Hawkeye looked at Ji Lingyun puzzledly and asked, "Say."

Ji Lingyun said: "You don't need to worry about this matter. We have a chance to fight again in the future. I just want you to do me a favor. If we from the Whitebeard Pirates find you in the future, I hope you don't take me. Talk about the situation."

Hawkeye's brows tightened. He didn't understand why Ji Lingyun said that, but he also knew that Marine was blocking him at this moment. It is absolutely impossible for him to continue fighting with Ji Lingyun. What he is more worried about now is Ji Lingyun. Can you survive after being caught by Marine?

After the battle with Ji Lingyun, Hawkeye discovered that his kendo had evolved a bit, so he really hoped that he would still have a chance to compete with Ji Lingyun.

"it is good."

In the end, Hawkeye nodded and agreed to Ji Lingyun's request. Of course, the main reason was that he saw that Ji Lingyun's eyes were full of confidence and there was no hopelessness at all, so he thought that Ji Lingyun might have some cards to prevent him from dying Marine's hands.

Under the gaze of Hawkeye and Hancock 360, Ji Lingyun was brought onto the warship by Marine.

After Ji Lingyun was taken away by Marine, only Hancock and Hawkeye were left. After Hawkeye took a look, he was about to leave, but Hancock suddenly stopped him.

"Eagle Eye."

Hearing Hancock's voice, Hawkeye stopped. He was not interested in Hancock at all, but he didn't understand why Hancock would stop him.

Hawkeye asked: "Something?"

Hancock said, "Brother Lingyun asked me to bring you a few words."

Hawkeye asked puzzledly: "Then why didn't he just say?"

Hancock said, "Because Marine can't be heard."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Hawkeye nodded. The reason why Ji Lingyun was caught by Marine was because he had a duel with him, so he was naturally a little guilty. If Ji Lingyun asked for anything, he would try his best to agree.

"Say it."

Hancock said: "Brother Lingyun said that he will be imprisoned by Marine in Impel down, but he is worried that Marine will kill him secretly, so he wants to ask you to protect him."

Hawkeye frowned and said, "How can I protect him?"

Hancock said, "I don't know. Brother Lingyun just told you to go to Impel down to see him regularly. If Marine doesn't let it, you will immediately tell the Whitebeard Pirates."

After listening to Hancock’s words, Hawkeye immediately understood what Ji Lingyun meant. He and Marine are allies. As long as he asks, he will have the opportunity to enter Impel down, but he doesn’t understand why Ji Lingyun is so sure that he will be locked up. Enter Impel down? And why is it certain that Marine will attack him secretly? Since he was asked to notify the Whitebeard Pirates, why not notify him immediately, instead of waiting for him to notify him after an accident?

All of this kind of stuff made Hawkeye a little confused, but Hawkeye still nodded and said, "I see."

After speaking, Hawkeye turned around and left. He also benefited a lot from this battle with Ji Lingyun, so he now needs to find a quiet place to heal his injuries while digesting.

After Hawkeye left, Hancock also returned to the Pirate Ship of the Pirates of the Nine Snakes, and ordered the people of the Pirates of the Nine Snakes to tell what happened today. Hancock originally wanted to tell the people of the Pirates of Whitebeard. Because she knew that once the Whitebeard Pirates knew the news, they would definitely rescue Ji Lingyun, but Ji Lingyun refused, so she could only agree with tears.

After Ji Lingyun was caught by Marine, they did not torture him. Except for the seastone shackles, there were no other follow-up actions. The only thing was that Aokiji stayed beside him all the time. Obviously, they did not want to give Ji Lingyun any escape. After all, he had seen more of Ji Lingyun's various abilities and had to guard against it.

"Hey, I said Kuzan, do you want to keep staring at me like this? Do you think I still have the strength to resist?"

Seeing Aokiji staring at him with his eyes, Ji Lingyun felt very uncomfortable. How could this buddy seem to be arguing with him.

Aokiji watched Ji Lingyun for a long time before he said, "We were all deceived by you."

Ji Lingyun asked in surprise: "Cheated? What did I lie to you?"

Aokiji said: "You threatened before, but now I look at you. It's very difficult to walk. It should be because of serious injuries during the battle with Hawkeye, right?"

Ji Lingyun laughed and said, “I know I can’t hide from you. That’s right. I don’t want to say it’s you now. Any ordinary person can bring me down. I believe you didn’t see it before, but Didn't say it."

Ji Lingyun didn’t believe that Aokiji hadn’t seen his state before. If it was someone else, he could still hide it, but Aokiji, as Marine Admiral, was so close to him, how could he not see it, but Aokiji did not say. Naturally, Ji Lingyun would not reveal it by himself.

"I'm very surprised, why didn't you expose me?"

Aokiji said, "Why do you want to expose you? What good is it to expose you? A Nine Snakes and Pirates? We didn't mean to destroy the Nine Snakes and Pirates. To complete you, at least you will not really fight to the death."

Ji Lingyun smiled and said, "It seems that I was superfluous, but forget it, it doesn't matter."

"Aren't you worried?" Aokiji asked.

Ji Lingyun said: "What are you worried about? I'm worried that you Marine will kill me? Forget it, let's not say that you are going to kill me, you have already done it, let alone you dare not kill me."

Aokiji's eyes flashed coldly and asked, "Why are you so confident?"

Ji Lingyun smiled faintly, and said: "If you don't even have this confidence, do you think I will be caught by you so easily? Okay, I don't want to say more now. Anyway, you can't be the master, so wait. Back at your Marine headquarters, after seeing Sengoku, come to discuss how to deal with me."

"I want to take a break. If you don't mind, arrange a better room for me. I won't run." Ji Lingyun smiled and said to Aokiji, without the attitude he should have as a prisoner.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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