"Let's go to land."

Ji Lingyun said to Hawkeye, although neither of them are capable people, and fighting at sea is the same, but after all, it is not as convenient as land. Both want a fair fight, so it is best to fight on land.

"Okay." Hawkeye's answer was so concise and clear.

Ji Lingyun nodded to him and said, "I'll go and tell my friend, are you following us, or are you on the boat with me?"

Hawkeye said: "I'm not used to taking other people's boats."


After Ji Lingyun said, he returned to the boat of the Nine Snakes and Pirates. As soon as he got back on the boat, Hancock greeted him.

"Brother Lingyun, who is that?" Hancock pointed to Hawkeye and asked. After all, she just went out to sea and didn't know much about the celebrities in the sea.

Ji Lingyun smiled and said: "The world's number one swordsman, Hawkeye, Dracule Mihawk."

When Hancock and the Nine Snake Pirates heard this, they looked at Hawkeye in surprise and shouted, "He is Hawkeye."

Ji Lingyun said to Hancock, "Hancock, let's find an island with few people."

Hancock040 asked incomprehensibly, "Why are you looking for a place like that?"

Ji Lingyun said: "I want to fight Hawkeye."


Hancock was taken aback, and said nervously, "Brother Lingyun, you want to fight Hawkeye? Why?"

Ji Lingyun said: "Just because he is the world's number one swordsman, and I am also a swordsman, this battle is inevitable."

"But, but Hawkeye is the world's number one swordsman. Brother Lingyun, it's too dangerous for you to fight him."

Hancock looked anxious. Although she didn't know the strength of Hawkeye, she was still known as the number one swordsman in the world. Judging from this name, she knew that her strength was absolutely terrifying.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ji Lingyun smiled slightly and said, "Why, you don't have confidence in me?"

Hancock said, "No, of course I have confidence in Lingyun brother, but, but."

Ji Lingyun interrupted: "Well, I know you are worried about me, but this battle is really inevitable. As a swordsman, everyone has come to the door. If I avoid the fight, then I will It's really over. What the swordsman needs is the aura to go forward without fear of hardship and danger, not the cowardly fleeing, so, Hancock, don't persuade me anymore."

Although Hancock is domineering and arrogant and doesn't know how to deal with others, she understands what Ji Lingyun means at this moment. If Ji Lingyun shrinks, she will not only give up, but also lose her dignity. She is a proud person. She knows what dignity is better than anyone, so she knows she can't stop Ji Lingyun.

Hancock said, "Okay, but Brother Lingyun, you must promise me and you must win."

Ji Lingyun smiled and said, "Don't worry, although Hawkeye is recognized as the world's number one swordsman, it's just that I haven't appeared yet. Now that I appear, his position should be moved."

Although Ji Lingyun said so, he actually didn't have much confidence in his heart. Even if he knew he was in the best condition, Hawkeye was also at its peak. Whether he could win Hawkeye is really sure. No.

But even if he was not sure about it, he still had to do it. It was a duel that couldn't be retreated. What's more, he grew up and has experienced countless difficult battles. When he was hunted down by Marine Admiral, he did the same. He didn't even have a certainty, but didn't he succeed in the end?

Swordsmen's duel battle is a very dangerous battle, especially when the difference between the strength of the two sides is not too great, it is even more dangerous, because one is not careful and may die.

Nowadays, Ji Lingyun never thought that Hawkeye would be merciful to his subordinates, nor would he be merciful to Hawkeye. This is respect for each other and represents the dignity of the swordsman.

They soon found an island that met the requirements. Although the island was human, they found the most remote place as a place for their duel.

Hawkeye had already stood there early, and Ji Lingyun was standing with Hancock and said to her, "Hancock, wait for you to stay away."

"Brother Lingyun." Hancock looked at Ji Lingyun's face becoming serious, and couldn't help but worry.

Ji Lingyun shook his head and said, "Stop talking, listen to me, Hancock, wait a minute, I mean in case, in case I lose and die in Hawkeye's hands, remember, don't avenge me. , Otherwise I won't forgive you."

"Brother Lingyun, how do you say this?"

Hancock panicked as soon as he heard Ji Lingyun say that she might die. She is actually an extremely strong person. Only when facing Ji Lingyun would she reveal the appearance of this little girl.

Ji Lingyun's face was very serious, and continued: "I mean in case, Hawkeye is very strong. If you fight with him, you must prepare for the worst. This has nothing to do with confidence."

"Then we don't..."


Ji Lingyun violently interrupted Hancock's words, staring at her with piercing eyes, pressing her shoulders with both hands, and said solemnly: "Hancock, you are the emperor of Nine Snake Island, no matter when it is, don't panic. I just want you to remember, in case something really happens to me, take my sword and give it to the Whitebeard Pirates, my father, Whitebeard's hands, understand?"

Hancock's eyes became moist. She saw Ji Lingyun's fierce appearance for the first time, and finally gritted her teeth and said, "Brother Lingyun, I will definitely do it."

"Okay, thank you, Hancock."

Looking soft, Ji Lingyun suddenly smiled and said to Hancock: "If I don't have any trouble, I will marry you in the future, okay?"

After speaking, without waiting for Hancock's answer, Ji Lingyun turned around resolutely and walked in front of Hawkeye.

"Done?" Hawkeye slowly asked Ji Lingyun who was opposite.

Ji Lingyun smiled slightly, and said: "When you are done, facing your eagle eye, naturally you have to give a good last word."

Hawkeye grinned and said with a smile: "Very good, but I am only alone, so I am not as lucky as you, and I can give my last words."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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