In a word, she showed her arrogance completely. Although the words were so unreasonable, Hancock's words seemed so natural, as if she was really forgiven for everything she did.

"Yes, Master Hancock!"

The female soldier responded, and then followed the others to launch an artillery bombardment towards Ji Lingyun's location.

"Boom boom..."

Ji Lingyun was happy to see Hancock, who had been gone for a long time, but he did not expect that he was greeted by a series of cannonballs.

"Damn, do you need this kind of welcome?"

However, he was also more certain that there would be no other people besides Hancock who would shoot without saying hello.

A bright light flickered, and the bullets that came in a sudden burst split in half, and then fell into the sea.

Then Ji Lingyun suddenly showed a weird smile, and saw him yelling softly: "Everything in the world is ashes! Ryūjin Jakka!"

At the moment when Ji Lingyun drew his sword, a huge tornado-shaped flame wall was formed. The flame of the tornado was wrapped by the pirate ship of the pirate group defeated by the Nine Snakes and Pirates, and only the pirate ship was seen. It was burned out at a very fast speed, and the whole ship was burned out in a total of tens of seconds before and after.


The female warriors on the Nine Snake Pirate boats all took a deep breath. Before they saw the people on the boat drawing their swords, flames appeared, but the flames rushed to the other pirate boats. I thought it was the people on the boat who got it wrong, but think about it again, they are a little bit away from the pirate ship, and they can't be so far away, right?

What shocked them even more was that the big pirate ship was burned out so quickly, what kind of flame is this? Even after a distance, they can clearly feel the hot temperature.

"Han, Hancock-sama, the other party, seems to be very powerful."(Read more @

Naturally, Hancock would not completely ignore this scene. Her arrogant expression also became serious in an instant. Whether it is splitting a cannonball in half or burning a pirate ship by a tornado flame, this is not something ordinary people can do. owned.

Although Hancock is arrogant, it does not mean that she is not smart. If she is not smart, she would not be selected as the female emperor of the Nine Snake Island of this generation, so she said, "Aim there, but don't attack. Wait for the other person to come."

Seeing his attack so fierce, Ji Lingyun also smiled slightly. I have to say that Ryūjin Jakka's attack power is really strong. Shikai alone has such a powerful power. If it is a range attack, even Zangetsu is far worse. Zangetsu and Tensa Zangetsu are indeed very strong, but Ji Lingyun is not Kurosaki Ichigo after all and does not have Hollow, so it is difficult to exert all the power of Zangetsu, but Ryūjin Jakka is different. Its practicality and power are both top-notch.

After this blow, seeing that the Nine Snakes and Pirates did not attack again, Ji Lingyun smiled slightly and controlled the small boat to quickly approach the big ship of the Nine Snakes and Pirates. When he arrived nearby, he heard the other's warning.

"Friends on the opposite side, we are the Nine Snakes Pirates. You are already close to our restricted area. Please tell us your intentions, otherwise we will treat you as an enemy and attack."

A wild female voice spread over the sea. Ji Lingyun smiled after hearing it, and said: "Everyone in the Nine Snake Pirates, I have something to do with you on Nine Snake Island. I wonder who your current captain is?"

Hearing Ji Lingyun's words, the female warrior of Hydra Island immediately asked Hancock: "Master Hancock, a man, he said that he has something to do with our Hydra Island. He also asked who the captain is, shall we answer?"

Hancock snorted coldly: "When did we Nine Snake Island have a relationship with a man? I don't know where the guy who appeared, actually wanted to deceive us. Didn't he say that he has a relationship with Nine Snake Island? What is it called, if the concubine has not heard of it, kill him immediately."


The female pirates of the Nine Snake Pirates nodded, and then one of them shouted: "Boy, you said that you are related to our Nine Snake Island, and you say that you have nothing to say, so report your name."

Ji Lingyun replied: "My name is Edward Ji Lingyun. The current leader of Nine Snake Island is Boa Hancock, right? I know her, and there is an old woman named Guro Liosa on Nine Snake Island. I also know her."

Hearing Ji Lingyun actually said that they knew Hancock and Guro Liosa, the female pirates of Nine Snake Island were all surprised and turned their eyes to Hancock involuntarily.

And Hancock also showed an incredible expression at this time. She asked the two younger sisters beside her in a dazed manner: "Sanda Sonia, Mary Groud, do you hear clearly? Is it Lingyun brother?"

Hancock’s two younger sisters, Sonda Sonia and Marie Gruder, have no better expressions than Hancock. They both nodded and replied, “Sister, you heard that right, it’s him, it’s Master Lingyun.

After receiving affirmative answers from the two younger sisters, Hancock's puzzled expression disappeared instantly, replaced by immense joy and happiness, and his arrogant and cold face showed a joyful smile.

The female soldiers next to Hancock looked surprised at Hancock, who changed his face, and asked in a low voice, "Master Hancock, you guys."

Hancock snorted, "Get out of the way." Then he pushed the person in front of him directly, quickly rushed to the penetration, and looked down.

In Hancock’s sight, I saw a young man in black clothes standing on a small boat. He looked like he was in his early twenties at most. Although he could not see the specific appearance, his straight body was revealed. With a stalwart feeling, people can't help but stare at him.

"Is it Lingyun brother? I'm Hancock, Hancock."

Under the unbelievable gazes of all the female pirates of the Nine Snake Pirates, Hancock jumped and waved at the man on the boat, yelling with joy.

"This, this, this, this is Hancock-sama?"

All the female pirates of the Nine Snakes and Pirates are dumbfounded. They have never seen Hancock's performance before, which is really incredible.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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