Sengoku finally nodded and shot the case: "Well, that's the case, then it's decided, but who should I send to talk to him?"

Sengoku's gaze turned to everyone. He is Marshal Marine. Naturally, it is impossible for him to take care of this kind of thing. But now Rambo's reputation is not small, and his strength is strong. If he sends ordinary people, he will definitely not be able to suppress him , The most suitable person is Admiral, so Sengoku's eyes are turning on Aokiji, Akainu and Kizaru.

Because the current world situation is relatively calm, none of the three Marine Admirals went to the New World station, but stayed at the Marine headquarters. Otherwise, it would be more difficult to get the three Marine Admirals together at other times.

Seeing that the three of Aokiji did not speak, Sengoku was also helpless. To be honest, the current three Marine Admiral, even if he wants to be a marshal, it is impossible for him to completely control them. Each of them has its own characteristics. In the case of Akainu, Akainu is definitely number one, but none of the three of them want to hold on to things like this kind of errand.

In the end, Sengoku could only decide for himself: "Kuzan, you should go."

Aokiji's face was depressed. Although he didn't reject Sengoku letting himself do things, it was him every time he was troublesome.

"250 got it, Marshal Sengoku."

The reason why Sengoku let Aokiji go was because he was fancy Aokiji's gentle character. He was the gentlest of the three Marine Admiral. This kind of diplomacy was best left to Aokiji.

After receiving Sengoku's order, Aokiji immediately left Malin Vandor and started looking for Rambo based on intelligence. Rambo has also been waiting for news from Marine, not far from the Marine headquarters, so Aokiji didn’t take long. found it.

Aokiji and Rambo met in a very open place. After all, Rambo was still uneasy. If the negotiation between the two parties collapsed, it would be convenient for him to leave in the open place.

"Marine Admiral, Aokiji, I didn't expect it to be you who came to meet me."

Rambo was surprised to see that it was Aokiji and Rambo. Marine Admiral represents Marine’s highest combat power. Such a person would normally not be dispatched. Even he did not expect Marine to value himself so much.(Read more @

Aokiji also looked at Rambo, and said lightly: "Are you the Sword Demon Rambo?"

Although he was facing Aokiji, Rambo did not feel any tension. He remained vigilant and said in a deep voice, "I am, how are you thinking about my request?"

Aokiji said: "It's really aggressive, I want to be Shichibukai, do you know what it means?"

Rambo said: "I don't know what it means, but I know that with this identity, my actions can be more convenient."


Aokiji snorted coldly, and said, "There is no free lunch in the world. If you want to get something, you have to give something. If you want to get Shichibukai's identity, then you have to fulfill Shichibukai's obligations. When you are, you must unconditionally obey."

Rambo said: "It depends on what you ask me to do. If it is unreasonable, do I have to do it according to your requirements? This is too ridiculous."

Aokiji said: "You are not responsible for the unreasonableness, but we will not let you do things you can't do, but anyway, when we Marine needs you, you must stand by our Marine Here."

Rambo thought for a while and said, "If I don't touch my vital interests, I will stand on your Marine side, but I also have one condition. I hope you can promise me."

Seeing that Rambo agreed without thinking about it long, Aokiji felt that he should be sincere, so he said, "Let's talk about it, what are your conditions, if it is simple, I can promise you."

Rambo's strength is not weak, if he can stand firmly on Marine's side, it will be a very good help for Marine, so Aokiji will change his tone and talk to him kindly.

Rambo said: "I am a swordsman, you all should know."

Aokiji didn't understand what Rambo meant by this, but he could only say: "Go on."

Rambo continued: "For a swordsman, there are two most important things, one is reputation, but as a swordsman, no one does not want to be the number one in the world, and I am no exception. I have studied swords for many years. The biggest goal is to be No. 1 in the world. Not long ago, I fought Hawkeye once."

Now Aokiji was taken aback. He asked, "Have you duel with Hawkeye?"

Rambo said: "I played against him not long ago, and I lost."

Regarding this result, Aokiji was not surprised. Although he also admitted that Rambo may have the strength, Hawkeye is a man who has been the world's number one swordsman for more than ten years, and is not comparable to a fledgling swordsman like Rambo. , Even if Rambo’s talent is high, it will take many years to catch up with Hawkeye. After all, not everyone is like Ji Lingyun at the beginning.

But Rambo didn’t finish his words. His face was extremely unwilling, and he said, “But I don’t think I’m worse than him. I just haven’t met an opponent like him before, and I think I’m There is another key factor in the failure."

Even Aokiji was very interested in this kind of top-level battle. He asked curiously: "What factor?"

Rambo’s eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice: "Weapon, his weapon is the black sword night, one of the world’s top twelve great sword, and mine is only good sword and fifty sword, both. The difference is too much, so the reason why I lost to him is a large part of the weapon. If my weapon is the same as his, I will definitely not lose to him."

When Aokiji heard that Rambo actually attributed his failure to the weapon, he suddenly felt a little disdain. Although he also admitted that the weapon might be a little different, it will definitely not play a factor in determining the outcome, so he definitely has a small mind. It's not the kind of person who can afford to lose, so his impression of Rambo unconsciously is a bit worse.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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