"Whirring whirring."

Ji Lingyun and Eagle Eye gathered together for more than ten meters. They were almost in the same posture, holding a sword in one hand, and the tip of the sword pointed to the ground. The two of them have been fighting for almost two hours now. There is no stopping in the process. Rao Because of their physique, they are a little unbearable at this time, and they can see how hard they are from their violent gasps.

But no matter how tired they were, they didn't mean to stop in the slightest. Fighting to such a point, they would never stop if they didn't distinguish the victory or defeat.

"One move will determine the outcome."

Ji Lingyun suddenly raised his head and looked at Eagle Eye in surprise. He did not expect Eagle Eye to say such a sentence. Although both of them were very tired, neither of them would show it. At this time, Eagle Eye said In this case, there is only one meaning, and I don't want to drag it any longer.

Surprise is surprised, but this is something Ji Lingyun can't ask for. He nodded directly and said, "Okay."

After receiving Ji Lingyun's answer, Yingyan's expression became extremely serious, and he turned into two hands with sword, and the blade pointed at Ji Lingyun. The momentum of his whole body was quickly converged, making him look like a very ordinary person. Except for the look in his eyes and the black sword Ye, there was nothing brilliant about this swordsman.

Facing the pressure of the eagle eye's last blow, Ji Lingyun slowly frowned. He knew that the eagle eye's last blow was definitely a shock, so he was thinking about how to face such an eagle eye.

But this kind of thinking was only for a short period of time, and soon his complexion became firm. He absolutely can't afford to lose in this battle. Even if he pays a great price, he must win this battle. This is not just Glory and dignity, and more importantly, he can truly stand on the top of the world only if he breaks the title of Hawkeye's No. 1 in the world.

Both of them haven't done anything yet, but they both made the same moves, converging all their auras. The two of them are equally in the aura, and they can't help each other, so they simply converge all the auras and gather all the energy To the final blow.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"No month!"

Ji Lingyun and Hawkeye did it almost at the same time, but unlike Hawkeye’s two-handed sword, Tensa Zangetsu in Ji Lingyun’s hands turned into a light and disappeared, and then Ji Lingyun’s death-tyrant costume exploded suddenly, revealing The upper body has well-defined muscles, a black hair becomes waist-length, and his right hand seems to be holding something. What is even more frightening is that there is a black and red light around him, making him look like a real demon. same.

Wuyue’s trick is actually a crescent moon, but instead of using Tensa Zangetsu, it uses her own crescent moon, which is the strongest crescent moon. Ji Lingyun has acquired Zangetsu for so many years, but He hasn’t learned this trick until he just fought with Hawkeye. He finally realized this trick. Although the cost may be high after using it, for Ji Lingyun, he has no choice but to win. .

At this moment, Ji Lingyun seemed to be a sword, full of sword intent, and at the same time, Hawkeye was the last to swing his black sword, Ye, a very ordinary sword, but it contained Hawkeye's understanding and will of kendo.

When the black-red blade light and the blue blade light touched together, the sky and the earth seemed to shake, and the entire island shook violently, as if the sky was about to break and the ground was horrifying. Ji Lingyun and Yingyan were no longer visible on the battlefield, because the ground around them had cracked, and even the fountains rushed out of the ground.

"What happened? Did the sky fall apart?"

On the beach near the island, the Nine Snakes and Pirates gathered on the boat. When they saw what happened on the island, they all screamed in horror. They were so far away, they all felt a scream. The powerful force struck, the originally calm sea churned up violently, and some weaker pirates grabbed everything on the ship in fear, for fear of accident.

The huge momentum spread far, and at this moment, Marine's warships also quickly approached. Aokiji, Lieutenant General Crane and others were also shocked by the momentum caused by Ji Lingyun's battle with Hawkeye.… …

"What a fierce battle, what a fierce battle, has the two world's top swordsmen finally ushered in the moment of decisive victory?"

Aokiji's face became extremely serious. Although he was here to capture Ji Lingyun this time, this did not prevent him from looking forward to this duel. He also wanted to know who is better than Ji Lingyun and Hawkeye. The top battle in the field really makes people impatient.

Lieutenant General Crane suddenly said: "Get on the shore quickly, Kuzan, you freeze the sea first, and then use the fastest speed to control the Nine Snakes and Pirates. Our goal is Shinigami, so try not to hurt the people of the Nine Snakes and Pirates. ."

The reason why Lieutenant General Crane said this was that he was worried that the people of the Nine Snakes and Pirates would fight to the death. After all, the people of the Nine Snakes and Pirates were not weak. Their goal this time was Ji Lingyun. Containing Ji Lingyun, but once the Nine Snakes Pirates are attacked, it may cause Ji Lingyun to counterattack. By then, Marine will inevitably have a lot of losses. This is a scene that Lieutenant Crane does not want to see.

"It's not good, Lord Sonda Sonia 2.8, Lord Mary Groud, Marine is here, and Marine warship is here."

The people of the Nine Snake Pirates quickly saw the Marine warship approaching, but before they had any movement, they found that the sea was frozen, and then a large group of Marine rushed over, the first to bear the brunt was a body. The tall Aokiji.

The strength of Marine Admiral Aokiji is naturally self-evident. In front of Aokiji, without Hancock, the Nine Snakes and Pirates did not have any resistance at all. They were quickly taken down by Marine, but Aokiji also followed suit. In the case of Lieutenant General Crane, there was no real murder. This is also the biggest reason why Lieutenant General Crane sought Aokiji, because if it were Akainu and Kizaru, they would definitely not be so obedient.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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