"No, it's the gunman!"

After Ji Lingyun realized what was wrong, it was obviously too late. He only heard the continuous sound of gunfire, and countless bullets shot towards him. At such a close distance, the speed of the bullets was fast. Ji Lingyun couldn't avoid it at all.

"Boom boom..."

The hits kept ringing, Ji Lingyun was beaten into a hornet's nest in an instant, and the gunshots rang for dozens of seconds before stopping.

"No matter how strong a person is, without precaution, facing so many gunmen, there is only one dead end."

A man with a pistol standing behind Gan Fore said confidently that the gunmen outside were trained by him, and there were a lot of them, just for the outbreak at this moment, and the result was unexpectedly good.

Gan Fuer said in a deep voice, "Don't be careless, this man is not easy. Don't say this if you don't confirm that he is dead." He is the only person who has seen Ji Lingyun17's strength, so even if he sees this In one scene, there is still no absolute confidence.

"It seems that you still know me well, Gan Foer!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice rang in everyone's ears, and everyone's expressions changed in an instant, with vigilant faces, and they looked towards the place where Ji Lingyun had just fallen.

At this sight, everyone was nervous, because what they saw was Ji Lingyun who had fallen down, which was just a substitute made of ice. It was exactly the same as Ji Lingyun. After receiving so many bullets, all the bullets were embedded in the ice. , Densely packed, looks terrifying.

But no matter how horrible he is, he is not Ji Lingyun himself, but just a stand-in.

It turned out that when Ji Lingyun realized that it was not good, he immediately used Hyōrinmaru's Bankai ability, the virtual image of ice, and made a fake stand-in with ice, which is difficult to distinguish, but this ability can only be used once, and the next battle There is no way to use it anymore.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

But this is enough for Ji Lingyun. It was a critical moment before he had to use the Ice Void, but then, he didn't need this trick.

Seeing Ji Lingyun reappear intact again, Gan Foer and others' complexions became very bad, and the man with the pistol shouted, "Hurry up, keep shooting!"

He is naturally called the shooters outside, but how could Ji Lingyun give him another chance? Conqueror's Haki broke out and carried out the largest range of spills in an instant. Those shooters were just ordinary people, so how could they resist Conqueror's Haki , One second was not enough, all the gunmen were stunned.

After waiting for a while, I didn’t wait for the sound of shooting. Instead, there was a burst of inconspicuous sound of falling to the ground. The man with the pistol was pale. These shooters are elites who have been carefully trained for a long time. Unexpectedly carrying out a long-range attack, the round just now had a very good effect, no one really thought that Ji Lingyun had that kind of ability.

Originally, he expected these gunmen to continue to attack Ji Lingyun, but he never expected that even without a single face, hundreds of gunmen collapsed instantly, and no one was able to stand up.

"Don't panic, everyone, this kind of ability is no longer useful to us. With so many of us, he won't be able to hold on for long."

Seeing that everyone's morale dropped a little, Gan Fore immediately shouted, so that everyone's momentum was restored. After all, he is the god of the sky island and the pillar of everyone, so everyone is more convinced of him.

"Ha ha."

Regarding Gan Fuer’s words, Ji Lingyun just smiled disdainfully, and said, “If this is the case, then I will tell you what despair is. Some people are not something you can afford, even if you do more. Preparation, in front of me, it's all rubbish."

While talking, Ji Lingyun lifted the Hyōrinmaru in his hand. Suddenly, the water vapor in the air became condensed. Hyōrinmaru after Bankai was able to initially control the climate. While Ji Lingyun was preparing, Gan Fuer suddenly faced him. Means.

There was a sound of thunder out of thin air, and then only a lightning bolt fell from the top of the hall of thunder and lightning, which happened to hit Ji Lingyun. This suddenly made Ji Lingyun have no chance to react, and was directly hit by lightning.

Ji Lingyun, who was struck by thunder and lightning, trembled all over, and the movement of his hands was also stagnant. The paralyzing power contained in thunder and lightning made his body paralyzed, but his expression was even more shocked.

"Raiden, you can actually use the power of thunder and lightning. You found Thunder Fruit and ate it?"

Looking at Ji Lingyun’s angry and shocked expression, Gan Foer showed his pride for the first time. He said coldly: “All of this is thanks to you. If it weren’t for your presence, you told me so important How can I have the current power with the intelligence of the world? Until this moment, I am the unique and invincible god on the sky island."

As he spoke, he saw a strong electric glow burst out all over him, these lightning lingering around him, like a smart spirit, beating with his mood swings.

But all this fell in the eyes of Ji Lingyun, but it made him extremely angry. The appearance of Urji had already made him understand that he had been tricked by Gan Fuer, but he did not care too much, because he was enough. Control everything.

But now, when he saw Gan Fuer ate Thunder Fruit and used the power of thunder and lightning, he was going crazy with anger. That was Thunder Fruit, perhaps the most powerful fruit in Logia. It is controversial, but it is definitely ranked first or two Devil Fruit. Such a Devil Fruit, even if he is considering whether to eat it, he did not expect to be a Gan Fu who is nothing but waste in his eyes. You ate it.

What made him even more uncomfortable was the other party’s triumphant expression, which seemed to him to be an insult to him. Since Ji Lingyun's debut, when has he been tricked by others like this? In addition to anger, Ji Lingyun's heart He also blamed himself because he was too arrogant and arrogant, and felt that even if Gan Fuer didn't work hard, he would never dare to mess around, but he was conceited and made him pay a huge price like Thunder Fruit.

"Absolutely intolerable?"

Ji Lingyun shot a strong murderous in his eyes, he was so angry for the first time, he wanted to kill.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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