Aokiji asked, "Does this have anything to do with the conditions you mentioned?"

After all, Aokiji is Marine Admiral. He has lived for so many years and he has never seen anyone. So when he heard Rambo mention this, he immediately guessed that it might have something to do with Rambo's next conditions.

Rambo said: "Yes, it is related to my request. When I was fighting Hawkeye, he once said that he had only tied with two people in his life, and one of them was even he met. The strongest opponent ever."

Aokiji's expression changed: "'Shinigami' Edward Ji Lingyun?"

Rambo replied: "Yes, it is him, but the other one is the most interesting to me. Hawkeye said that his weapon is very powerful, so I want a ‘Shinigami’ weapon."

"What are you talking about? This is absolutely impossible."

Hearing Rambo's request, Aokiji refused almost without thinking, but then he reacted, looked at Rambo in surprise, and asked, "No, how do you know this?"

Rambo said, "Guess, Hawkeye said that he had fought against'Shinigami', and according to my investigation, that Shinigami disappeared since the fight with Hawkeye, but I asked Hawkeye, he did not kill 'Shinigami', so I thought for a long time, that can make such a big man disappear. In the Grand Line, I am afraid that only your Marine headquarters is the only one, and your current performance also illustrates this point."

"I'm afraid you didn't guess it, but Hawkeye told you."

Aokiji knew that his stunned expression was flawed, so he doesn't deny it now, but he doesn't believe that Rambo guessed it, but suspects it was told by Hawkeye. After all, he knows that Ji Lingyun was caught by Marine. The only human beings are Hawkeye and the Pirates of the Nine Snakes. Rambo has not been in contact with the Pirates of the Nine Snakes, so only Hawkeye is left.

Rambo said: "Whatever you think, my request is very simple. I only want the weapon of'Shinigami' and let me meet the'Shinigami'. I heard Hawkeye say that that person is talking I must meet a man who doesn't know the outcome, such a powerful swordsman."

"Less likely."(Read more @

Aokiji still categorically refused. Ji Lingyun was locked in Impel down. This is the highest secret among the Marine headquarters. It hasn't made any mistakes for several years, so of course he doesn't want to go wrong.

Rambo's face suddenly became unsightly. He said, "This is not okay, and that is not okay. It seems that you really have no sincerity at all. I have already agreed to your request, but my request. But none of you are willing to agree, what do you mean?"

Aokiji said, “It’s not that I disagree, but that your request is too much. Now that you know him, you should be able to guess how important this news is to us Marine. Nothing can be revealed at all, so no matter what you say, it is absolutely impossible."

Rambo said solemnly: "Can you be the master? I remember you don't seem to be Marine's marshal, right?"

"What do you mean?" Aokiji's face darkened.

Rambo said: "I mean, what you said is useless, I want to see your marshal Sengoku."

Aokiji said coldly: "It's easy to see Marshal Sengoku. As long as you follow me to the Marine headquarters, you can see it naturally, but do you dare?"

"Why don't I dare?"

Rambo's answer was beyond Aokiji's expectation. He looked at Rambo in surprise and asked, "Are you sure?"

Rambo said, "Of course, isn't it the Marine headquarters? It's not Longtan Tiger's Den, why don't I dare to go?"

Aokiji looked at Rambo seriously. At this moment, his opinion of Rambo changed a lot. If he really dared to go to Marine headquarters, his courage alone would be amazing.

"You are not afraid?"

Rambo said: "Why should I be afraid? Are you afraid that you will eat me? If you really do that, I believe that your Marine's reputation in the sea will fall sharply. After all, I am not a pirate, nor do I Enemy with your Marine, killing me will do harm to your Marine."

Aokiji said, "No wonder you are so confident, well, if you want, just go back with me."

Rambo didn’t hesitate and got on Aokiji’s ship. He was actually betting that Marine would not really be against him. If it wasn’t for Marine’s trust and the chance to meet Ji Lingyun, he would not be so Take risks, but now, he can only do this for his purpose. Only by doing this can Marine relax his vigilance and let him achieve his goal.

And Aokiji saw that Rambo actually did this, and he was very surprised. Such a decision is not something ordinary people can make. Rambo just promised to change his opinion, but now he really did that. It was him. , I also have to admire Rambo's courage.


After boarding the warship, Aokiji used the phone worm to tell Sengoku all of what he and Rambo had talked about. Sengoku was also very surprised when he received the news.

"This'Sword Demon' actually knew that'Shinigami' was caught by us. Could it be that Hawkeye really told him? But Hawkeye doesn't look like the kind of person who doesn't speak much, could it really be his own guess? It came out? But if even he can guess it, others should also be able to guess it, but the Whitebeard Pirates hasn't moved for several years. Is it really unknown, or is it some other reason?"

Sengoku was lost in thought. If it hadn’t been for Rambo to bring it up, he wouldn’t remember it at all. In fact, he had long thought that this incident would leak out sooner or later, but he never thought that Rambo would have said it first. When he came out, the Whitebeard Pirates, which threatened the most, remained silent, which made him a little puzzled.

"But this'sword demon' wants to meet that kid, and also wants to get the Shinigami blade. It's really whimsical, but since he dares to come to Marine headquarters with Kuzan, it seems that he doesn't have much to do with Marine. Be wary, and he is not a pirate himself, it might be a good choice to make him a Shichibukai."

Rambo dared to come to Marine headquarters, but it made Sengoku feel a lot more in his heart, and his decision was even more biased in his heart.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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