Ji Lingyun politely said to the female fighters of the Nine Snakes Pirates: "Hello ladies, my name is Edward Ji Lingyun, and you can call me Lingyun. Hancock and I are friends."

Upon hearing Ji Lingyun’s very polite greeting, the female fighters of the Nine Snakes Pirates laughed, and their views on Ji Lingyun changed a little. Apart from anything else, at least Ji Lingyun looks good and will do speak.

"Brother Lingyun, don't worry about them, let's go in and talk."

Hancock didn't want her subordinates to get along with Ji Lingyun, so he just pulled Ji Lingyun into her room.

When they walked to Hancock's two younger sisters, Sonda Sonia and Mary Gruder both greeted Ji Lingyun: "Lingyun-sir, it's been a long time since I saw you, how are you?"

Ji Lingyun was also very happy and said: "Yeah, it's been a long time since you have all grown up and become stronger. You are no longer the little girl who needed my protection.

The three Hancock sisters who were rescued by Ji Lingyun back then were all very young girls. These two sisters are even younger, but now they are all grown and taller than Ji Lingyun, and their aura has changed from being weak at the beginning. Now it is full of momentum.

Hancock directly took Ji Lingyun away, leaving only the people of the Nine Snakes and Pirates group staring at each other.

Under the strong invitation of Hancock, Ji Lingyun stayed on her boat temporarily. However, the whole boat was full of women, and he was the only man. He felt very uncomfortable at first, but stayed for a while. After time, I slowly adapted to it.

But of course Ji Lingyun didn't expect this to continue. He just happened to be fine now, so he agreed to Hancock and sailed around with his boat.

"Master Hancock, Master Hancock."

In the early morning when the sky was shining brightly, there were bursts of exclamations from the boat of the Nine Snakes and Pirates, awakening all the members of the Pirates from their sleep. Ji Lingyun also woke up, dressed and walked away. Get out.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Because he lives right across from Hancock, Ji Lingyun opened the door and saw Hancock walking out with someone, so he asked, "Hancock, what happened?"

Hancock looked a little heavy and said, "Brother Lingyun, it is Marine. We are surrounded by several Marine warships. I am not very clear about the specific situation."

Ji Lingyun is not too nervous. He knows that Hancock will become Shichibukai in the future, and the relationship with Marine will not be too stale, so he said: "Don't worry, take a look at the bow of the ship. Marine is nothing great. "

In terms of the number of dealings with Marine, among all the pirates, he is definitely ranked high. He has played the three Admiral of Marine, and he has played more than once, although the number of battles with Marine Lieutenant General is relatively small. , But even Marine Admiral has played, still afraid of Marine Lieutenant General?


Hancock and Ji Lingyun quickly came to the bow of the pirate ship. As soon as they got here, they saw the Marine warship encircling their pirate ship. Although they did not attack, they did not let it go. the meaning of.

Seeing Hancock coming, the female pirate on guard immediately came over to report: "Master Hancock, Marine has arrived with a total of eight warships. The leader seems to be a major general from Marine headquarters. He said he wants to talk to you."

Hearing that it was just a Marine major, Ji Lingyun suddenly didn't care. With the strength of the Nine Snakes and Pirates, let alone a Marine major, Hancock and the others would definitely be able to handle it.

Sure enough, Hancock was immediately angry when she heard this. She said coldly: "A little Major Marine dare to stop our boat. He really doesn't know how to live or die. Where is the other person, the concubine will kill him."

When they heard that Hancock was about to kill Marine, many people changed their faces and quickly persuaded, "Master Hancock, no."

Hancock frowned and said coldly, "What are you talking about, why not?"

It was a woman in her thirties who had just spoken to stop her, and she looked like she once again persuaded: "Master Hancock, although our Nine Snakes and Pirates are pirates, there has been no dispute with Marine. If we attack Marine recklessly, it will not be a good thing for our Pirates or Hydra Island. So, Master Hancock, please consider it again."

The cold light in Hancock's eyes flashed, and he was about to get angry, but then Ji Lingyun said, "Hancock, it's not the time to be angry. Marine is right in front of you. Anyway, deal with these Marines first. If they don’t know each other, it won’t be too late."

…… …… ……

Hearing Ji Lingyun's words of persuasion, but in fact it did not show weakness. A small number of people in the Nine Snakes and Pirates frowned, but most of them agreed with Ji Lingyun's words, this Pirates group. Although Hancock took it over from the previous emperor, in fact, the Nine Snakes and Pirates have not gone to sea for many years. There are very few female pirates of the previous generation, and most of them are newly selected by Hancock. The biggest characteristic of newcomers is their youthful impulse. They don't think about retreating when encountering things, but fight.

Hancock listened to Ji Lingyun's words very much. She nodded and said, "Okay, let's listen to Lingyun's brother. Concubine has to see what these Marines have to say."

Ji Lingyun said, "Go ahead, it's not very convenient for me."

The Nine Snakes and Pirates are all female. If he is found here as a man, it will inevitably be a bit bad. Hancock also knows the truth, so he said nothing and nodded.

The leader of the eight warships is a major general. Since the Hydra Pirates left the island of Hydra, they have been rampant all the way. Although they have not done any evil of burns and looting, they have killed a lot of people and made a lot of trouble. The reputation naturally aroused Marine’s attention. These warships were dispatched this time for two purposes. If the Nine Snakes and Pirates are not strong, they will be destroyed directly; if the Nine Snakes and Pirates are strong, then think about other things. Decision-making.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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