"Marshal Sengoku, meeting for the first time, hello."

Led by Aokiji, Rambo entered the Marine Headquarters of Marine Vando. Sengoku hosted Rambo in the reception room. After seeing Sengoku, Rambo greeted him very politely.

Sengoku looked at Rambo in surprise. In his eyes, Rambo appeared to be quiet and quiet. He looked like a boy who was easy to get along with, but such a boy was actually called a "sword ghost". A ghostly swordsman.

But what kind of person Sengoku is. Of course, he knows that people are not to look good. Rambo is very polite, and he naturally doesn't show much expression.

"You are the'Sword Demon' Rambo, Kuzan has already told me your conditions. I can tell you with certainty that it is impossible. I don't care where you learned that'Shinigami' was caught by us. He’s information, but you may not know his importance to us, so this matter is absolutely impossible to promise you, and it is impossible to give you his weapon, the Shinigami Blade."

Rambo asked unwillingly: "Really, there is no room for negotiation? If I can get the Shinigami Blade, I can definitely defeat Hawkeye. Just give me the Shinigami Blade, and even if I join you Marine, I will No comments."

Hearing this, Sengoku's heart suddenly shook, and his gaze at Rambo changed again. With Rambo’s current strength, placed in Marine, he can at least be a lieutenant general, and the most important thing is him. He has such a strong potential at such a young age. In the future, he will have a great opportunity to become a fighting force like Marine Admiral, so if he can get such a person, it is of course perfect.

But thinking of the characteristics of the Shinigami blade and the meaning of this weapon, Sengoku could only shake his head and said, "If you join us in Marine, I will naturally welcome it with both hands, but I really can’t do anything about the Shinigami blade. I can’t hide it from you. Say, it’s been several years since we got the weapon, but we still can’t crack it. Other than Shinigami, others can’t remove it, so even if it’s for you, you won’t be able to use it. On the contrary, it will be brought to you. Great disaster."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Rambo said in disbelief, "How is it possible, how can there be an inextricable sword in the world? Marshal Sengoku, even if you want to reject me, you don't need to use such absurd reasons?"

As Marshal Marine, Sengoku has never been so irritated face to face, so his face has become a little unsightly, he said coldly: "If I want to reject you, I won't tell you so much. Anyway, you Whether you believe it or not, I can't let you get that Shinigami blade."

Sengoku is quite aware of the threat of Shinigami Blade. Ji Lingyun relied on that sword, but when he was ten years old, he dared to rob the magic field in front of the world live broadcast, and he succeeded in doing so. It was because of this sword that he avoided the pursuit of Marine Admiral many times, so that he grew up to be no weaker than Marine Admiral. So unless someone can use Marine, it is impossible for Sengoku to make this Bring the most threatening weapon back to the world.

"Is there really no room for negotiation?" Rambo asked in a deep voice.

"No." Sengoku refused even more simply.

Rambo’s face is constantly changing. In fact, the reason why he wants the Shinigami blade so much is because he knows the importance of this sword to Ji Lingyun. Since Ji Lingyun was caught by Marine, then this sword must also be It was in Marine's hands, but it was a pity that Sengoku's attitude was so resolute, he knew there was no hope.

However, since there is no hope of getting the Shinigami Blade, Rambo can only change the goal, just listen to him say to Sengoku: "Well, since Marshal Sengoku you really disagree, then I am not reluctant, but my other request of you I shouldn't oppose it anymore, right?"

Sengoku asked, "You mean, you want to see ‘Shinigami’ Edward Ji Lingyun? Why do you want to see him?"

Sengoku was very vigilant, because Ji Lingyun’s existence was too dangerous, so he absolutely didn’t want to make any waves when he could. Although the results of the investigation first showed that Rambo and Ji Lingyun seemed to have no relationship, he was not afraid of one. Wan, just in case, so he still has to be more cautious...

However, he did not completely refuse. After all, he is more optimistic about Rambo becoming Shichibukai. At least Rambo has a much better attitude than other Shichibukai. Even if he fights for it, let him join the Marine headquarters. There was some hope, so he didn't completely reject it.

Rambo said: "Because he is also a swordsman, I am also a swordsman. I fought with Hawkeye and I lost. Hawkeye said that there are not many swordsmen who can fight him in this world. Four Emperors Shanks is one. There is another Shinigami. The Four Emperors are too far away from me, so I will not consider it for the time being, but another Shinigami, I must see it, because Hawkeye has said that Shinigami is the scariest and most talented he has ever seen. A swordsman in, he is several times stronger than me."

Speaking of this, Rambo curled his lips in disdain, and said: "But I don't believe it. I learned swords since I was a child, and it took so many years of hard work and struggle to achieve my current achievements, but Hawkeye actually said I am better than Shinigami. It's too far, I can't accept it, and I don't believe that such a person really exists in the world, so I must meet him."

Sengoku did not speak, but 4.9 thought in his heart: "This is a battle between swordsmen. This'sword demon' is obviously a proud person. Apart from himself, I am afraid that he will not put anyone else in his eyes. Kuzan said that although this man was defeated by Hawkeye, he did not want to admit it. On the contrary, he felt that the weapon was not as good as Hawkeye, so he came to ask for Shinigami's blade; now I am afraid it is because I look down on Shinigami. I want to witness it with my own eyes."

Sengoku thought he had guessed Rambo’s psychology, but he actually didn’t know. What he saw was Rambo’s deliberate guidance. Rambo knew very well that he had to trust Sengoku if he wanted to see Ji Lingyun, so He only came to Marine headquarters alone, just to make Sengoku feel that he had no other intentions and was aboveboard.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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