After obtaining Sengoku's consent, Lieutenant Crane showed a faint smile for the first time.

"As long as you agree to my request, I am 70% sure that I can catch him."

Sengoku said: "Okay, after so many years of friendship, I don't believe who else you can believe, let's talk, what do you want."

Lieutenant General Crane said: "I need the cooperation of one person, Kuzan, I need his ability."


Sengoku thought for a while, and then replied, "Yes, I will tell Kuzan and let him discuss it directly with you then."

Although it is unreasonable to ask Aokiji such an Admiral to call Lieutenant General Crane, since Lieutenant Crane has requested, Sengoku can only agree. After all, he has to rely on Lieutenant General Crane to catch Ji Lingyun.

However, he is also a little grateful. Fortunately, the person in charge of the crane is Aokiji. If it is Akainu or Kizaru, he will really have to work hard, because Aokiji has a gentle personality and is easier to talk. He also respects his elders. Lieutenant General Crane had a lower rank than him, so he would not obey orders.

However, Kizaru and Akainu are different. One is slippery and the other is rigid. Sengoku guessed that this is probably the biggest reason why Lieutenant General Crane did not mention the two.

"I hope to hear your good news." Sengoku said at last.

Lieutenant General Crane didn't say anything, just nodded, but her eyes revealed a wise light.

"Brother Lingyun, you are so amazing, you got rid of Marine all at once." Hancock said to Ji Lingyun happily.

Ji Lingyun did not show joy, but said worriedly: "I have a great grudge with Marine. This time I was forced to expose my identity. I am worried that they will fight against you, and will hurt you."

Hancock said without worry, "We won't be afraid."

Indeed, after several battles with Marine, the Nine Snakes Pirates’ impression of Marine has changed. They are not afraid of Marine at all. Even if Marine Marshal Sengoku arrives in front of them, it is estimated that they will not be much. reaction.

In this regard, Ji Lingyun has nothing to do. After all, he is not a member of the Pirates of the Nine Snakes and cannot command them.(Read more @

After that battle, Marine did not send anyone to pursue it. This made Ji Lingyun and the others a lot easier. It also gave Ji Lingyun the urge to leave. After all, he couldn’t stay in the Nine Snakes and Pirates. Thinking, since leaving the Whitebeard Pirates, he hasn't gone back for many years, and he really misses the companions of the Whitebeard Pirates more and more.

Ji Lingyun is going to say goodbye to Hancock in a few days. At the same time, he is also going to let Hancock and the others return to Hydra Island before leaving. Although Marine does not seem to attack them anymore, it is safer to return to Hydra Island.

But before Ji Lingyun was ready to leave, an unexpected thing happened and he unexpectedly met Hawkeye.

If you meet other acquaintances, maybe Ji Lingyun will say goodbye just by saying hello, but Hawkeye is different. Although Hawkeye is also his friend, it is also the opponent he has always wanted to challenge because of his world. The name of the first swordsman.

"Hawkeye, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Standing on the eagle eye's signature canoe, Ji Lingyun looked at the stern eagle eye and said slowly.

Hawkeye got up from his seat, looked at Ji Lingyun, and said, "I'm here to find you."


Ji Lingyun raised his brows and asked in surprise: "You said you came to me on purpose? What do you mean by that? And, how do you know I'm here?"

Hawkeye said solemnly: "Now in Grand Line, the reputation of the Nine Snakes and Pirates is extremely loud. They have defeated Marine several times in a row, and they have become famous. But after I heard about the way of fighting, I knew it was you, with a big sword. Hao power, and there are all kinds of weird abilities, besides you, I can't think of anyone else."

"Then you came to me for?"

Ji Lingyun was not surprised that Hawkeye was able to guess himself. After all, in the Grand Line, he could easily split the warship and defeat the three Marine Lieutenant Generals. There were basically not many great swordsmen, combined with his past. With his record, a great swordsman like Eagle Eye can naturally guess his identity easily.

Hawkeye fell on the Shinigami blade behind him, and said, "You should understand."

Looking at Hawkeye's eyes, Ji Lingyun knew what it meant. He couldn't help but smiled and said, "I understand, but you are looking for me just for this matter?"

Hawkeye said: "This is already the most important thing."

"Now?" Ji Lingyun asked.

Hawkeye said: "The swordsman's duel doesn't have to pick time, it's now."

Ji Lingyun nodded, and then said, "But I am still a little curious. You are already the world's number one swordsman. It should be someone else challenging you. Why did you take the initiative to find me."

Hawkeye said: "Swordsmanship has no distinction between high and low. The so-called No. 1 in the world is just what others call it. My goal is to pursue the ultimate in kendo, but there are not many swordsmen worthy of me in this world. , And you are the most talented swordsman I have ever seen. I have seen it since the first meeting."

"You have the qualifications to surpass me, so I have been waiting, and now, you have enough qualifications."

Ji Lingyun said, "So, you came to me?"


Hawkeye said: "Except for the red hair, you are the person I want to fight the most. You have a completely different kendo from ours. Perhaps because of your sword, you have a peculiar ability, but the swordsman’s The sword is part of the swordsman, so its ability is your ability. You may not have reached the peak now, but it's time for us to fight."

Ji Lingyun smiled: "What you said is a bit complicated, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, if you don't come to me, I will also go to you. I have been looking forward to this battle for a long time, ha ha.

Although Ji Lingyun is different from the people in this world, defeating the world's number one swordsman is also his goal. The number one in the world, no one can refuse, and he is naturally no exception.

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