Time is hurried, and a few years have passed in a blink of an eye.

In the Eternal Hell, the six underground floors under the sea, it is dark all year round, and there is no difference between day and night, so naturally it is impossible to calculate the time.

Ji Lingyun can't remember how long he was locked up. When he was locked in, he not only suffered physical pain, but also suffered mental torture. That kind of pain and helplessness was not an ordinary person. Can bear it.

Since he was imprisoned in the Eternal Hell, this place has been opened nine times for such a long time, six of which were because of eagle eyes, and the other three were when three large pirates were imprisoned; Because Hawkeye came six times, Ji Lingyun knew that he had been locked up for about six years.

I remember that in the first year, Ji Lingyun almost went crazy because he had never been so lonely. Every day he crashed into the wall crazily. During that period of time, the entire Eternal Hell was disturbed. The entire sixth floor was disturbed. It was Ji Lingyun's stern and crazy roar that made the other prisoners rest, and there was no time for a quiet moment. At that time, those people wanted to kill Ji Lingyun.

Although most people who are locked in the sixth floor of Eternal Hell will go through this process, it is clear that Ji Lingyun has gone through a process that is crazier than they are. Ji Lingyun also exploded the complex psychology of traversing that had been suppressed in his heart for more than ten years, so the degree of madness was unimaginable.

At that time, the sixth floor was like a real hell. The other annoying people who were irritated by Ji Lingyun also went crazy and angry. There were several prisoners who died at that time, and the fifth floor prisoners were even more frightened all day long. Jump, live like a year.

You must know that the prisoners locked up in the sixth floor of Eternal Hell are big pirates with a bounty of more than 100 million yuan. Apart from anything else, their psychological quality is absolutely passable, but even so, the crazy riot that caused Ji Lingyun at the beginning In the middle of the world, there were still a few people who couldn't help but committed suicide and died. One can imagine how terrifying it was at that time.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

But after a period of madness, Ji Lingyun calmed down and became very calm. In the past few years, he has not spoken to other people in the prison, as if he does not exist anymore. If it is not for the people of Eternal Hell to know that he still exists, I'm afraid everyone has forgotten him a long time ago.

It was just after that madness, everyone in Eternal Hell saw Ji Lingyun's madness, such astonishing self-harm, even without death, this kind of will is not something ordinary people can have.

During Ji Lingyun’s imprisonment, the sea was relatively calm. The Four Emperors pirates occupy the New World and dominate the king. Marine dominates the first half of the Grand Line. No one can stop them. Shichibukai live in different parts of the world and have their own goals , But relative to each other, there have been no major wars and disputes.

To say that the only one that is more active, I am afraid that the number one anti-government is wrong. The revolutionary army is now. Under Long’s leadership, the revolutionary army has rapidly developed from a small unit that threatens the existence of the World government, although it is still in scale. Not big, but if it continues like this, sooner or later, it will become the world government’s greatest enemy, and the world government will therefore list the leader of the revolutionary army as the world’s number one criminal and be wanted all over the world.

There will only be living legends circulating on the sea, not disappearing legends. Ji Lingyun, who has not appeared in a few years, has been completely forgotten by the world. Except for those friends who care about him, no one remembers him, perhaps by others. If you mention it, some people can have some impressions, but more people will definitely not remember him.

However, this calm was broken by a young man from the East China Sea. About half a year ago, a powerful young pirate came out of the East China Sea. His swordsmanship was amazing and he broke into the first half of the Grand Line all the way from the East China Sea. It only took less than a year to achieve a huge reputation.

This young pirate, like Hawkeye, had one person, one boat, and went alone, but the battle that really made him famous was the battle with Gekko Moria, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

With an amazing swordsmanship, this young man defeated Shichibukai's Gekko Moria and shocked the Grand Line.

If Ji Lingyun was still outside, he would definitely recognize this boy. He was Rambo who had learned swordsmanship from him, and the pirate who was rescued by Ji Lingyun from Celestial Dragons, Jeffrey White’s son.

Rambo remembered the agreement he and Ji Lingyun had made at the time. When the swordsmanship was successful, he would look for Ji Lingyun, but when he entered the Grand Line and became famous, he found that there was no news of Ji Lingyun on the sea. Under his investigation, Ji Lingyun did not return to the Whitebeard Pirates, and did not even appear for several years, as if completely disappeared.

Rambo regarded Ji Lingyun as an idol and target. In order to find Ji Lingyun, he launched his own investigation. Ji Lingyun disappeared a few years ago, so Rambo took nearly half a year to find out. From what happened back then, I know that Ji Lingyun disappeared after fighting with the world's number one swordsman Eagle Eye.

So, in order to find Ji Lingyun, Rambo turned his target to Hawkeye. For this reason, he also issued a statement to Hawkeye. Today is the day he and Hawkeye agreed, and today, he will fight Hawkeye. The location is the island where Ji Lingyun and Hawkeye duel.

The island where Ji Lingyun and Hawkeye were duel has long been empty. Because the remaining sword aura on the island hasn’t disappeared for several years, it’s very dangerous and cannot live in people at all. Transferred, leaving only an empty island.

Because Rambo wanted to find Ji Lingyun, he didn't make a big fanfare to Yingying, but did it in private, so apart from him and Yingying, no one knew that they had agreed to a duel today.

After more than half a year of growth, Rambo is already a famous swordsman on the Grand Line, so Hawkeye did not refuse his engagement, but came to the agreed place on time.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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