It is precisely because of seeing Ji Lingyun’s misery that Hawkeye is very guilty. After all, a large part of Ji Lingyun's arrest was his reason. If it weren't for him, Ji Lingyun would not fight until he lost his strength. He couldn't even resist and was captured by Marine.

So over the years, this matter has become a knot in Hawkeye’s heart that cannot be untied, but with Ji Lingyun’s instructions, he can only pretend that he doesn’t know anything. In fact, he is also thinking about ways to rescue Ji Lingyun , But facing the Marine headquarters, even if he is the world's number one swordsman, he is also helpless.

He felt guilty, and he didn't want a swordsman with unlimited potential like Ji Lingyun to end like this, so when he knew the relationship between Rambo and Ji Lingyun, he had a little thought in his heart.

"I do know where Lingyun is." Hawkeye said suddenly.

When Rambo heard this, he was surprised and mixed, and even the decadence he was defeated disappeared. He excitedly asked, "Where is he now?"

Hawkeye said: "He is in a very bad situation now. If you know that he is in a very dangerous place, would you be willing to save your life to save him?"

Upon hearing this, Rambo felt very bad in his heart. Even Hawkeye said it was very dangerous. It must be very dangerous. However, he replied firmly: "I am willing. Brother Lingyun saved me and my father. His life is the benefactor of our family, so I am willing to sacrifice my life."

"it is good."

Hawkeye saw sincerity in Rambo’s eyes, so he said: "In this world, no one knows where he is except me. I can tell you, but you have to assure me that you will never You can reveal his whereabouts to anyone, otherwise even if you escape to the end of the world, I will use this black sword to kill you."

Seeing what Hawkeye said so solemnly, Rambo's heart became more and more uneasy. He knew that Ji Lingyun must have something wrong, and it was not a trivial matter, so he asked more eagerly: "I will never do anything to hurt Lingyun. Big brother's business."

In the past, Rambo had always been called Master Ji Lingyun, because he respected Ji Lingyun very much and regarded Ji Lingyun as his benefactor. However, after getting along for a long time, he changed his name and called Ji Lingyun the eldest brother. It seems closer.

Hawkeye nodded, and then said: "He is now locked in Marine's deep sea prison, the sixth floor of the Eternal Hell of Impel down."(Read more @


Rambo screamed in horror. He said, "What did you say? Brother Lingyun is locked in Marine's prison? How is this possible? How can Marine catch him? What's the matter?"

He is very aware of the duel between Ji Lingyun and Marine. Marine has failed countless captures. Even if Marine Admiral takes the shot himself, he can only defeat him, so it is difficult for him to believe that Ji Lingyun will be captured by Marine.

Hawkeye said: "It was here that I was caught. Marine learned that I was fighting with him here. When we were both defeated, they suddenly arrived. At that time, neither I nor him had any more energy. , So he couldn't resist, he could only be captured by Marine."

"So that's the case, I said, Brother Lingyun won't be taken away so easily."

This explanation relieved Rambo, but he turned his eyes to look at Hawkeye with anger. According to this, Hawkeye has to pay a lot of responsibility for this matter. After all, if it is not Hawkeye, how could Ji Lingyun be? caught.

Hawkeye said calmly: "I know what you are thinking, I do have responsibility for this matter, but he told me not to let me talk about this matter, he was afraid of causing a relationship between the Whitebeard Pirates and Marine The war, so I can only follow his statement without revealing anything. Until now, in order to ensure that he is still alive, I have the opportunity to visit him once a year. Although he is still alive, it is very difficult.

"Big Brother Lingyun, how is he?" Rambo asked eagerly.

Hawkeye said: "I said, it's not good."

When I heard that Ji Lingyun was very bad, Rambo's heart became even more angry. He was able to achieve his current achievements because of Ji Lingyun, so Ji Lingyun is the most important person besides his father in his heart. Now he knows Ji. Lingyun has a bad time, and his mood is even worse...

"Why are you telling me?"

Taking a deep breath, Rambo came back to his senses and looked at Hawkeye in confusion, because if Hawkeye didn’t tell him about this matter, he wouldn’t know anything, so he was very puzzled why Hawkeye would tell him. he.

Hawkeye said: "I said, Lingyun was caught by Marine, and I have a large part of the responsibility, so I want to save him, but unfortunately, I have neither the ability nor the promise of him, so I can't save him. He; tell you, because you will not leak out, and maybe you may have a way, maybe."

Rambo said, "Of course I won't talk nonsense, and of course I will find a way to save Brother Lingyun."

Seeing Rambo’s resolute attitude, Hawkeye said: “Impel down is Marine’s most important prison. It is known as the iron and bronze wall. If you want to save people from there, there is basically no hope, let alone saving people, if there is no Marine. Warship, you don’t even have a chance to get close there."

Rambo frowned and said, "Since you said that I have no chance to rescue Brother Lingyun, why are you telling me?"

Hawkeye said: "The reason why I tell you is not 2.4 because I think you have that ability, but because I want you to meet him. He may have a way."

"Why do you say that?" Rambo asked.

Hawkeye said: "Because Marine allows me to meet him once a year. When I met him, although he looked miserable, I did not see despair in his eyes, but revealed a powerful Confidence, this is not the look that a prisoner who has been detained for a few years should have, so I think he may have a way to save himself; but he has never revealed to me that you are innocent, and you may have a chance to see him, and You are closer to him. If he can do anything, he might tell you that this is why I told you."

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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