After quickly taking control of the Nine Snakes and Pirates, Aokiji rushed to the shore and looked at the calmed island. He knew that Ji Lingyun and Hawkeye's battle was divided, but what was the result. He could not guess either.

"Let's go."

Lieutenant General Crane walked in front of Aokiji, and the two of them led a large group of Marines towards the location where Hawkeye and Ji Lingyun were.

When Lieutenant General Crane and Aokiji came to the battlefield, they were deeply shocked by the scene in front of them. They only saw a few kilometers in a radius. The whole earth had sunk, and there were water jets from the ground everywhere , The gravel trees are scattered everywhere, and there is a mess in the eye.

But what happened to Ji Lingyun and Hawkeye at this time?

In the middle of the battlefield, both Ji Lingyun and Hawkeye fell down, except that Ji Lingyun fell into Hancock’s arms, while Hawkeye was kneeling on the ground with two hands and knees, and neither of them stood up. strength.

The result of this is actually that both lose and no one wins, but only Ji Lingyun knows that he used Wuyue and Hawkeye to tie. This 15-body is no longer dominant, because after using Wuyue , He was unable to use Shinigami's Blade for a long time to come, this is the sequelae caused by Wu Yue.

However, no matter how serious the sequelae are, from this battle alone, the two of them ended in a tie, but this tie battle, after Marine arrived, has undergone a different change.


Hancock, who was holding Ji Lingyun, saw the arrival of Marine for the first time, her face suddenly appeared astonished, and Ji Lingyun's complexion also became difficult to look, even Hawkeye was an accident, they did not expect Marine to actually Will appear in this place at this time.

"It's over."

Ji Lingyun saw that Marine’s lineup included Lieutenant General Crane, Aokiji, and a group of Marine elites. He knew that he was over this time. He and Hawkeye had been seriously injured and there was no chance of a fight. As for Hancock, she It can't be Marine Admiral's opponent, so Ji Lingyun knew that he was planted this time when Marine appeared.(Read more @

In this case, Ji Lingyun knew that he would not be able to go, but when he looked at Hancock, he had to think about Hancock, so he quickly moved his mind to figure out how to make the most advantageous choice.

"Hancock, don't resist later, we can't escape."

Ji Lingyun knows Hancock's temper. If he doesn't say it in advance, Hancock will definitely fight. This will only make the situation worse, so he needs to say hello in advance.

After that, Ji Lingyun asked Hancock to support him to his feet. Although he is weak now, it is difficult to even stand up, but when facing Marine, he must not be weakened. Even if he will die next moment, he must behave. Be stronger, only in this way can he achieve his goals.

"Shinigami, Edward Ji Lingyun!"

Lieutenant General Crane looked at Ji Lingyun and said calmly: "You should already know our purpose when you see us."

Ji Lingyun smiled bitterly: "Of course it's clear, isn't it just to catch me, but I didn't expect that your movements would be so fast. I saw you not chasing before and thought you gave up. It seems that I really think I am too self-righteous. , Look down on you guys."

Aokiji said: "The battle between you and Hawkeye is indeed amazing enough, but now how much strength you have left, you know best, what are you going to do in this case?"

Ji Lingyun said: "If it were me, there would be no doubt that I would choose to fight to the death, but now, I choose to give up."

Lieutenant General Crane said: "A wise choice, but if you are so simple, there must be some conditions."

Ji Lingyun smiled. He is now covered in Bloodline, looking very embarrassed, "Of course it is conditional, but I don't know if you can agree."

Lieutenant General Crane said: "Let's talk about it, if it's not too much, we can also promise you."

Ji Lingyun smiled and said, "It’s really refreshing to talk to you. Okay. My condition is very simple. There are only two. One is to spare the Nine Snakes and Pirates and let Hancock become Seven Warlords of the Sea. The news that I was caught by your Marine spread."

Lieutenant General Crane pondered for a moment and said, "Let the Nine Snakes and Pirates become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Your request is really unreasonable. What if we don't agree?"

Ji Lingyun said: "If you don't agree, then you have to pay a high price if you want to catch me."

Aokiji said solemnly: "Just rely on your current state?"

Ji Lingyun smiled and said: "My current state is indeed very bad, but it does not mean that I have no resistance. You will never know how much my hole cards are. I dare not say anything else, just you. Marine, under my desperate fight, I am afraid there are not many who can survive 377. One is that I can catch it, the other is a desperate fight. I think you should make the best choice."

Ji Lingyun's words made Lieutenant General Crane and Aokiji frowned. Although they both saw Ji Lingyun half-dead, they didn't dare to really underestimate him. After all, Ji Lingyun gave them too much impression. Now that they can fight Hawkeye like this, who knows if what he said is true, and with so many lives to bet, they really can't make so much determination.

Aokiji and the others are embarrassed. Ji Lingyun is also very nervous. He knows that he can't last long. Once he does his hands, he will be exposed immediately, so he is really worried that Marine will be strong against him.

"Brother Lingyun." When Hancock saw Ji Lingyun still thinking about her at this time, while being moved, he also wanted to fight alongside Ji Lingyun.

But Ji Lingyun shook her head firmly and said: "Hancock, listen to me, this time you must listen to me anyway, if you still think of me as your Lingyun brother."

Ji Lingyun has already said this. Although Hancock is extremely unwilling, she can only nod her head in agreement.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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