Everyone was surprised by the arrival of Hawkeye, because Hawkeye was known to be his own way and would not obey other people's words or orders at all, so it is not surprising that everyone is not surprised that he can come to the Shichibukai meeting.

Hawkeye walked to the center of the hall and said faintly: "If Marine and Shichibukai still maintain a hostile attitude, then I don't think this meeting will continue."

Doflamingo looked at Hawkeye in surprise, and said, "It's incredible, even the most unlikely person has come."

Sengoku was also surprised: "You actually came too."

Sengoku was indeed unexpected. From his point of view, he wouldn't be too surprised if everyone else came to this meeting, but he was very surprised that the eagle eye, who had always been his own way, came.

The moment Hawkeye entered the hall, a sword intent had already enveloped him. It was exactly the aura that Rambo made. He said solemnly, "Hawkeye, it's been a long time since I saw it."

Hawkeye first said to Sengoku: "It's nothing, I'm just here to join in the fun, and I am a little interested in the pirate you are about to talk about."

Then he looked at Rambo again, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said, "It's really been a long time since I saw you. I don't know how much you have grown?"

Rambo’s fighting spirit erupted in his eyes, and he said solemnly: "After the meeting, you can give it a try."

Hawkeye said: "Then I will wait and see."

"If you are watching to join in the fun, I don't know if there is such an honor to participate in it?"

Suddenly a frivolous voice echoed above the hall. All the people present frowned and looked towards the windowsill of the hall one after another. Except for a few Marine officers, no one else was aware of the appearance of this person. What a big surprise.

"No, it's not right, it may be a little different from the usual crowd-audience."

"Who are you? Where did you come in?" the Marine officer sitting behind roared.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The man sitting on the window sill is a polite, thin man in a formal tuxedo. With a walking stick in his hand, he jumped off the window sill, his feet hit the ground constantly, making a crisp collision sound, and dancing with his hands and feet. When she got up, she looked so weird that everyone present frowned unconsciously.

"I hope you guys can also give me a chance to participate. I know that you started the meeting because the former Shichibukai Crocodile was defeated and the Shichibukai was to be re-elected."

At this time, someone finally recognized Rafit, and a Marine officer said in a deep voice, "You are Rafit. You were originally a well-known sheriff in Xihai, but you were expelled because of excessive violent law enforcement. Why did you appear here? "

Rafitt laughed and said, "I didn't expect someone to know me, but my nickname is nothing. I am here to recommend a capable pirate to you to inherit the vacant Shichibukai position."

Hearing Rafid’s unshakable remarks, everyone present was very dissatisfied. Everyone here is a well-known existence of Grand Line. You, a slightly famous guy who came out of the West China Sea, is not ashamed here. The attitude can be imagined.

Sengoku asked in an unfriendly tone: "Oh, who do you want to recommend?"

Rafit chuckled and said, "Of course it is our captain."

Doflamingo laughed loudly. "Fufuru, your captain? This is really the funniest joke I heard today. Where did your captain come from? Who knows your captain?"

Hearing Doflamingo's contemptuous words, Rafit's eyes flashed cold, but he did not get angry, but continued to laugh and said: "We are the Blackbeard Pirates, and the captain is Blackbeard."


Doflamingo laughed again and said: "I have never heard of it. I only heard of Whitebeard. I never know what else Blackbeard is. He is the guy who emerged from there, and he still wants to be Shichibukai?"

Rafit said: "Our captain used to be a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, but Whitebeard is old, so our captain left the Whitebeard Pirates and formed the Blackbeard Pirates."

Hawkeye suddenly said: "I heard that a few months ago, there was a major incident on the Whitebeard Pirates. The captain of the fourth division was almost killed by a member of the ship. The pirate who defected from the Whitebeard Pirates, right?"

The Saatchi in the original book was killed by Blackbeard, but now because of the Snow-snow Fruit that Ji Lingyun gave him, he saved his life at the last moment of the Blackbeard's sneak attack, but he suffered as a result. He was seriously injured, and an arm was severed by Blackbeard.

"Haha, yes." Rafit did not deny it, but continued to say to Sengoku: "The enemy's enemy is a friend. Our captain has become Shichibukai, and he will definitely be able to help a lot. What do you think, Marshal Sengoku."


Rambo, who had been sitting there without speaking, suddenly snorted and said: "A traitor who wants to be Seven Warlords of the Sea, is a big joke, Marshal Sengoku, with all due respect, such a person, I really I don't want to be on the same level as him. If he becomes Shichibukai, I will consider whether to give up his identity."


Doflamingo laughed and said, "Sword Demon boy, although I don't agree with you becoming Shichibukai, but in comparison, you are better than Blackbeard at 2.7, and I don't agree with him becoming Shichibukai."

After being opposed by Rambo and Doflamingo, the current Shichibukai, the smile on Rafit quickly faded, and he said with an ugly face: "It is not up to you to decide whether our captain can become Shichibukai, Marshal Sengoku, our Pirate Group But with great sincerity, I believe you will make the right decision."

Sengoku also has no good feelings for the Blackbeard Pirates, especially Rafid who forcibly enters the meeting room, so he said coldly, "I haven't seen your so-called sincerity until now. Could it be that the sincerity you said is a rash disturbance Has our meeting ended?"

(I made a mistake in the previous chapter, sorry, it has been corrected, Saqi is not dead, sorry!).

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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