"Super Strike Whip!"

Doflamingo's line speed was so fast that it almost immediately fell in front of Ji Lingyun. Ji Lingyun slashed with a backhand while running and slashed hard on Doflamingo's line.


The blade collided with the line and made a crisp sound. Although the attack caused a slight obstacle to Ji Lingyun, it did not completely stop him. After Ji Lingyun paused, he continued to rush towards Doflamingo.

"Dropping Ruffian String!"

Five silk threads pierced through Ji Lingyun's head at a very high speed. If they hit Ji Lingyun, they would definitely penetrate Ji Lingyun's body, but Ji Lingyun was not nervous, but instead waved Hyōrinmaru!

"Ice Dragon Swing Tail!"

The tip of the sword pointed to the top of the head, and the five threaded threads were instantly frozen by Hyōrinmaru. Although the thread still pierced part of the ice layer, it did not completely pierce 13, instead, Ji Lingyun made another continuous attack.

"Ice Dragon Swing Tail·Absolute Sky!"

Because Ji Lingyun had already approached Doflamingo and others, with a wave of his blade, the cold air forced him, Doflamingo's face changed sharply, and he shouted, "Go away!"

Although the people in the Donquixote Family move very fast, not all of them have such fast actions. At the moment the cold hits, there are still a few people who shunned them and were directly frozen by Ji Lingyun’s Hyōrinmaru and turned into An ice sculpture.

"Damn it."

Seeing that Ji Lingyun was so bold, Doflamingo attacked his subordinates in front of him, so he shouted angrily, "Kill him!"

He originally had a lot of hatred for Ji Lingyun. Now Ji Lingyun not only made them be chased by Marine, but now he is attacking them face to face. How could the arrogant Doflamingo bear this breath.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Snake sword!"

A Western sword swiftly attacked Ji Lingyun like a snake, and a sword could become so soft, the attack method was impossible to prevent.

At the same time, a person leaped high and shouted: "Rao·G!"


Ji Lingyun mainly didn't want Doflamingo and the others to escape, so he came up with Hyōrinmaru's Bankai and shouted, "Daiguren Hyōrinmaru!"

In an instant, a layer of ice crystal-like armor appeared on Ji Lingyun's body, and a pair of ice wings appeared behind him. With a wave of Hyōrinmaru in his hand, a huge ice dragon appeared. The snake sword that struck was severely affected by the ice dragon. It flew fiercely, and when the Western sword returned to Diamanti's hands, it formed a thick layer of ice. The cold air made Diamanti's whole body tremble. Can no longer attack with a sword.

As for the ghostly middle-aged man who jumped in front of Ji Lingyun, he took a peculiar pose and prepared to punch Ji Lingyun, but the ice wings behind Ji Lingyun flapped, and the space in front of him seemed to be frozen. Rao G was originally. His flexible body suddenly became stagnant, and then Ji Lingyun moved faster and struck him with a sword.


With a scream, Rao G tried his best to dodge, but was still slashed by Ji Lingyun’s Hyōrinmaru, and a very long wound was drawn in front of him. Although it was not deep, when it was hit, the wound quickly Freezing, only a few seconds, Rao·G turned bruise, even icicles appeared on his hair, and his body's ability to move more than half disappeared.

Ji Lingyun then kicked Rao G directly with one kick, and then rushed in one direction, the speed broke out, and it was astonishing.

Doflamingo has always been guarding against Ji Lingyun, especially when he saw that Ji Lingyun easily blocked the attack of Diamanti and Rao G, and also wounded Rao G, he was even more shocked. From this It can be seen in a few clicks that Ji Lingyun's strength is countless times stronger than that of many years ago.

But what Doflamingo didn't expect was that Ji Lingyun didn't rush to where he was, but rushed in another direction. In his consternation, Ji Lingyun had already attacked Mahabasi of their family.

Mahabais is a middle-level cadre of the Donquixote Family, because he ate tons of pressed fruits. Although the ability of this fruit is not outstanding by him, but in the Donquixote Family, with the ability of this Devil Fruit, he has been able to stand a place. .

It is precisely because of his low status that Mahabais stood on the edge. Even Mahabais himself did not expect that Ji Lingyun went towards him when the huge ice dragon descended from the sky. At that time, Mahabasi reacted, but his ability is to float his body in the air, and then press people with great strength, so his flexibility is not enough, and Ji Lingyun’s ice dragon has a wide range of attacks. So before Mahabasi had time to escape, Ji Lingyun instantly became frozen, and the ice dragon slammed into his ice sculpture.

Mahabasi was beaten by Ji Lingyun with a bloody head and screamed. Ji Lingyun was about to give him another blow and completely annihilated him. Although this person is not a threat to him, since he did it. It's 053, and it's a must.

But Ji Lingyun was just about to make a fierce blow, but a lot of people attacked him behind him. Among them, the whip-like attack formed by the huge silk thread made Ji Lingyun a great threat.


Ji Lingyun snorted coldly and gave up preparing to kill Mahabais, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, letting all the attacks fall on him, and then fell to the ground.

"Void of Ice!"

"do you died?"

In addition to Doflamingo who just attacked Ji Lingyun, there are many other cadres. All the attacks were accurately hit on Ji Lingyun's body, so everyone believed that he could not withstand such a terrible attack. He must be dead. .

But when everyone came to Ji Lingyun's ‘corpse’, they found that Ji Lingyun suddenly became a statue made of ice.

Doflamingo saw this ice sculpture virtual image, his face suddenly changed, and he shouted: "Not a real person, it's a substitute."

Just when the voice fell, there was a burst of laughter not far from them.

"Doflamingo, Marine has caught up, what are you going to do? Haha."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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