Ji Lingyun shook his head and said calmly, "Yes, that trick did consume most of my strength, but what about it? It's enough to deal with you."

Only Gan Fuer is the only one. Ji Lingyun has the chance to win, so he has calmed down instead. Without the anger and unhappiness he had before, the only thing he regrets is Thunder Fruit.

Gan Fuer is already mortal, no matter what, he will not let Gan Fuer live, but this guy ate Thunder Fruit, once he killed him, Thunder Fruit will definitely disappear, but he wants to find it again, but It's not that easy.

Gan Fuer roared angrily. He was also the god of the sky island. He was insulted so many times by Ji Lingyun. At this time, he was in desperate situation. He hadn't thought of asking for mercy. He just wanted to be with Ji Lingyun. Desperately.

When he waved his hands, his surroundings were suddenly covered with thunder and lightning, as if the god of thunder came to the world, very dazzling.

"go to hell!"

Gan Fuer screamed and controlled all the lightning to strike Ji Lingyun.

Seeing Gan Fu's actions, Ji Lingyun shook her head disdainfully. Thunder Fruit, such a powerful fruit, fell on Gan Fu's body. It was really a waste. Judging from his attack, it was only the most basic palm. 320 thunder and lightning attacks, let alone the real power of Thunder Fruit, I am afraid that even a point of power has not been exerted. Later, Anilu has the power to destroy the world with every attack, and Gan · Fore controls the thunder and lightning as if playing a house.

The speed of thunder and lightning is fast, but Ji Lingyun's speed is not slow, and he did not move. An ice wall immediately formed around him. Those lightning strikes on the ice wall, except for the cracking sound of the ice , And didn't hit Ji Lingyun at all.

"A good Thunder Fruit, it was wasted by you. I knew it would be better to let Ainilu get it."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Although it is a pity for Thunder Fruit, Ji Lingyun is even more pity that Thunder Fruit was eaten by Gan Fuer. Instead of exerting the power of Thunder Fruit, he shamed a good and powerful fruit.

Ji Lingyun held Hyōrinmaru and suddenly rushed to Gan Fuer. He was in front of him in an instant, but Gan Fuer did not dodge, but instead sneered at Ji Lingyun.


The next moment, Gan Fu'er's face changed in an instant. He looked at Ji Lingyun's sword through his body in an unbelievable manner. The blood kept flowing out, and his vitality was also fading quickly. He said in a condensed voice: "How, how is it possible? , How could you stab me?"

Ji Lingyun looked at him, shook his head and sighed: "So, you are still too naive. The world you see is too limited. Sitting on the well and watching the sky, Logia Devil Fruit can indeed make the body elemental and immune to attacks, but there is still a kind of ability. You can hit the Logia Demon fruit power directly, to popularize it for you, that is Armament Haki.

Gan Fuer looked down at Ji Lingyun's Hyōrinmaru, and saw that the original white Hyōrinmaru turned into jet black at this moment. This is the effect of covering Armament Haki. After half a year, Ji Lingyun's use of Armament Haki has already It has made great progress, covering the weapon without any problems.

"you you……"

Gan Foer wanted to say something more, but Ji Lingyun's sword had already taken all his life away. In the end, he still didn't say anything, and died when he turned his head.

Pulling out Hyōrinmaru, Ji Lingyun looked at the dead body of Gan Fuer and said: "The moment you eat the Thunder Fruit I want, you should be able to foresee the result. You think you can follow me with strength. Contend, but you who sit on the well and watch the sky will never know what the real sky looks like."

After saying this, Ji Lingyun's expression suddenly became stunned, because the voice of the system rang in his ears.

"Sōgyo no Kotowari Bankai conditions are met, Bankai skills: Thunderstorm Array·Shooting fish! Additional ability: Thunder and lightning!"

Ji Lingyun's expression was very stunned, because he remembered that Sōgyo no Kotowari in Shinigami didn't seem to have Bankai, so he didn't know what Sōgyo no Kotowari's Bankai ability was. Why did this suddenly appear now?

"System, what's going on? Why did I unlock Sōgyo no Kotowari's Bankai after I killed Gan Fuer? Could it be Thunder Fruit?" Ji Lingyun asked.

The system replied: “There is no Bankai’s Zanpakutō in Shinigami, and it needs to be completed by the Host. Thunder Fruit is just a hidden condition for opening Sōgyo no Kotowari Bankai, so Host will open Sōgyo no Kotowari Bankai, but such a possibility exists. The odds are very low. It can be said that Host is very lucky."

Ji Lingyun was overjoyed. He never expected that he did not get Thunder Fruit this time, but he got Sōgyo no Kotowari's Bankai, and just said that Sōgyo no Kotowari Bankai has the power of thunder and lightning. Doesn't it mean it's Thunder Fruit ability? If this is the case, it is simply too domineering, the power of thunder and lightning is the most destructive force in nature, but this is a bit embarrassing if you need to understand it yourself.

Ji Lingyun looked at the dead Gan Fuer, and smiled: "It seems that you have eaten Thunder Fruit, and it is not a bad thing. If you just give Thunder Fruit to me, I really don’t know. I would think of using the blade of Shinigami to absorb his power. If you were eaten by you, I happened to kill you again. Although there was no Thunder Fruit, I unlocked Sōgyo no Kotowari's Bankai. I really lost my life and got me. Fortunately, haha."

Ji Lingyun's mood at this time is particularly good, because not only the Bankai of Sōgyo no Kotowari has been completed, but also another new Zanpakutō has been unlocked, and this Zanpakutō is also very interesting.

"Shinsō: Shikai: Rubber Fruit (also available for the blood of those with fruit ability), Bankai: Unknown, it can be opened after Shikai is completed."

Shinsō is the Zanpakutō of Ichimaru Gin, the captain of the third division, a very awkward Zanpakutō, and a Zanpakutō that can extend thirteen kilometers, and the expansion speed is 500 times the speed of sound, and the weight has not changed at all, that is Say, once Shinsō's sword is pointed at you, it means you are going to be finished.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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