But in the end, Ji Lingyun was still disappointed. He searched the island and couldn’t find Trafalgar Law. In desperation, he could only leave. Although he didn’t find Op-Op Fruit this time, at least he got it. Tons of pressed fruits, and the completion of Wabisuke's Bankai, also opened a new handful of Zanpakutō.

"Ryūjin Jakka: Shikai: Mera-mera Fruit (also can be the blood of the fruit ability); Bankai: Lava-Lava Fruit (also can be the blood of the fruit ability)."

Ji Lingyun never dreamed that his luck was heaven-defying to such an extent that he turned on the Zanpakutō of Ryūjin Jakka. To be honest, Ryūjin Jakka is definitely the most powerful existence among all Zanpakutō, except for the protagonist of Zangetsu. The sword, because of the halo, makes Zangetsu so powerful.

But Ryūjin Jakka is definitely the strongest Zanpakutō besides Zangetsu. It is the oldest and strongest Zanpakutō in the flame system. It claims to burn out all Zanpakutō, and the temperature after Bankai is almost the same as the temperature of the sun's core flame.

Tensa Zangetsu’s abilities are indeed very strong, but in Ji Lingyun’s view, Ryūjin Jakka’s role and abilities are definitely more domineering and powerful than Tensa Zangetsu, so Ryūjin Jakka’s unblocking, Ji Lingyun is better than other Zanpakutō happy.

"Mera-mera Fruit, Lava-Lava Fruit, this is interesting."

Ji Lingyun is very happy, because neither Mera-mera Fruit nor Lava-Lava Fruit is as difficult to find as other Devil Fruits. Mera-mera Fruit will be found by'Fire Fist' Ace in the future, and it will also be in the East China Sea; Lava- Lava Fruit is the ability of Marine Admiral Akainu. As long as you have the strength, you can get Akainu's blood at any time. Now the more difficult one is Mera-mera Fruit.

"Mera-mera Fruit? It seems necessary to go to the East China Sea again."

After Ji Lingyun made the decision, he immediately took action, preparing to head to the East China Sea.

The war provoked by Ji Lingyun continued. Don Quixote was not dominant when facing Marine. Later, Ji Lingyun disrupted the formation and killed a lot of people, so he was even more disadvantaged. Marine pressed and beat, but the strength of the Donquixote Family was still there, so they eventually ran away, but the damage was still severe and many people were injured.

After escaping, Doflamingo took the remnants of the defeated general, and his resentment towards Ji Lingyun reached the extreme.

"Check me where that kid is going, and you must not let him go!"

Not only Doflamingo, but the pirates of the entire Donquixote Family hate Ji Lingyun to the extreme. They will do the same without Doflamingo.

Ji Lingyun traveled to the East China Sea as quickly as possible, and found Jeffrey White.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Lingyun, why are you here?"

Jeffrey White was shocked when he saw Ji Lingyun. It hasn't been long since Ji Lingyun left last time. He thought it would take a long time for Ji Lingyun to come again. He didn't expect this time to be so short.

Ji Lingyun said to Jeffrey White: "I came to you for help if something happened."

Jeffrey White asked: "If you need my help, just tell me."

Ji Lingyun said, "Help me find a Devil Fruit."

"Devil Fruit?"

Jeffrey White looked at Ji Lingyun with a stunned face and asked, "Lingyun, what does this mean? You are looking for Devil Fruit. How did you find me? I don't have Devil Fruit here.

Ji Lingyun said: "Of course I know, so I came to you for help. Although I don’t know where the Devil Fruit is, I know it is in the East China Sea. You have developed in the East China Sea. For so long, with the power, it is definitely easier to find than me, so I want you to send the people below to find the Devil Fruit I want."

"It's in the East China Sea? Really? How did you know?"

Jeffrey White had three questions in a row, because what Ji Lingyun said was really endless, he was a little confused.

Ji Lingyun said: "I'm pretty sure, it's in the East China Sea, so I can't go wrong."

Jeffrey White said: "Well, as long as you are sure it is in the East China Sea, I will naturally have no problem. Tell me, what is the Devil Fruit you are looking for?"

Ji Lingyun said: "Mera-mera Fruit, it looks like..."

Ji Lingyun described the appearance of Mera-mera Fruit to Jeffrey White. Jeffrey White nodded immediately and said: "Okay, I will arrange for my staff to help find it, but this East China Sea is so big, I want Finding a small Devil Fruit is not an easy task, I am afraid it will take a lot of time and energy."

Ji Lingyun said, "I lived here during this time. Where is Little Rambo? I just have time to guide him."

Jeffrey White smiled and said: "It just so happens that the kid Rambo has been talking about you all the time. If he sees you, he will be very happy."

…… …… ……

In this way, Ji Lingyun stayed in the East China Sea for nearly two years. During this time, although Jeffrey White’s pirate group did not develop much, the pirates under him were all elites. The most important thing is that Ji Lingyun helps him to guide the training, so they get such a big improvement. After all, Ji Lingyun's vision and experience are far from theirs.

For nearly two years, Jeffrey White’s pirate group has also been searching for the Mera-mera Fruit Ji Lingyun needs in the East China Sea, but for so long, there is still no news of Mera-mera Fruit.

Although he was a little worried, Ji Lingyun was not disappointed, because he was sure that Mera-mera Fruit was in the East China Sea and was not found. It was just because he had no chance to find it.

Just when Ji Lingyun was about to lose patience, Jeffrey White finally had good news.

"Lingyun, my men found a fruit that is very similar to the Mera-mera Fruit you mentioned, but I don't know if it is."

On this day, Jeffrey White hurriedly came to Ji Lingyun and told the good news.

Ji Lingyun was shocked and quickly asked, "Really, where are the people and fruits now?"

Jeffrey White said: "It has been arranged that people will be transported back as quickly as possible, and they should be delivered here soon."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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