"Young Master, Marine has disembarked and is coming towards us, what should I do?"

Diamanti saw Marine disembarking and ran towards them in groups, and suddenly asked Doflamingo nervously. He knew that Doflamingo didn't want to confront Marine yet. After all, their manpower was not enough. Wasted in the battle with Marine.

Doflamingo doesn't want to fight with Marine either, but now the sea is frozen. Even if he wants to leave, he can't do anything. He can't really get off the boat, right? You have to know that there are many important things on board, and even if they run with legs, how far can they go? Leaving the frozen area, if there is no boat, they can't escape either.

But no matter what, looking at the approaching Marine, Doflamingo sullenly shouted, "Abandon the ship and go!"

As he said, he took the lead and jumped off the boat and headed forward. The rest of the Donquixote Family pirates followed him, and the Marines saw Doflamingo and they abandoned the boat. Lieutenant General Crane immediately Yelled: "Chasing, speed up, can't let them escape."

Doflamingo quickly ran away with his men, but they hadn't ran far, and suddenly found that someone in front of them was blocking their way. Doflamingo narrowed his eyes and stopped immediately.

"Doflamingo, waiting a long time!"

The person standing here is naturally Ji Lingyun. He stayed for a while before, just to find the treasure chest to see if there is Trafalgar Law, but in the end he did not find it. This made Ji Lingyun feel a little unhappy. It took him so much effort to come here for Op-Op Fruit, but now Op-Op Fruit has disappeared like this, how can he be happy, so unhappy he can only send his anger to Donquixote Family Body.

Doflamingo saw a young man stopping them and frowned, "Who are you?"

Ji Lingyun smiled and said, "Forgot me so soon? We are old friends for many years now, haha."

Suddenly, Doflamingo's pupils shrank, and he said in shock: "It's you, "Shinigami" Edward Ji Lingyun!"

Doflamingo didn’t take it seriously before, but now, when you take a closer look, you immediately recognize Ji Lingyun, because today’s world is full of portraits of Ji Lingyun. As long as you follow the news and wanted orders, you basically don’t know Ji Lingyun , His Doflamingo is no exception.

Ji Lingyun smiled and said, "Yes, it's me. Isn't it surprising to see me, Doflamingo."

"Why are you here?" Doflamingo asked with a gloomy expression.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ji Lingyun said: "What are you doing, what I do, it's a pity, it seems that neither of us got our wish."

Doflamingo's face became more gloomy, and he said coldly: "You are also for Op-Op Fruit."

At this time, Torrepol said to Doflamingo: "Dover, Marine is about to catch up, stop talking nonsense with him."

Doflamingo glanced around and found that Marine was indeed about to catch up, so he immediately shouted: "Go, leave him alone, if he dares to stop us, kill him first."

Although Ji Lingyun has a very big name, Doflamingo didn't put him too much in his eyes. The main reason is that all the elites of their Donquixote Family are here. Just one Ji Lingyun can stop them so many people.

Seeing Doflamingo leading someone to break through, Ji Lingyun smiled slightly, raising Hyōrinmaru in his hand.

"Sit in the frosty sky, Hyōrinmaru!"

Hyōrinmaru completed Shikai in an instant, and then aimed at Doflamingo where they were.

"Birds and icicles!"

In an instant, Hyōrinmaru sent out a series of ice bullets, covering the sky and the earth, like swarms of birds, quickly attacking Doflamingo and the others. Ji Lingyun has completely controlled Hyōrinmaru, so even Shikai, the power displayed is extremely high. Amazing, the simplest trick, but it has a very wide range.

Seeing endless ice bombs, Doflamingo's face changed drastically. He exclaimed: "The sea is frozen by you!"

But he only had time to scream, and then those ice bombs came in front of them, he quickly used the ability of String-String Fruit, layer after layer of spider web appeared, and the airtight defense of his side was impenetrable, and the ice bomb hit the spider web. Above, it did not break open, but slowly disappeared completely...

Although Ji Lingyun's attack was blocked, Doflamingo did not have the slightest joy. Instead, he was even more angry. Since Ji Lingyun can use the ability to freeze, it means that he made the ice on the sea.

"How can you have the ability to freeze? Isn't this an ability that only Marine Admiral Aokiji has?"

Despite the extreme anger in his heart, Doflamingo still couldn't contain the shock in his heart. How could Devil Fruit's abilities appear at the same time?

Ji Lingyun said, "You have to think about this problem yourself."

"Dover, it's not that kid's ability, it's the sword in his hand."

Torrepol saw very clearly that the ice bombs were emitted from Hyōrinmaru in Ji Lingyun's hands.

Hearing this, Doflamingo immediately understood that he couldn't help but remember that when he was in Logue town, Ji Lingyun made such a big noise with the weapon in his hand that could be transformed into various forms, even Roger's corpse. 2.3 The body was robbed, so after knowing that the freezing ability is Hyōrinmaru's ability, he is slightly acceptable.

"Quickly, no more delay, kill the kid first, and Marine catches up."

Marine was getting closer and Doflamingo's heart became more and more anxious. He roared angrily and was ready to do it, but Ji Lingyun moved faster than him, but Ji Lingyun rushed towards them instead.

"court death!"

Seeing that Ji Lingyun was so arrogant, Doflamingo roared and stretched his palms back, and then dozens of almost transparent silk threads spurted out of his palms. These threads were entangled to form a larger string of threads, which went back. Stretched, stretched back quickly, and slammed it against Ji Lingyun who was rushing over.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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