"You are not dead, I am unwilling!"

Staring at Gan Fuer, Ji Lingyun gritted his teeth and said such a sentence. At this moment, Junxiu's face became extremely hideous. Ji Lingyun's expression really gave people a feeling of fear.

However, Gan Fuer was not scared by Ji Lingyun at all. On the contrary, after seeing Ji Lingyun's expression, his mood was exceptionally good. The anger that had been suppressed by Ji Lingyun for half a year was completely expressed at this moment. carefree.

"I am the true god, it will not be me who will die today, but you will die!"

Ji Lingyun said coldly: "Thunder Fruit is indeed very strong, but you can only eat for a while. Do you think that a little bit of thunder and lightning is enough to compete with me? Now you, in front of me, are still ants. general!"

Thunder Fruit is very strong. Ji Lingyun will not deny this, but it also depends on who ate it and how long it took. Gan Fuer is just a person in his old age, and his physical fitness has already begun to degenerate. After eating Thunder Fruit, although it can strengthen his physique, it is far from enough; more importantly, Ji Lingyun came to the sky island only half a year, even if he found Thunder Fruit half a year ago and ate it, half a year How much can his time make him improve?

The reason why Ainilu in the original book is so strong is because he has eaten Thunder Fruit for more than ten years, and the talent potential is not comparable to Gan Fu, so Ji Lingyun’s previous shock was not because of Gan Fu’s use. It was because of the power of lightning, but because Gan Fuer hated to find Thunder Fruit. You must know that when he asked the other party to find Thunder Fruit, he was just trying his luck. I didn't expect that luck was so good.

"Such a good fruit was wasted by a waste like yours. God has no eyes. Since God doesn't open your eyes, let me sanction you."


Gan Fuer did not wait for Ji Lingyun to take the initiative and gave the order first, and the power of thunder and lightning began to appear in his hands. He has been eating Thunder Fruit for a period of time, adapting to the power of thunder and lightning, and can release many powerful moves.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

But even so, Gan Foer was not going to go up personally, he just wanted to attack from behind.


Ji Lingyun looked at the people on the sky island who rushed again, and said with disdain: "You angered me, I don't have the time to play with you anymore, so, all go to death, Bingtian Hundred Flowers Burial!"

When talking, Hyōrinmaru's most powerful trick was ready, and the water vapor in the air had already diffused to a certain extent. The ice on the wings behind Ji Lingyun quickly melted, and then the sky over Apayador became icy cold.

Ji Lingyun jumped up suddenly, stabs at the top of the hall, and slashes the roof of the hall directly. With his swift control ability, he saw a black cloud in the sky and white snowflakes blindly falling from the sky. The hall was shrouded, and those who attacked Ji Lingyun had not waited for them to get close to Ji Lingyun before they were touched by the ice flowers falling from the sky.

People who were touched by the ice flowers found that the ice flowers were quickly iced with their bodies. They quickly wanted to get rid of the ice flowers, but they were unable to do so. Those ice flowers quickly melted on their bodies, and then fell from their bodies. The same ice blossoms bloomed all over the body, freezing their bodies quickly, and no one could resist.

Under this trick, everyone was frozen, even Gan Fore was no exception. They all turned into ice sculptures, and ice flowers bloomed one after another on top of the ice sculptures, until the end I can no longer see the figure, I can only see the endless ice flowers.

"Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred!"

When Ji Lingyun counted to a hundred, all those who were frozen by the flowers lost their breath.

"Bang, bang!"

But there are two exceptions. When the ice sculpture of Gan Fuer was about to bloom to a hundred flowers, blue lightning appeared inside, and then burst out. The lightning slammed into Ji Lingyun, but It was easily avoided by Ji Lingyun.

The lightning hit the side of the main hall, wherever it went, there was a mess, and finally the lightning turned into Gan Fuer.

And the other is Urji. He is different from Gan Fuer. Gan Fuer used the power of thunder and lightning to break the ice block, but he abruptly broke the ice sculpture with his own body. The body has more than doubled, just like a huge giant.

Ji Lingyun looked at these two people and said, "Thunder Fruit is Logia, it can be elementalized, and it is excusable that it can't be killed, but I didn't expect you guys to be able to handle my trick, but unfortunately, You seem to have no strength to stand up."

That's right, although Urji also escaped from the ice, his body has become too huge, exhausting his power. Let alone fighting now, he can't even stand up because he is not the next one. The Eleven Supernova, the strength is still far short, being able to handle this trick has already made Ji Lingyun impressive.

Urji is no longer a concern, so Ji Lingyun turned his attention to Gan Fuer, this guy who dared to swallow his Thunder Fruit, he would never let it go.

Gan Fuer was not feeling well at this time. Although his body could be elementalized and turned into thunder and lightning, when he was touched by the ice flower, even if he was thunder and lightning, he was also blocked by ice, and finally he used all his power Only then was able to escape, and the blow just broke out, but it was a pity that for Ji Lingyun, it was of no use at all.

When he saw that all his subordinates, except Urgi, had been frozen and lost their breath, his face suddenly showed a look of horror. Until this moment, he did not understand what he was doing. How ignorant and ridiculous what he did, now he is the only one left, even if he has the power of thunder and lightning, how could he be Ji Lingyun's opponent.

But this kind of panic only lasted for a moment. He quickly stared at Ji Lingyun with a grim expression, and shouted: "I don't believe you are really that strong. You have used such a powerful move. You must also be strong. Don’t install it anymore."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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