely dangerous state.(Read more @

"Zangetsu! Bankai!"

Ji Lingyun immediately used his strongest ability so far. In this sky of artillery, only the fastest speed can be used to dodge, so Ji Lingyun did not hesitate.

"Boom! Boom..."

I'm afraid the sound of explosions is endless. All around Ji Lingyun is full of fire, and the ground is full of bombed mud, and Ji Lingyun's figure is completely invisible.

The artillery fire lasted for more than a minute before it stopped, and the surrounding area was miserable, and there was no good place on the ground.

But when the fire and smoke disappeared, Akainu's eyes became fierce, because Ji Lingyun did not die under the artillery attack, but stood on the land that was attacked by the artillery shells, with a lot of black robes on her body. He was damaged and looked very embarrassed.

But although Ji Lingyun looked very embarrassed, he did not die. Under such a continuous bombardment, he was not bombed to death, and he did not even seem to be seriously injured, but only slightly injured.

Although Akainu’s face was gloomy, he did not show any unexpected expressions. He already knew Ji Lingyun’s extraordinary, so he didn’t think that those shells could kill Ji Lingyun, especially when he was attacked by shells. The blade flashes on the ground, and then the shell exploded in the air, which shows that Ji Lingyun is not only passively attacked.

Since Ji Lingyun is not dead, Akainu is ready to do it immediately, but before he can act, Ji Lingyun is faster than him, and Ji Lingyun suddenly moves, but not in the direction of Akainu, but at Those warships on the shore went away.

"not good!"

Akainu's face changed, and he quickly tried to stop Ji Lingyun, but Ji Lingyun's speed was too fast. In the blink of an eye, he came to the front of a warship and slashed quickly.

"Crescent Moon Sky Chong!"

The huge sword beam directly smashed the warship, passing through the middle of the warship, and the solid warship was cut in half by Ji Lingyun's sword. The warship sent waves of exclamation and incredible cries.

"Crescent Moon Sky Chong!"

But this was only the beginning. Ji Lingyun rushed to the front of another warship again and slashed with the same sword. The result was naturally the same as before, the warship was split in half by Ji Lingyun.


Akainu roared angrily, but after all, he was moving backwards. After Ji Lingyun broke three warships in succession, he reluctantly chased after Ji Lingyun and prevented Ji Lingyun from continuing his movements.

Seeing that Akainu had rushed over, Ji Lingyun knew that he could no longer continue to attack, because he had not yet faced Akainu while still having spare capacity to destroy the warships.


The angry Akainu didn't have a word of nonsense at all, and directly used his ability to bombard Ji Lingyun in the past.

Ji Lingyun used Tensa Zangetsu to stand in front of him, but he was still forced to retreat by Akainu's attack, that is, his weapon was strong enough, otherwise it would be really difficult to withstand the erosion of Akainu magma.

"Crescent Moon Sky Chong!"

Naturally, Ji Lingyun would not be willing to be passive. He slammed Akainu with a backhand, but Akainu let the blade pierce his body. Although the blade pierced his body, he appeared. There was a crack, but it was quickly recovered by magma, and it became Akainu again.

Without frowning, Akainu continued to rush towards Ji Lingyun, constantly attacking Ji Lingyun with his fists, and Ji Lingyun also used Tensa Zangetsu to resist and counterattack. The two of them were taller and shorter, using their full strength. There are not too many fancy skills, only pure power and ability.

After hitting, Ji Lingyun was already sweating. Akainu's magma was too hot. Although he was not directly hit by the magma, he still felt very hot when he resisted, and even his breath was hot. , The sweat evaporates as soon as it comes out, which is very uncomfortable.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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