Hawkeye is not a person who likes to talk a lot, but he has said so much to Rambo now that it is enough to show that he really wants to rescue Ji Lingyun, both for himself and for Ji Lingyun.

However, Rambo didn’t really understand what Hawkeye meant. He asked, “What do you mean? Let me see Brother Lingyun, but didn’t you say that Brother Lingyun was locked in Marine’s Impel down? How can I do it? See him?"

Hawkeye said: "The method is very simple. As long as you become a member of Marine, you may have a chance."

"Become a member of Marine? Hawkeye, although you are stronger than me, do you really think I'm so bully if you play me like this?"

He is a pirate, and now Hawkeye makes him a member of Marine, in Rambo's view, it is simply too funny.

Hawkeye didn't care about Rambo's tone, but said, "Then why do you think I saw Lingyun?"

"Shichibukai?" Rambo's eyes lit up and asked: "You mean, as Shichibukai?"

Hawkeye said: "What to do, you decide for yourself, I have already said 15 I can say, goodbye."

After saying this, Hawkeye immediately turned and left, and soon disappeared in front of Rambo's eyes.

"Shichibukai, yes, Shichibukai really belongs to Marine. Since Hawkeye is Shichibukai and can meet Lingyun brother, if I also become Shichibukai, will I also have a chance to meet Lingyun brother?"

As soon as this idea came up, it was no longer difficult to suppress, and I began to think about how to make him a Shichibukai.

The current Seven Warlords of the Sea is complete and there are no vacant positions. Even if he wants to become Shichibukai, he has no chance. Therefore, if he wants to become Shichibukai, he must remove one of them, and then rely on his strong strength to inherit his position.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Shichibukai’s fame is known throughout the Grand Line. They are the world’s number one swordsman Hawkeye, Doflamingo, Crocodile, Seaman Jinbei, Bartholemew Kuma, Boa·Hancock, and Gekko Moria.

The seven Hawkeyes are the world’s number one swordsman. They just defeated him. Doflamingo’s men are so many and difficult to deal with. Crocodile now lives in the desert country of Alabastan; Jinbei is the leader of the murloc pirate group, Xiong. The whereabouts are unknown, and the Pirate Empress lives on the island of Nine Snakes, so Rambo thought about it, only Gekko Moria was the best choice.

He defeated Gekko Moria not long ago, so he has confidence in dealing with Moria, but after Moria was defeated last time, I don’t know if he will continue to stay in that sea area. If he escapes, he wants to find He is even more difficult.

One month later, Marine headquarters!

Sengoku looked at the larger head in front of him with an extremely ugly face.

"Tell me, what the hell is going on?" Sengoku growled angrily.

There were a few people sitting around Sengoku, Lieutenant General Crane, Aokiji, and Akainu. Aokiji said, "This was sent today. According to the person who sent it, the person who asked him to give this thing was a young man. People are the newly emerging super newcomer "Sword Demon" Rambo."

"Sword Demon? Is it the swordsman who has gained fame recently? He gave us Gekko Moria's head in order to provoke us? How can we make a little devil so arrogant? What do our people do for food? "

Although Gekko Moria is a pirate, he is also one of Marine's allies Shichibukai and a famous great pirate, but such a great pirate was killed and he will be revealed to be sent to the Marine headquarters. This is not a provocation. What is it? No wonder Sengoku is so angry.

Akainu suddenly said, "I've heard of this'Sword Demon', but he doesn't seem to be a pirate, right?"

Aokiji said: "Yes, he is not a pirate. He is a swordsman who entered the Grand Line from the East China Sea more than half a year ago. After entering the Grand Line, he began to challenge various famous strong men, most of whom are swordsmen, but this man He didn’t do any evil, nor had any conflicts with our Marine. He was more like a pure, lonely swordsman. This point is very similar to Hawkeye. I think he might also be like Hawkeye. I know a swordsman who practices swords."

Lieutenant General Crane suddenly said: "This young man named'Sword Demon' is not simple. I have obtained information from Donghai. Since his debut, he has never failed. Swordsmanship is extremely amazing. Most people who have fought him He was killed by him. Those who were not killed did not dare to fight him. The reason why he was called Sword Demon was because once he had a sword out, he was like an evil ghost, extremely cruel and wounded either death or injury. Although he is young, even in the Grand Line, many people want to invite him to join the Pirates, but he refused. It seems that he is different from ordinary pirates."

Sengoku suppressed the anger in his heart, pointed at Moria's head, and said, "Then what does he mean with the 787? I know him too. He seemed to have played with Gekko Moria once before and defeated Moria, so I'm not surprised that he can defeat Moria, but he actually sent Moria's head to our Marine headquarters. What does he mean?"

Lieutenant General Crane said slowly: "The meaning is very clear, there are only two, one is to provoke Marine headquarters as you said; the other is to show us his strength, and what do you want from us?"

Lieutenant General Crane's words caused Sengoku and others to change their expressions. Sengoku's pupils shrank and said, "Little Crane, are you talking about it?"

Lieutenant General Tsuru said: "Yes, if I'm not wrong, his goal should be Shichibukai, but now Shichibukai is full, so he killed Gekko Moria, first to make room, and secondly to show us Because of his strength, I am 90% sure that he is for Shichibukai's position."

"Damn it."

Sengoku patted the table angrily and asked Moria's head to be taken away, before he cursed: "I think he is provoking. What does he think Shichibukai is, does he get it if he wants it? Reckless and bold. ..."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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