His whole body was tied up with seastone chains, which made Ji Lingyun very uncomfortable. When did he suffer from such a crime, if he chooses, he would rather be injured, and he doesn't like the feeling of being restrained.

Fortunately, he didn't wait long. In just a few minutes, the door of the prison was opened, and several tall Marines wearing Marine justice cloaks walked in.

"Yo, Sengoku, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Seeing the incoming person, Ji Lingyun took the lead to say hello, his eyes fixed on the man in front of the few people who came in, it was Marine Headquarters Marshal, Sengoku of Buddha.

Seeing Ji Lingyun, Sengoku also sighed in his heart, but he didn't expect that Ji Lingyun, a prisoner, would not be nervous after seeing him, but was the first to say hello, which surprised him a bit.

"'Shinigami' Edward Ji Lingyun, after tossing and turning for so long, you finally came here."

Ji Lingyun curled his mouth and said, "Yes, I have to admit that Jiang is still hot, and you have calculated it in the end. The duel between me and Hawkeye should be deliberately designed by you, right?"

Sengoku said, "As expected, he is the most outstanding figure among the pirates of this generation, and he saw our strategy so quickly."

Ji Lingyun said, "What if you see through it? It's not because you were arrested. I just didn't expect your skills to be so strong. People like Eagle Eyes turned out to be your guns. This time, I lost. Not injustice."

"Are you admitting your fate?" Sengoku asked.

Ji Lingyun smiled and said, "It's not enough to admit your fate, it's just to let you Marine win first."


Sengoku looked at Ji Lingyun in surprise and asked, "What? Do you think you still have a chance to compete with us?"

Ji Lingyun said, "Unless you kill me now, you will definitely have this opportunity in the future."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Seeing that Ji Lingyun was so unscrupulous, the Marine executives in the prison frowned. In their opinion, Ji Lingyun in front of them was really overwhelming. He had already become a prisoner, and he even dared to speak such rants.

"Why don't you talk to him, kill him directly."

Akainu next to Sengoku screamed, his eyes full of killing intent. Among Marines, he was the one who hated Ji Lingyun the most. So when he heard that Ji Lingyun had been arrested, he immediately followed him happily. .

Seeing Akainu talking, Ji Lingyun turned his head to look at him, and smiled and said, "Hey, isn't this Akainu? You want to kill me? Okay, come on, but you have to think clearly and kill me. What are the consequences."

Akainu said coldly: "Killing you a pirate, what are the consequences, I will kill you now."

"Sakazuki, stop."

Seeing that Akainu really meant to do something, Sengoku quickly stopped. If he wanted to kill Ji Lingyun, he wouldn't let Lieutenant Crane take the effort to bring Ji Lingyun back.

Although his heart was full of killing intent, Akainu would not violate Sengoku's orders, so he could only snorted and stopped doing it.

"Then what do you think I will do with you?" Sengoku asked Ji Lingyun.

Ji Lingyun smiled and said, "No matter what you do, you will not kill me."

Sengoku asked curiously: "Why are you so confident?"

Ji Lingyun said: "I came back with you so simply, even if it was because I didn't have much resistance, but more importantly, I have absolute certainty that you dare not kill me.

Sengoku said: "Talk about the reason."

Ji Lingyun curled his lips and was very sorry for Sengoku's well-informed question, but he still said, "There is only one reason, and that is my identity, a member of the Whitebeard Pirates. My father is Whitebeard."

Ji Lingyun said it very solemnly. If it were someone else, the Marine executives present must have laughed, but when they heard the name Whitebeard, the faces of Sengoku and others were very solemn, because the name was just spoken out. It has already given them great pressure.

The number one man in the world, Whitebeard, Edward Newgate!

Sengoku said with a sullen face, "Don't you really think that Whitebeard alone can save your life?"

Ji Lingyun said, "Of course not. You are Marine headquarters. Even if I look down on you again, I can't think you are so useless. Even risking our Whitebeard pirate group's development, I dare not do anything to me..."

What Ji Lingyun said made the Marines present a bit stunned. Since he thought it was impossible, why did he show so much confidence?

Without waiting for them to ask questions, Ji Lingyun continued: "Actually, when you took me back to Marine headquarters, I knew that I would not end well, so I put in safety measures first, and I told Hawkeye. Once a month later, if you don’t let him see me and confirm that I am still alive, he will tell the news to others, not only my father Whitebeard, but also New World’s Four Emperors red-haired Shanks."

Seeing the surprised and suspicious eyes of Sengoku and others, he continued: "Don't doubt whether Shanks the redhead will help me. I can assure you that once I have an accident, Shanks will definitely do his best to avenge me, and not only Only him, the remaining members of the former Roger Pirates, Uncle Rayleigh and others, they will definitely come out again to avenge me. When the time comes, you will not only face 5.5 pairs of the Whitebeard Pirates, but also include Red Hair Pirates, and the former Roger Pirates."

With Ji Lingyun’s narration, the expressions of Sengoku and others became more and more ugly. Of course, they knew that although Ji Lingyun’s words could not be 100% certain, it was still 70% to 80% possible. After all, Ji Lingyun helped They snatched Roger's body, with the personality of the Roger Pirates group, once Ji Lingyun had an accident, they would definitely not stand by.

Sengoku's face is even more ugly. In fact, after knowing that Ji Lingyun was caught, his first reaction was to kill. After all, the threat Ji Lingyun brought to Marine was too great. It might be another Roger or Whitebeard. Now that we have this good opportunity, the best choice is to completely eradicate Ji Lingyun.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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