The first half of the Grand Line!

Ji Lingyun sits leisurely on a small boat, which drifts with the current.

After opening the Shikai of Ryūjin Jakka, Ji Lingyun bid farewell to Jeffrey White and his son. He has stayed in the East China Sea for two years, so he doesn’t want to stay any longer; for his departure, Jeffrey White Although the father and son were very reluctant, they didn't say anything, especially Rambo. He just asked Ji Lingyun to wait for him. In a few years, he will come to Ji Lingyun.

For Jeffrey White and his son, Ji Lingyun is still very grateful and valued, because when he was in distress, the two gave him a lot of help. Now Jeffrey White returns to the East China Sea, and he also said that for a lifetime I will never leave the East China Sea again, and I will live the rest of my life peacefully there.

It was Rambo, he said that he would go to sea one day in the future, and also said that he would challenge him, which made Ji Lingyun very happy, because it proved Rambo has his own ideas and is motivated.

Although Ji Lingyun was in the East China Sea before, he still has some concerns about the Grand Line. The biggest thing that has happened to the Grand Line in the past two years is the Seven Warlords of the Sea system of the Marine Headquarters. Seven powerful ones should be selected. The pirates became an alliance with Marine. Shichibukai was promulgated by the World government to counterbalance the forces between the New World Four Emperors and Marine headquarters.

The few people who have been elected to the Shichibukai position are all people that Ji Lingyun knows or knows, the world's largest swordsman, Mihawk Hawkeye; Don Quixote Doflamingo, the tyrant Bartholemew Kuma; Crocodile, the sand crocodile The heroes Jinbei and Gekko Moria, there is only one position left and no suitable candidates have been found.

What regrets Ji Lingyun is that Fisher Tiger, who broke into the holy land Mary Geoise with him, finally embarked on the fate of the original book. When sending human slaves, he was ambushed by Marine, bleeding too much and died. Seaman Jinbei took his place and became the captain of the Pirates of the Sun.

Regarding this result, Ji Lingyun is very regretful. You must know that he reminded Tiger and Jinbei at the beginning, but now it seems that they still did not take their words to heart, otherwise they would not fall to this end, so he It just felt a pity, and there was no other guilt, he did everything he could.


Ji Lingyun, who was leisurely moving with the wind, suddenly whispered because he heard the sound of gunfire right in front of him.

"There is battle ahead."(Read more @

Ji Lingyun's experience is also very rich. Hearing this voice, he knew that there must be a battle ahead, and it was still a naval battle. He was free to control the direction of the boat and headed there. He was alone in the sea. It's also boring, so now that he has some fun, he is naturally going to take a look.

Ji Lingyun guessed right. About a few nautical miles in front of him, there are two people fighting. Both of them are pirates. One of them is a pirate group composed of women. The thief actually suppressed the other party completely, watching the scene as if he was playing with him.

When Ji Lingyun came here, the battle had come to an end. Another pirate group had been wiped out by this pirate group composed of all women, and now they were collecting loot.

"This Pirate Banner."

After Ji Lingyun came here, he saw the large pirate ship at a glance, towed by two huge sea snakes. Of course, what Ji Lingyun cares most is the pirate flag flying on the pirate ship, a skeleton. The head, surrounded by nine snakes, looks like the sun.

"Is it the Nine Snakes and Pirates!"

The Pirates of the Nine Snakes are also very powerful in One Piece. It is a group of female fighters from the island of Nine Snakes. In the original book, Hancock can become Shichibukai, which is very similar to the Pirates of the Nine Snakes. Because this is a heritage pirate group with a long history.

Seeing the Nine Snakes and Pirates, Ji Lingyun immediately felt happy. He thought of Hancock. Counting time, Hancock should have almost taken over as the Queen of the Nine Snakes. It is very likely that the Pirates in front of him are Hancock Led by.

Thinking of this, Ji Lingyun immediately happily controlled the boat towards the direction of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

The female fighters on Nine Snake Island who were clearing the battlefield suddenly saw a small boat coming in the direction where they were in the distance. They suddenly showed their vigilance. One of them even shouted: "Everyone stay vigilant. The ship is coming."

The Nine Snakes and Pirates have been passed down for so many years, and the quality is far from comparable to that of ordinary Pirates. After hearing the shout, everyone put aside the things in their hands, gathered quickly, and stared at Ji Lingyun's boat vigilantly.

On the boat of the Nine Snake Pirates, a group of women quickly gathered to the bow, hugging a tall girl with a beautiful face. Seeing this girl, all the female fighters around shouted respectfully: " Master Hancock."

This beautiful girl 157 is the girl Hancock who was rescued by Ji Lingyun back then, but compared to two years ago, she has undergone a huge change, her face has become more beautiful, and more importantly, her temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes. , She stopped there, as if she was the center of the world, noble, arrogant, and beautiful, as if she was a female emperor walking out of the painting.

"What happened?"

A cold voice came from Hancock's mouth, her eyebrows frowned slightly, and an aura of no anger and prestige radiated from her. Fortunately, everyone around her was already familiar with her, so there was nothing unusual.

The female soldier who had spotted Ji Lingyun’s boat reported: "Master Hancock, found a boat of unknown origin, approaching us, not just enemies or friends."

Hancock snorted coldly, and said, "Isn't it just a small boat? Is it necessary to be so nervous? Just fire it and destroy it."

"But, Master Hancock, it's just a small boat, it should be..."

Hancock shouted: "What should it be? Who is saying what works here? If you ask you to destroy it, then destroy it. No matter what the situation, the concubine is so beautiful, what you can do is forgivable."

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