Seeing Sengoku cursing constantly there, Lieutenant Tsuru interrupted: "Okay, Sengoku, your cursing is useless. Rather than having that skill, it's better to think about what to do. When Gekko Moria dies, Shichibukai will disappear. One."

Sengoku said angrily: "What else can I do? Let that'Sword Demon' do what he wants? If everyone is like him, kill Shichibukai casually, and then be on top of him, then the world will be messy? What is the value of existence?"

"What else can I do? Want him? Send Marine to chase him down?"

Lieutenant General Crane said lightly: "He is not a pirate yet, but once we want him, then he will stand on the opposite side of us. The strength of that'sword ghost' cannot be underestimated, otherwise it is impossible to kill Gekko Moria. So, whether such a person should be an enemy or an enemy, it’s best to think clearly.

Sengoku's face is constantly changing. At the beginning, this Shichibukai system was proposed by him. Although he has realized that this system is unreasonable over the years, it has also played a big role. At least it has differentiated the original chaotic situation. The development of pirates was curbed, so no matter what, he must continue Shichibukai.

Aokiji saw Sengoku's hesitation, so he said, "Marshal Sengoku, I think I can try it. The'sword demon' Rambo was born in the East China Sea. Although we haven't investigated the specific origins, we can see what he did. Different from a pirate, so he should not be considered a pirate. Rather than continue to find another large pirate to be Shichibukai, it is better to let him be, otherwise he is only one person, which is more conducive to our control."

In fact, Sengoku is not really opposed to it, but he is really upset in his heart. Seven Warlords of the Sea should have been proposed by them. Now Rambo’s behavior is completely forcing him in his opinion. He can It's strange to be happy.

Akainu said, "It's too early to say this. Maybe that guy's purpose is not Shichibukai at all?"

Lieutenant General Crane said: "No matter what his purpose is, since he has sent Gekko Moria's head over, then he should quickly express his purpose. We just have to wait."

Sengoku didn't wait long, and soon they received the answer from Rambo. As they thought, Rambo's goal was Shichibukai's position.(Read more @

"His goal really is to aim at Shichibukai's position, what do you guys say, will you give it to him?"

After getting Rambo’s reply, Sengoku is not so melancholy. For Shichibukai’s position, it’s better to come than to provoke Marine headquarters. Such a character, if he becomes a pirate, will definitely be a headache. .

After Sengoku's words were finished, he found that no one answered him. Everyone was silent. In fact, most of Marine did not agree with the existence of Shichibukai, but it had a great effect at the time, so everyone It's hard to say anything, now there is a situation of grabbing Shichibukai's position. Everyone opens one eye and closes the other, leaving the matter to Sengoku to handle it himself.

Seeing everyone’s appearance, Sengoku knew what they were thinking. He was very helpless. Everyone didn’t say anything. He didn’t want to force it. So he could only ask Lieutenant General Crane, who was very close. Crane, what do you think?"

Lieutenant General Crane said with his face unchanged: "The matter is already very clear. Now we undoubtedly have only two options, one is to agree. In this case, letting the'Sword Demon' take the place of Gekko Moria will also strengthen Shichibukai's deterrent. For Marine, it has also indirectly increased the combat power, but it is hard to say whether we can control this "Sword Demon"; the other is to disagree, but this will definitely cause the "Sword Demon" to stand on us. The opposite of, after all, he even killed Shichibukai, and his attitude is already very determined. If he disagrees, there will be a strong enemy."

Kizaru suddenly laughed and said, "In fact, it's just a Shichibukai position. It's not for anyone. At least compared to the pirates who do no evil, this'Sword Demon' is just a lone ranger, so there is no need to worry about what he has. Sinister intentions."

Garp said loudly, "Yeah, Sengoku, what's to worry about. If you really don't want to give it to him, then let me find him. Anyway, I'm relatively free lately, so I can help you get rid of that little guy."

Hearing Garp's words, everyone rolled their eyes. Although everyone knows that he is strong, he is not a fool. Will he stand there waiting for you to arrest him? The Grand Line is so big, as long as people hide in a corner, even if the Marine power is strong, it will be difficult for you to find someone within a month or two. This is still in good luck.

Sengoku looked at Zephyr and asked, "Zephyr, what do you think?"

Zephyr's seniority is actually higher than that of Sengoku. Although they have retreated to the second line, they still have a high prestige. That's why Sengoku asked him.

Zephyr coughed slightly and said, "You know, I really don’t agree with Shichibukai’s existence. As you said, I think it is indeed better to make him Shichibukai than those pirates who do no evil, just like Hawkeye. Although we don't listen to our Marine's dispatch, at least he will not use his identity to do evil everywhere. "

"Ms. Zephyr is right, and I agree." After Zephyr finished speaking, Aokiji also expressed his attitude.

In the end, only Akainu did not speak, but he did not raise any objections either. Obviously neither agreed nor opposed.

So Sengoku nodded and said, "Well, in this case, let's see this'Sword Demon' first, and test his thoughts. If he really doesn't have that dangerous idea, then let him Become Shichibukai."

Lieutenant General Tsuru said: "He actively asked to become Shichibukai. There must be a purpose. Let's see what his purpose is. If it is not excessive, let him become Shichibukai.

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