"Lord Admiral, what should I do?"

Under the command of Lieutenant General Crane, Marine stopped, and they all saw the tragedy of the Donquixote Family pirates. Anyone who was touched by the ice blossoms slowly appeared more ice blossoms all over their bodies and their bodies were slow Slowly congealed, unable to move.

Lieutenant General Crane looked at the area controlled by Ji Lingyun ahead, where snowflakes kept falling, and more and more Donquixote Family pirates were touched, and then revealed the same conditions as those before, which was very miserable.

Lieutenant General Crane said in a deep voice: "This kid has grown up to this point. I heard Kuzan said that he gained the ability to freeze. I didn't expect how long it took to develop such amazing moves to control the weather. Even Kuzan would be very difficult to do."

As one of the oldest Marines among Marines, Lieutenant General Crane knows Aokiji's strength. Aokiji definitely does not have such moves like Ji Lingyun.

The female officers next to him said one after another: "Lieutenant-Admiral, it must be the ‘Shinigami’ that has frozen the sea. Now he is fighting with the Donquixote Family again. What does he want to do?"

"It goes without saying that it must be against the pirates of Don 383 Quixote."

"Just let them kill each other. Anyway, these pirates don't have a good thing."

"Yes, let them kill each other."

For Marine, whether it is Ji Lingyun or Doflamingo, they are all pirates and enemies, so seeing them fighting each other is the best thing for them.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Lieutenant General Crane said in a deep voice: "Enclosed, once they end the battle, it's time for us to attack."

As a wise and resourceful general, Lieutenant General Crane knows very well that even if Ji Lingyun and Doflamingo have any hatred, they will definitely not engage in real death fights in front of Marine. The thief's greatest enemy, the two sides don't need to leave the common enemy alone, but let them take advantage of it.

The fact is just as Lieutenant General Crane thought. When Ji Lingyun saw that Lieutenant Crane and the Marines had completely caught up, he immediately had no intention of continuing. He quickly put away his moves and then quickly backed away. Going, the snowflakes in the sky gradually decreased, and finally disappeared.

Although Ji Lingyun had already given up his moves halfway, those who had ice flowers on their bodies were still miserable. One after another, the others looked anxious, but they were afraid to help, because there was a pirate just now They wanted to help their companions break the ice blossoms, but when they did it, not only did it not help, but after they touched the ice blossoms, the same ice blossoms began to appear on their bodies.

Ji Lingyun retreated very quickly. Even if Doflamingo attacked several times in a row, he still didn't touch Ji Lingyun, and could only watch Ji Lingyun retreat far away.

Doflamingo did not continue to order the breakthrough of Ji Lingyun, but gathered all his subordinates together. Those who have ice flowers on their bodies, in this short period of time, a hundred ice flowers have appeared on their bodies, and they have become ice sculptures. breath.


Doflamingo looked at his men losing a lot and looked extremely ugly. Now they are in a very dangerous situation. There is Ji Lingyun in front of them, and Marine from behind chased them up and completely blocked their retreat. They seemed to have nothing to do with moving forward. Besides, there is no other way to go.

Lieutenant General Crane saw Ji Lingyun retreat, and without any hesitation, directly ordered: "Attack."

In an instant, all the Marines madly attacked the pirates of the Donquixote Family. Just one encounter, the Donquixote Family was injured by many pirates, and many died.

Doflamingo shouted angrily: "Don't fall in love, retreat separately, hurry!"

With that said, he didn't care about other people, and went toward Ji Lingyun as fast as he could. He wanted to block Ji Lingyun with his own power. As long as Ji Lingyun was not destroyed, they would have a chance to escape.

When Ji Lingyun saw Doflamingo coming towards him, he naturally guessed his thoughts, so he smiled lightly, Hyōrinmaru in his hand returned to his body, and quickly backed away, and smiled to Doflamingo while returning, saying: "Doflamingo, this time Just treat it as a meeting ceremony for you. Next time, it won’t be that simple. Haha, goodbye."

In fact, he had the opportunity to continue to fall into the trap, but he did not do that. Although he wanted to borrow the power of Marine to remove Doflamingo, he also knew that this possibility was very small, because Doflamingo had the identity of Celestial Dragons; and he Now the threat in Marine’s eyes is no less than that of Donquixote Family, so he should also guard against Marine besieging him. After all, Doflamingo may become Seven Warlords of the Sea, and he has no possibility at all. He doesn’t want to take this risk, and more The important thing is that he has got what he wanted.

Seeing that Ji Lingyun was no longer blocking, but instead turned around and left, Doflamingo couldn't get out of relief at once, and let out an angry roar. He felt like a puppy being ravaged by Ji Lingyun at will. If you want to run, if you don't have so many subordinates, he would probably not hesitate to catch up and fight Ji Lingyun desperately, but he can't now.

"Withdraw, withdraw!"

Doflamingo yelled, but he soon discovered that under the orderly command of Marine, his family pirates were quickly surrounded by groups, and he could only rush back in anger.

After pitting Doflamingo, Ji Lingyun immediately retreated. This was what he had thought long ago, but after leaving Doflamingo and Marine’s sight, Ji Lingyun did not leave very far. Instead, after a round, he returned On the island just now, it's just from another direction.

The reason why he wanted to come back was really because he was a little unwilling. Op-Op Fruit was right on this small island, but he didn’t find Luo, so he wanted to find him again. He felt that Luo was just a teenager after all, even if he escaped. Now, how far can he escape alone? Maybe someone else is still on the island.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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