Doflamingo turned his head and saw that Ji Lingyun appeared in front of them again somehow. He was looking at them with an expression of irony and jokes. There were veins on his angry forehead. He didn't know that he had already appeared. It's been a long time since he was so angry. Colasson who made him angry had just been killed by him, but the Ji Lingyun in front of him made him even more angry.

"I will definitely kill you!" Doflamingo roared. If his gaze can kill people, Ji Lingyun might have been killed by his gaze hundreds of times.

Ji Lingyun didn’t put Doflamingo’s threat in his eyes at all. Instead, he pointed his finger behind Doflamingo’s back and said, “Let’s not talk about your ability to kill me. Now your problem is not me, but the one behind you Group of Marine, look at their leader, it seems to be Marine’s Lieutenant General, Tsk Tsk, Doflamingo, I wonder if your family can beat them?"

Doflamingo's eyes breathed fire, if it weren't for Ji Lingyun to use the freezing ability to freeze the sea, how could Lieutenant General Crane catch up with him, and where would Ji Lingyun take his turn to ridicule and ridicule.

"If you don't want to really become Shinigami, then quickly release the freezing of the sea."

Although extremely angrily wanted to kill Ji Lingyun, taking into account the current situation, Doflamingo still wanted Ji Lingyun to lift the ice on the sea surface so that they could avoid the pursuit of Marine.

But how could Ji Lingyun make him what he wanted? He is still standing in front of Doflamingo and the others, with Hyōrinmaru in his hands. The ice wings behind him keep flapping, and every time he flaps, he sends out a cold air, which makes his surrounding temperature. It was reduced to a terrifying level, and only he holding Hyōrinmaru was unaffected. If he were to be someone else, he would have been unable to bear it long ago.

"Doflamingo, this kind of thing that you know is impossible, you don't want to say more, you can't wait to kill me, I will also seize every opportunity to cheat you, so you have no choice, or just rush over and follow I fight, or I just turn around and fight Marine desperately, in which case I might not intervene."

Of course, Ji Lingyun cannot let Doflamingo leave. They are destined to be enemies, so how could he let it go with such a good opportunity now. Doflamingo has a big family and he is only one person, so as long as Doflamingo stays behind and Marine chases In the end, even if Doflamingo can't be removed, Ji Lingyun will not let go of this kind of self-interested things, even if they can't get rid of Doflamingo.

"you!"(Read more @

Doflamingo was furious with anger, but Lieutenant General Crane had brought people here, and he couldn't tolerate him at all. He has no other choice now, or to move forward, but what he has to face is Ji Lingyun's resistance. How powerful is Ji Lingyun Qiang, he has seen it just now; and if he turns around, he will face the Marine army. Although Doflamingo is confident in the strength of his family, Lieutenant General Crane is also the elite trained by her. Doflamingo early I've learned it, and they must have been defeated so badly in the fight.

"To break through with all your strength, don't fight against Marine!"

At this time, everyone will choose the same choice as Doflamingo. Although Ji Lingyun is very difficult, it is not at the same level as Marine. At least Doflamingo thinks so, so this time he directly ordered to die , Make a breakthrough.

Under the leadership of Doflamingo, the members of the Donquixote Family quickly dispersed. They felt that no matter how powerful Ji Lingyun was, he was only one person. How could one person stop so many of them, so the scattered escape must be successful.

Seeing their movements, Ji Lingyun's expression remained unchanged. He was not prepared to smash himself with Doflamingo. All he had to do was to stop them, and leave the rest to Marine, so he immediately used the range of moves. Broad moves.

Ji Lingyun raised the Hyōrinmaru in his hand, and saw that the ice wing behind him suddenly changed. The sky above his head seemed to have changed. The water vapor in the air filled the air, forming a cluster of snowflakes. After these snowflakes were formed, from the sky Slowly falling down, the range is extremely wide.

The pirates of the Donquixote Family who had never seen this kind of attack were all startled when they saw Ji Lingyun's attack method, but they didn't think much about it, and they still fled quickly.

Although they are very scattered, Ji Lingyun has already controlled the sky and air, so the snow falls in a larger area, and everyone is shrouded in it.

The first to touch the snowflakes were a few ordinary pirates. After their bodies were touched by the snowflakes, an ice flower formed in that place, and then the ice flower spread quickly, one, two, three .


The miserable cry kept ringing. All the pirates who were touched by the ice blossoms constantly had ice blossoms on their bodies, and their bodies were also frozen section by section. The feeling was very painful, but could not resist .

The other pirates of the Donquixote Family who saw this scene all showed awe. The silk thread in Doflamingo's hand was constantly stirring, and the snowflakes near him were bounced away, and his face was gloomy and shouted: "Don't touch the snowflakes, all No one should touch snowflakes."

Although he didn’t know what the snowflakes’ attack methods were, seeing everyone’s bodies slowly frozen after being touched by the ice flowers, he knew that it was never simple. He could drop snowflakes out of thin air and control the temperature. Ji Lingyun’s The ability was so powerful that it was terrifying, and Doflamingo was also deeply shocked.

Not only the members of the Donquixote Family were shocked, but even the Marine who caught up with him was shocked. The Lieutenant General Crane who headed the head shouted: "Stop, everyone stop, don't enter that range."

Lieutenant General Crane had never seen Ji Lingyun's attack method, but she saw the miserable appearance of the pirates of the Donquixote Family. Although the group of Marines under her were all elites, they faced an attack that had never been exposed before. Must be held in awe and vigilance.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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