
Aokiji had nothing to do with this attitude of Ji Lingyun. Before they came, Sengoku had already issued an order to catch Ji Lingyun. Don’t kill him. He also knew that Ji Lingyun’s life and death matter It was big, naturally he didn't dare to mess around, and he didn't have that idea.

"Come here, go find him a better room, whatever he wants, as long as it's not too much, just give it to him."

Aokiji knows that he can’t take Ji Lingyun, so he can only meet his requirements, and he really doesn’t worry about Ji Lingyun running away, because Ji Lingyun’s current state is so bad that it can’t be worse, and more importantly, Ji Lingyun's Shinigami Blade is still in his hands.

After arranging Ji Lingyun, Aokiji found Lieutenant General Crane, and Lieutenant General Crane asked, "Are you arranged for him?"

Aokiji replied, "Well, it was arranged. I didn't expect that this time we would have caught him so easily. You must know that he caused us to suffer in the first place, or you are good at senior crane.

Lieutenant General Crane said: "It's not that easy. If it weren't for him to reveal his identity because of the Nine Snakes and Pirates, and he was still a swordsman, he could arouse Hawkeye's interest. Anyway, we would never have caught him. We can only say It's just a bit of luck."

Aokiji said, "Yes, if he gets to New World, even if we know where he is, we don't want to catch him in the hands of the Whitebeard Pirates."

Lieutenant General Crane’s eyes flashed with wisdom, and she said in a concentrated voice, “Although we caught him, the key question now is how to deal with him. He is Whitebeard’s son, the next generation of Whitebeard Pirates A generation of undisputed successors, with the personality of Whitebeard, if we know that he was caught by us, what will be the consequences?"

Hearing the words of Lieutenant General Crane, Aokiji also looked solemn, "Yes, the next thing is the key, New World Four Emperors Whitebeard, once he knows it, it will definitely be a shock, and war will inevitably break out."

Lieutenant General Crane sighed: "So, I am not worried about whether I can catch him. Whitebeard has dealt with Marine for a lifetime. I know very well what his character is. This matter is of great importance. Sengoku decides."

Although she is Marine's general staff, it is still up to Marshal Sengoku to decide this kind of important matter.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The warship went to the Grand Line Naval Headquarters at a very fast speed, and Sengoku and others, who had already received the news, were also ready, waiting for Ji Lingyun to arrive.

"Get up, it's already here."

Ji Lingyun was lying down and resting. Aokiji pushed open the door and walked in. Looking at Ji Lingyun's leisurely appearance, the corners of his mouth twitched. During this time, Ji Lingyun was not worried at all. Prisoners.

Ji Lingyun stood up, opened his sleepy eyes and asked, "Oh, have you gotten to Malinfan? So fast?"

After staying on the warship for so long, apart from taking daily rest, Ji Lingyun could only wait for his body to recover slowly. Because his body was handcuffed to seastone, his body was greatly restricted, and there was no way to quickly recover. Recovery can only wait for natural recovery.

However, although physically restricted, Ji Lingyun did not do nothing. The battle with Hawkeye benefited him a lot. Although the two kendo directions are completely different, the kendo of Hawkeye has given him a great deal. Great inspiration, he has been digesting everything in the battle, and he knows that once he digests it completely, it is time for him to go further.

Aokiji said, "Let's go, now is the time to judge you."

Ji Lingyun stood up. Because his hands and feet were handcuffed with seastone shackles, and the weight was as high as hundreds of catties, Ji Lingyun, who was weak, had a hard time walking, which was the biggest reason why he had difficulty recovering from exercise.

Walking slowly in front of Aokiji, Ji Lingyun showed a cold sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Want to judge me? You Marine does not have the qualifications yet, dare you make a bet, you absolutely dare not do anything to me?"

Aokiji suddenly laughed as well. He said, "You are indeed very confident, but you obviously haven't realized your situation. Whether we kill you or not, you can't move freely on the sea. Now you, At least one very important thing is lost, that is, freedom."

Aokiji's words made Ji Lingyun's calm complexion gloomy for an instant. Aokiji was right. No matter how confident he is now, he has indeed lost his freedom. This is irrefutable.

Ji Lingyun said coldly: "I just lost my freedom temporarily. Don't think you Marine will really win if you catch me. No one can predict what will happen in the future, hum."

After saying this sentence, Ji Lingyun passed Aokiji and walked out of the room. Aokiji shook his head and followed.

……. ……

I don't know what Marine's idea was. The route to escort Ji Lingyun was very secretive. Except for a small number of high-level people, no one knew that the famous ‘Shinigami’ had been caught.

Under the leadership of Aokiji and Lieutenant General Crane, Ji Lingyun was taken into a large building. Ji Lingyun saw only a few people on the road. Because Ji Lingyun was thinking all the time, he didn’t care about himself. current location.

Ji Lingyun found himself being taken into a place similar to a prison, dark and gloomy, and then he saw a few Marine soldiers approaching and pressing him on the seat in one of the largest cells. Then his whole body was tied up with seastone chains.

Ji Lingyun frowned and said to Aokiji, "Hey, Aokiji, are you a bit too much? This is your Marine headquarters. Are you still worried that I am a half-worn person running away?"

Aokiji said, "You have to be cautious when dealing with a criminal like you."

Ji Lingyun sighed and said as if confessing his fate, "Well, how come you guys are happy. Since you have brought me here, you should think about what to do with me? Sengoku, let him see me, me. I think he might want to talk to me."

Aokiji said, "It will satisfy your wish. Wait, Marshal Sengoku will come right away. This may also be your last chance."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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