Facing the strength of Ji Lingyun, Lieutenant General Crane just smiled faintly, and said: "I said, this time our goal is only you. As for the Nine Snakes and Pirates, as long as they promise not to oppose our Marine in the future, they are everywhere. It is not impossible for them to become Seven Warlords of the Sea if they are not doing evil; as for the second condition you mentioned, we were not prepared to publicize it with great fanfare."

Ji Lingyun asked, "What can you do?"

Lieutenant General Crane nodded and said, "Of course, and you have no choice now. I believe you will make the right choice."

Ji Lingyun's complexion kept changing. After a while, he became firmer, and pushed the Shinigami blade in his hand to the ground, and said in a deep voice, "Okay, I won't resist anymore."

"Very good." Regarding Ji Lingyun's choice, Lieutenant General Tsuru was not surprised. She looked at Aokiji.

Aokiji nodded to her, then took the seastone handcuffs from the lieutenant behind him, and walked towards Ji Lingyun.

After Aokiji walked in front of him, Ji Lingyun gently pushed Hancock away and let her let go. Although he was seriously injured, he stood there, his body straight, and still had a frightening aura.

"Troubled Marine Admiral personally on the flail for me, should I be proud of it?" Ji Lingyun asked with a smile.

Seeing that Ji Lingyun, who was about to fall into prison, was able to maintain a calm appearance, even Aokiji had to admire him. He said: "What kind of person we treat, we will naturally adopt what kind of attitude, you Without resistance, we will naturally respect you, come on."

Having said that, Aokiji personally handcuffed the seastone handcuffs to Ji Lingyun. During the period, Hancock wanted to come over several times, but was stopped by Ji Lingyun's fierce gaze. Hancock is not a fool. Of course she knew that Ji Lingyun did it for She is fine, but seeing the person she admires and loves is handcuffed by Marine, how could she be able to bear it in her heart.

"What are you doing?"

Hancock suddenly uttered an angry shout. It turned out that after Ji Lingyun was handcuffed by Aokiji, several Marines came to hold Ji Lingyun in custody. One of them went to pull out the Shinigami blade that Ji Lingyun was on the ground. This action immediately aroused Hancock's anger, and immediately kicked the Marine away.

Just as Hancock was about to continue attacking and regaining Shinigami's Blade, Aokiji suddenly appeared in front of her, and a blow instantly pushed her back. The unwilling Hancock would naturally not show weakness and would attack Aokiji.

"Hancock."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ji Lingyun suddenly yelled. Because of his weakness, his tone became weak, but he still shouted to Hancock: "Listen to me, don't care about anything, take your person, and immediately return to Nine Snake Island. And everything that happened today, no matter who it is, don't disclose it, understand?"

Hancock said unwillingly, "But Brother Lingyun, your weapon, they."

Ji Lingyun said, "Give it to them. They won't be able to use it anyway. You have to remember my words and practice hard. As long as you are strong, you will not be bullied by others. Just like me, if I am strong enough, I won't be In such an end, the skills are not as good as others, and I can only admit failure."

Up to now, he could only admit his fate, and he already knew in his heart that I am afraid that Marine had waited so long just to wait for this moment and caught him effortlessly.

Hancock's eyes were red. She understood Ji Lingyun's eyes and nodded silently, no longer moving, just watching Aokiji personally take away Ji Lingyun's Shinigami Blade.

"and many more."

Just when Marine was about to take Ji Lingyun away, Hawkeye, who had been ignored by others, suddenly screamed. He was holding a black sword and staring coldly at Aokiji and the others.

"My battle with him hasn't been decided yet, and it's not over yet. You just took him away like this, have you asked me?"

Ji Lingyun didn't expect Hawkeye to speak at this time. He knows the state of Hawkeye at this time. Even if it is better than him, it is not much better. Since Marine does not act on Hawkeye, what should Hawkeye do? It didn't happen, but Hawkeye didn't do it.

Lieutenant General Crane and Aokiji also frowned. Hawkeye is one of Seven Warlords of the Sea and an ally of their Marine. This time they also borrowed Hawkeye’s momentum, so they caught Ji Lingyun. They naturally did not What do you think of Hawkeye.

But they never imagined that Hawkeye would actually ignite the upper body by himself, so Aokiji said in a deep voice: "Hawkeyeye, at this time, we Marine and him, you should not interfere."

Hawkeye said with a cold expression: "I can't control the grievances between you and him, and I don't want to control, but now, he is my opponent, our battle is not over, you take him away, this is for us The insult of the battle."

Aokiji said: "Hawkeye, don't get caught up in the flames. In your current state, do you think you will be my opponent?"

"Then I'll know after the fight."

Hawkeye's masterpiece is brilliant, looking at Aokiji full of warfare, even in life and death, he will never give in. This is Hawkeye's kendo.

Aokiji's body suddenly chilled, and it was slowly freezing. Although Hawkeye is Seven Warlords of the Sea, it is not Marine after all. If Hawkeye is really not a lift, Aokiji will do it without hesitation. .

"Eagle Eye."

Seeing that the two of them were about to fight with their swords drawn, Ji Lingyun suddenly yelled at Hawkeye, breaking the atmosphere between Aokiji and Hawkeye in an instant, and the two looked at him at the same time.

Ji Lingyun didn't care about the others, just looked at Hawkeye and said, "Hawkeyeye, thank you for your kindness, but I hope you don't bother. This battle is actually over. You are stronger than me."

But Hawkeye obviously did not agree with this result. He said: "No, we have not yet decided the victory or defeat. If you can stand up, it means that you still have strength, so our battle has not really ended."

Ji Lingyun looked at Eagle Eye and suddenly laughed, and then said: "Okay, as you said, we are evenly divided this time, but I want you to do me a favor, okay?"

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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