When Ji Lingyun on the boat heard Hancock's call, he was also happy. Although Hancock's voice has changed a lot from two years ago, he knew that it must be Hancock, because Hancock was the only one who could. Call him Lingyun brother.

"Is it really Hancock? That's great! Hancock, get out of the way, I'm going up."

Hancock's expression was full of joy, and when he saw the female pirates on the Nine Snake Island surrounded by them, he immediately hummed: "You all get out of it, get out of it quickly. Brother Lingyun is coming up, don't block him.

This is what Hancock said. On a place as big as the bow deck, even ten more Ji Lingyun will be fine, but she wants everyone else to move away. This attitude is really overbearing.

After Ji Lingyun finished speaking, he controlled the boat and came to the bottom of the Pirate Ship on Nine Snake Island. Then, with a strong kick with his feet, the whole person jumped high, and suddenly landed beside Hancock.

Looking at the beautiful girl who was only a scalp shorter than herself, Ji Lingyun asked in surprise, "Hancock?"

When Ji Lingyun looked at Hancock, Hancock also stared at Ji Lingyun. Compared with two years ago, Ji Lingyun is taller and has no other changes, so Hancock recognized 017 at a glance.

Hancock's eyes were full of joy and excitement, and he said excitedly: "It's me, brother Lingyun, I'm Hancock."

Ji Lingyun smiled slightly and couldn't help reaching out and touching Hancock's head, then compared to herself, saying: "The last time I saw you, you hadn't reached my chin. I didn't expect to see you in two years. They have grown so tall, and they have become more beautiful and more confident. I almost can't recognize them."

Listening to Ji Lingyun’s compliment, Hancock seemed to have eaten honey, his face was full of joy, and he whispered: "Brother Lingyun is also getting longer and handsomer. It is exactly the same as the brother Lingyun with my memory, which is great."

When Hancock was talking to Ji Lingyun, except for Hancock’s two younger sisters, the other female warriors of the pirates of Nine Snake Island showed incredible and unbelievable gazes. Have they ever seen Hancock like this before? Saying that I saw it, I didn't even dare to imagine it.

"Is this still Hancock-sama?" This question popped up in everyone's hearts.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ji Lingyun asked Hancock in a puzzled way: "By the way, Hancock, why are you here?"

Hancock replied, "Brother Lingyun, this is the first time I have led a pirate group on an expedition. We have just come out from the island of Nine Snake, and we have attacked some pirates along the way."

Ji Lingyun said, "Oh, it turns out that this is the first time you led the Pirates. It seems that our Hancock has also become a big man. Has he already become the leader of Nine Snake Island?"

Hancock suddenly showed the proud expression of his little daughter, and smiled triumphantly: "Yes, Brother Lingyun, I have been listening to you for the past two years, and I have been training hard. Now Hancock is the emperor of Nine Snake Island. , The island of Nine Snake is the only thing Hancock said."

First, he proudly told his own situation, then Hancock was a little unhappy and pouts to Ji Lingyun: "Brother Lingyun, when you were parting, you said you were going to see Hancock on Nine Snake Island. You haven't seen you in two years, have you forgotten Hancock?"

Upon hearing this, Ji Lingyun said amusedly: "How could it be, how could I have forgotten Hancock, I have been entangled with other things in the past two years, so I didn't have time to see you."

Hancock immediately laughed again after hearing this: "That's good, I know that Lingyun brother can't forget me."

As if thinking of something, Hancock asked Ji Lingyun suspiciously, "Why are you here, Lingyun brother?"

Ji Lingyun said: "I just returned to the Grand Line from the East China Sea. I just passed by here and found that there is a battle. That's why I came over curiously to see what was going on. Fortunately, I came here, otherwise I would miss you. "

Speaking of this, Hancock suddenly glanced at the Pirate Ship burned by Ji Lingyun with some disdain, and said: "The group of guys just wanted to rob us and was killed by Hancock. It's really overwhelming.

Seeing Hancock's disdainful expression and indifferent look, Ji Lingyun smiled slightly. This Hancock is somewhat similar to the original book. He asked, "Then Hancock, what are you going to do next?"

Hancock said: "I was going to make a round of the Grand Line, so that those ignorant people would know the power of our Nine Snakes and Pirates, but now I see you, Lingyun, brother Lingyun, of course you are the most important."

Because Hancock was rescued by Ji Lingyun at the beginning, and later Ji Lingyun protected her all the way and sent her back to Nine Snake Island, Hancock will inevitably have a sense of trust and dependence on Ji Lingyun during the process of getting along. And this sense of dependence is different from ordinary people's sense of dependence, because she used to be a slave and lived a life that is not as good as life and death. Ji Lingyun pulled her out of that place and left an indelible impression in her heart. , So this kind of feeling is extraordinary.

"Master Hancock, who is this?"

Seeing Hancock and Ji Lingyun so affectionate, someone finally couldn't help but ask Hancock a question.

Originally, other people thought Hancock would definitely speak bad words, but Hancock was actually very happy and said crisply to everyone: "This is me..."

Suddenly Hancock paused and didn't know how to introduce it. Ji Lingyun smiled and said, "My friend, Hancock and I have known each other since childhood."

When Hancock heard Ji Lingyun's relief, he nodded immediately and said, "Yes, that's right. Brother Lingyun is my best friend. You will call him Master Lingyun in the future. Did you hear that?

At the end, Hancock's face sank, and his tone was very strong.

Although Hancock has a high prestige in the pirate group, these female pirates are all elites of Nine Snake Island, and they have a natural resistance to men, so even if it is cold and bitter, many people still disagree.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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