"You are the swordsman Rambo known as the'Sword Demon'?"

Hawkeye looked at the man in his early twenties with a slightly surprised expression. He knew that a swordsman with a ghostly sword appeared on the Grand Line recently. Even Gekko Moria, who was also Shichibukai like him, had been defeated, but he did not. Thinking of this'Sword Demon' unexpectedly so young.

When Rambo and his son were rescued by Ji Lingyun, Rambo was only in his early ten years old. Ten years later, Rambo is no longer the hairy boy at the beginning, but has grown into a pirate stronger than his father. He has become a famous swordsman on the Grand Line. Although he is not old, he is full of tenacity and sharpness that a swordsman should have.

"Yes, the world's number one swordsman, Hawkeye, is like Lei Guaner. Since I learned swords, I have been listening to your name."

Rambo stared at Hawkeye and slowly said, "However, I challenge you today, not just because of your name, I also want to clarify one thing to you."

Hawkeye asked: "What's the matter?"

Rambo said: "I know you had a duel with 1,000 people on this island a few years ago. What I want to know is the man who was fighting with you. What happened to him?"

Hawkeye's expression changed, his eyes sharpened, and he said solemnly, "No wonder you asked me to fight in this place. Did you know ‘Shinigami’ Lingyun?"

Rambo said: "He is the person I respect most, and it can be said that he is my teacher and the leader of my kendo. I know that he disappeared after fighting with you. What happened?"

"That's it."

Hawkeye showed relief, but he refused: "But I'm sorry, I won't tell you what happened to him, because I once promised him, no matter who asks me, I won't tell him the truth."

Hearing Hawkeye's words, Rambo's eyes lit up and asked, "You mean, he is still alive?"

"Of course." Hawkeye said.

"That's good, that's good."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Rambo was happy. He thought that Ji Lingyun had an accident while fighting Hawkeye. Now that he heard Hawkeye’s answer, he was finally relieved. He didn’t think Hawkeye would lie to him, because the other party simply There is no need for this.

"Where is he now?"

Hawkeye said: "I said, I won't tell you, this is not what I decided, but what he asked for."

Rambo asked, "What do you need to tell me?"

Hawkeye said: "Then it depends on whether you can beat me."

Rambo looked solemn and said, "Then I'll try it."

Hawkeye said: "I have seen Lingyun's kendo, but it is rumored that your swordsmanship is like ghosts and unpredictable. It should be very different from him?"

Rambo said: "How my swordsmanship is, only those who have seen it know."

"bring it on!"

Hawkeye pulled out the black sword and night, anyway, Rambo is also a famous swordsman, even one of Shichibukai's Gekko Moria can be defeated, the strength should be very strong, so he directly used the black sword.

Rambo’s sword is very ordinary, it looks like a normal samurai sword. In fact, this sword is also a famous sword. It is a good sword. This sword was guessed by his father Jeffrey White at a great price. His famous sword, after all, as a swordsman, without a good sword, his strength would be greatly reduced.

Don’t think it’s just 50 jobs with good sword, not as good as 21 jobs with big sword and 12 jobs with supreme sword, but if you think about it, the world is so big, there are only dozens of sword and supreme sword. , And how many swordsmen are there in the world? Therefore, it is not easy to have a good sword and fifty jobs, but in terms of Rambo's current strength, this sword is somewhat inconsistent with his strength.

Rambo’s swordsmanship was taught by Ji Lingyun at the beginning. Although Ji Lingyun did not follow the path of traditional swordsmanship, it does not mean that he did not understand traditional swordsmanship. He had experienced the information explosion in his mind. There are countless messages in it. Kendo theory and vision are definitely much larger than swordsmen in this world, so teaching Rambo is completely indifferent.

And Rambo’s kendo is not a normal route, like Hawkeye’s domineering, no matter how strong the enemy is, I cut it with a single sword, it is an unreasonable power kendo road; another example is Vista, he Walking was the road of lightness, advocating sword moves and winning with moves. Later Zoro, his three-sword style is also a route.

The reason why Rambo's swordsmanship is called a "sword ghost" is because his swordsmanship is unpredictable, there is no special move at all, you never know what his next move is, like a ghost, haunting opponents, Fast and accurate.

The moment Rambo drew the sword, the battle between the two had officially started. Rambo rushed towards Hawkeye like a gust of wind, and the sword in his hand did not stop, waving constantly, forming countless The shadow of the sword makes people unable to distinguish between the real and the real.

"Ding ding ding ding ding!"

In just a few seconds, Rambo has swung dozens of sword. One can imagine how fast his attack speed is. However, his opponent is Hawkeye. Hawkeye has fought against countless swordsmen, pursuing speed. He also encountered a lot of swordsmen, the fastest of which is naturally to use Tensa Zangetsu's Ji Lingyun, so when facing Rambo's swordsmanship, he did not suffer any losses.

Hawkeye only held the black sword in his hand, and kept backing his body. He occasionally swung the black sword and made a ding-ding sound, but he blocked all Rambo's attacks.

But as soon as Rambo took his shot, he maximized his strength. The body seemed to blend with his sword, and he could stab from an incredible angle every time, and he completely gave up the defense and only pursued a blind offense.

"What a violent swordsmanship!"

Hawkeye dodged and exclaimed in his heart. This kind of swordsmanship that completely gave up defense and only pursued offense was really something he had never seen before. What's more terrifying is that after Rambo launched an attack, he was the first time Falling into passiveness, and the more he retreated, Rambo's sword power became stronger. From the beginning to the present, in just a few minutes, his aura has more than doubled.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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